Why is it the proudboys leader's wires are so freaking crossed?
He said he had no feeling for lawmakers that don't care about their constituents.
The lawmakers that do not care about their constituents are REPUBLICANS. Democrats are the ones who give us stimulus payments when Republicans allow pandemics to rage out of control. Trump denied his constituents aid after Hurricane Maria and 3000 Americans died. Trump caused his constituents food prices to go up by pushing out migrant workers who have been traveling here for centuries. (See the movie Cider House Rules). Republicans are the ones who created the income tax in 1918. Republicans are the ones who have been blocking a higher stimulus payment. Republicans are the ones who kowtow to corporations taking bribes to make corporations richer and have more power over us. Republicans are the ones in Texas who deregulated their constituents power grid leading to the power outages and blackouts after the polar vortex because they care more about the power companies than their constituents. Republicans are ALWAYS trying to screw their constituents while Democrats are always trying to help us. Think about this. The first thing Trump did when he got in office is give AMERICAN LAND under imminent domain to CANADIAN OIL companies. Then Republicans spew all this crap about needing oil. Hey when Obama took office America became less dependent upon foreign oil than for decades before. What's more is Canadian oil sands are the MOST EXPENSIVE OIL there is. It's democrats like AOC that care about not just her own constituents but Texans too when she raised $5 million in aid for them.
What's the matter with the minds of Republican voters anyway? Why are their wires so crossed? Trump HATES Americans. He LOVES the Russian government, the communist Chinese and even Kim Jong Un. Why did Trump pay taxes to China and keep bank accounts in China when he didn't pay taxes to the US except for in 2016 and only $750? BECAUSE HE DIDN'T CARE ABOUT HIS DAMN CONSTITUENTS THAT'S WHY!