Condemnation of riots is usually unspoken because it's automatically understood by all that it's wrong.
Bullshit. It’s not fact, it’s VERY spoken. And none of you would say a word about it EVERY time I asked you to condemn the summer BLM riots! You can’t walk it back now. I can’t tell you how many times I asked all of you if you would simply condemn this behavior, especially against innocent people. You can’t walk it back now all of the sudden. You didn’t condemn it then, and you don’t condemn it now. Because you defend your political party before innocent civilians. No way YOUR political party could do anything wrong, RIGHT?
I condemn rioting and hurting innocent people by all parties, right or left. You didn’t. And you don’t.
Not Biden, Harris or any democrat said something like that about any of the looters.
Bullshit. Several Democrats supported the rioting, and their tweets are all over the web, and Kamala Harris went as far, along with Hollywood celebrities like Seth Rogen, Steve Carrell, and Chrissy Teigen, to bail out rioters who had been arrested. Once again, all over the internet in their very own words. “BAIL them out!”