Newspeak and social media is BS. I am sick of social media defining our culture. Once a Karenesque-Male threw a fit in a public farmer's market raging about "SJWs". This was a few years ago before so many people had heard about it and the right had twisted it around to mean something bad and turned it into an acronym. Everyone was thinking what the hell is an SJW? This asshole had been on social media. He was a freaking conservative internet/cell phone geek. First I was thinking it was some sort of Myers Briggs classification.
Ooh social justice warrior! This used to be an accolade given to the highest honors. Gandhi was a social justice warrior. Martin Luther King was one. How the hell did conservatives turn a compliment into something bad? Was it that little prick Ben Shapiro? Can't these sheep-people think for themselves or do they always have to be led by the nose by whoever uses the vaguest new term?
Gandhi wasn't a social justice warrior, new speaker. Gandhi didn't go around beating people up and harassing them for not thinking correctly. Neither did MLK. New speakers like you are what destroy America, lying and redefining history in your favor. Sheeple like you are attacking people who are woke to your bullshite!
Terms like "woke" and "SJW" used as insults are an attempt to get people to be against equality and justice or the struggle. Notice how they're used when a movie has a diverse cast or if there's a march against racism.
Meanwhile, they try to normalize hatred by calling white supremacists the more benign term alt-right.
I'm glad you picked up on it. Furthermore, conservatives use words to associate a negative with a group they want demonized or action they're against, too. Notice they repeat the term "socialist" and "radical" repeatedly with democrats. "Fake news" was associated with liberal and even mainstream news in order to get conservatives not to watch anything balanced or complete.
It's a form of brainwashing aka: thought control used by cults. Conservative media like Fox and Limbaugh's former radio show began using this technique a few decades ago.
The only moron is you since you're wrong. Decent people wouldn't use a euphemism for white supremacy.
It's an attempt at rebranding the image of white supremacy in order to make it more acceptable in the mainstream: business suits instead of white robes and hoods; alt-right instead of white supremacy or white nationalism.
The alt-right was coined by white supremacist Richard Spencer in 2010.
"Heidi Beirich tracks hate groups for the Southern Poverty Law Center. She thinks the term alt-right is just the latest way white supremacists have rebranded themselves since the Civil Rights Movement made their beliefs socially unacceptable.:
If you said I'm white supremacist, you weren't going to get talked to. So they rebranded to white nationalism in an attempt to still be in the conversation about politics in the United States. So it went from white supremacy to white nationalism and now from white nationalism to the alt-right or the alternative right.
It specifically ditches the term white - right? - and it puts right in there. And what white supremacists were doing was to say we are part of the conservative coalition. We are part of the right wing."
I'm sure you consider any group which fights hatred to be your enemy.
"...conservatives use words to associate a negative with a group they want demonized or action they're against, too. Notice they repeat the term "socialist" and "radical" repeatedly with democrats.
It's a form of brainwashing aka: thought control used by cults. Conservative media like Fox and Limbaugh's former radio show began using this technique a few decades ago."
Your repeated use of "Komrade" proves my point about conservative brainwashing techniques and your indoctrination.
Those like yourself who lack critical thinking skills and who easily accept obvious manipulation weaken the U.S..
More ridiculous, agenda driven drivel from our local, hateful communist. The SPLC is a hate organization so your argument is null and void. You're a joke.
Oh fucking god you moron, "alt-right" comes from the old text based news message board/list serves that could be downloaded on newsreaders like netscape. There were whole lists of "alt"s. It may be short for alternative but it just indicated a sub message board from the main one. Damn kids.
Because I know what you don't and have seen for myself with my very eyes. Makes sense. Ok what am I a "pawn" in and that you're not in? You were born in 2002 right?
MLK was a disaster for America... Civil Rights movement was a mistake and has enshrined racial, sex and sexuality differences in the US...
Civil rights legislation is the foundational document of America's new "progressive" caste system...
It is the reason there are no longer Americans, only sub-identities... Whites, African-americans, latinos, gays, trannies, jews, Asians, muslims, women, men, etc... No one is just American anymore, everyone relates to the state and to one another, legally, as a subtype in the caste system, whether in employment, in media, academia, sport, etc... You are legally, no longer allowed to be blind to such categories...
Probably even worse legacy than Gandhi, who accelerated partition of India, but that is a topic for another day...
I'm not American. I'm just analysing this as an outsider.
I don't think it is possible to repeal the civil rights changes in America now. Supreme Court is feminised and progressive. Even the nominally conservative judges are either female or progressive in civil rights terms. You'd get two votes MAX at that level.
At the parliament (congress/senate/house) level it is even worse. Nearly all are progressivists in terms of the civil rights movement. Can you imagine one of them saying anything contrary to civil rights movement or MLK, I can't?
Civil Rights changes really are the foundational document for the contemporary US empire. Even foreign policy is conducted on this basis now.
Hmm you must be a neo-nazi or some throwback imperialist Brexiteer that helped destroy the UK. Allowing black people to vote and not be segregated is a good thing. The civil rights struggle goes on. Police are murdering everyone all around the world. It is because they have been murdering more black people that we all may someday reap the benefits of this civil rights movement and be safer walking or driving down the street.
That’s great, because I ignore anyone who uses the dumbest insult of all time, “Karen”, or in your case, the somehow even dumber “Karenesque”.
I’ll never get over how stupid it is to use a random person’s name as an insult, and I’ll never stop laughing at the irony that for a bunch of people who supposedly take pride in being “non-racist”, they use this name as an insult to describe a stereotypical white woman throwing a if that isn’t racist? 🤣
Of course anyone with a brain knows how racist progressives truly are. It’s all they talk about. It’s all they live for. I couldn’t imagine living my life like that...waking up for the sole purpose of finding a new “-ism” to whine about anywhere they look.
Hence why I wrote -esque. Do you understand the meaning of the suffix? But I also know it as how you children understand it. I dunno Karen seems pretty powerful for those women that call the police on others when they are committing a crime themselves. There's a lot of them.
So basically magic playing videogame geek losers who have no lives shoved it down our throats.
“All of the examples I’ve seen until quite recently are lionizing the person,” Katherine Martin, the head of U.S. dictionaries at the Oxford University Press, said in an interview last month. Because “Social Justice Warrior” is currently only in Oxford Dictionaries — and not in the Oxford English Dictionary itself — lexicographers there haven’t done a full search for its earliest citation. But a cursory search for the phrase turns up several positive uses, spanning from the early ’90s through the early ’00s.
Baptist minister, the Rev. James Obey Sr.’s, 1992 obituary in the Houston Chronicle was titled, “Social justice warrior dies.” In 2007, “Social Justice Warrior” Monsignor David Cappo was honored with an award. And lawyer-turned filmmaker Ana Kokkinos told a newspaper reporter
But people who have not heard of social justice warriors may be a bit mystified by this insult. The name itself—social justice warrior—seems to refer to people who fight on behalf of society’s downtrodden. How can calling someone a social justice warrior be an insult?
Pre-2008, social justice warriors were connotatively champions of economic and social issues. According to the Washington Post, Canadian union activist Michel Chartrand was the first known person to be described as a social justice warrior in 1991.