I still consider Bush II the worst president of my lifetime
9/11 occured.
Straight away said it was an act of war and peddled the hijacked planes storyline. Tried to stop the 9/11 commission.
Said that 9/11 changed the rules and therefore a preemptive attack on Iraq was needed because we shouldn't wait for a surprise attack.
Reluctantly accepted that Bin Laden was the bad guy and agreed to a war in Afghanistan that failed to find Bin Laden.
But it was a "success" because it liberated the Afghani people and the terror training camps were gone.
Then went after Iraq anyway, despite the UN not authorising the attack as sanctions were working and Saddam agreed to inspections again. He didn't care.
500,000 killed.
A nation left without it's dictator and a civil war ensues. More killed. ISIS fills the vacuum.
I don't blame him for the recession that followed, that has more to do with deregulation that Clinton signed, but hey, he didn't undo that loosening of lending regulations.
With a trillion spent on wars and spying on US citizens, America wasn't in a great position when the recession hit.
Hurricane Katherine wasn't that bad. He got a bad rep for that.
That whole event was used as a scapegoating for his presidency.
But using 9/11 for a fake narrative about terrorists/dictators to create new wars and surveillance on US citizens was just too much.
Worst president ever.
Charing a veterans group a discounted $100,000 to attend and speak? Veterans his wars created?
Salt in the wounds.
Worst president ever.