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Interesting: Judge Releases Dominion Audit Report

Here's a link that includes the actual report:

There are a variety of articles that attempt to factcheck/debunk the report, but that don't present anything substantial, just claims. Hard to be sure which has merit. It could also have been a legitimate glitch, not something intentional.

My advice: never believe. Always question. This one's still open and inconclusive, but possible.

Regardless of the nature of the claim (intentional, human error, software glitch, etc.), and regardless of whatever really occurred (which we may never know), it's had real-world impacts to future election processes in that county:



The impetus behind the report was a reporting error in Antrim County [Michigan] on Election Night, which The Dispatch’s Alec Dent explained in an earlier fact check. “Antrim County revealed it had inadvertently misreported a number of votes in unofficial results, with state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox claiming that the error was due to ‘tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the votes.’ However, Michigan’s secretary of state announced that it was not a software issue, but ‘user human error’ that led to the misreporting, and clarified that ‘the correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape and on the ballots themselves. Even if the error in the reported unofficial results had not been quickly noticed, it would have been identified during the county canvass.’”
