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Why isn't there any responsibility being placed upon airlines for spreading the virus in the first place?

Why isn't there any responsibility being placed upon airlines for spreading the virus in the first place?

Police are firing on Spring Breakers in Florida right now but why didn't they do something to stop them flying down there in the first place?

Why is it that profits of the airlines are more important than 500,000+ lives? I can't understand why after everyone returned home why airline operations couldn't have been put on hold until the virus died down. I'm just putting this question out there in the hopes more people will begin to question it and that something sensible and wise might be done about the airlines and travelers. They are the ones spreading the virus and they are still spreading it.

What SO MANY PEOPLE do not seem to understand is this is an EXTREMELY contagious virus. It is many times more contagious and unlike the flu or cold it has a long incubation period where people are contagious for three or four days before they begin to experience symptoms. That's why countries have 10 - 14 day quarantine periods.

For all the idiots that think it is fake, I have had at least two friends who were denying it is real and who weren't wearing masks who are literally suffering from the virus now.


Because its racist to not let people travel where they want.

Whether it's covid or to engage in terrorism. We have to take the risk having open travel.

Trumps travel ban from china and countries that sponsor terrorism is racist according to Democrats


How about personal responsibility? Oh wait you're a liberal you don't believe in that concept
