MovieChat Forums > Politics > Andrew Cuomo getting “Me Too’d” now...

Andrew Cuomo getting “Me Too’d” now...

It’s going to take a pretty big broom for the liberal media to sweep this one under the rug, but I’m sure they’ll try. Haha. They might be able to bury the nursing home deaths, but no one can escape “Me Too”, even if you’re the biased media’s proclaimed “pandemic hero”.

I’m sure all of those “Cuomosexuals” from the early days of the pandemic who were licking his ass all over the place are a little bummed out about this fall from grace.


Maybe it will get swept under the rug? No one seems to care on here, and the media is doing its best job to avoid reporting it.

The Emmy award winning liberal pandemic hero is a fraudulent lying sexual predator...I’m not surprised no one has anything to say about it on here and in the media. 🤣

Wonder if the hypocritical “tolerant” liberals will ignore this story as much as the murders and destruction during the BLM riots? You can bet if this was Ted Cruz it would be 24/7 news.


You forgot murderer of 1000s.


He probably is guilty of sexual harassment on more than 1 occasion but I hate the metoo movement.


I think the Me Too movement has gone way overboard too, to where all of the sudden if you accidentally bumped into a girl’s ass in 6th grade you are a sexual satisfaction out of all of this is just because it’s Cuomo, who was the media and liberal darling who could do no wrong, and took on the evil hated Donald Trump to the cheers of every bleeding heart out there during the early days of the pandemic...and it turns out Cuomo lied about so many deaths and is pretty evil himself, and now an accused sexual deviant.

And the media is barely talking about it. It’s unreal to me.


No one cares about your personal vendettas. Gaze at your Ted Cruz poster over your bed and imagine being in the arms of real power.


That sounds like something someone would say if they had nothing to say.

Dry your eyes. I’m sure he’ll be fine. The media will protect him. Crimes and horrible deeds only count in this country if you aren’t a Democrat.


No actually I condemned looting from BLM and antifa. So um no wrong. I condemn wrongdoings no matter what party they are affiliated with.


I’m glad at least one of you on this site does.


Condemnation of riots is usually unspoken because it's automatically understood by all that it's wrong.

Fox News and right-wing media took that and twisted it to mean that silence meant support. It's just not true.

That's why I don't care that right-wing media hosts didn't condemn the capitol riots. It was understood by most that it was wrong. What pissed me off was them trying to blame it on Antifa.

However, after the capitol was stormed, Trump told those involved to go home, and that he loves them. Not Biden, Harris or any democrat said something like that about any of the looters.


Condemnation of riots is usually unspoken because it's automatically understood by all that it's wrong.

Bullshit. It’s not fact, it’s VERY spoken. And none of you would say a word about it EVERY time I asked you to condemn the summer BLM riots! You can’t walk it back now. I can’t tell you how many times I asked all of you if you would simply condemn this behavior, especially against innocent people. You can’t walk it back now all of the sudden. You didn’t condemn it then, and you don’t condemn it now. Because you defend your political party before innocent civilians. No way YOUR political party could do anything wrong, RIGHT?

I condemn rioting and hurting innocent people by all parties, right or left. You didn’t. And you don’t.

Not Biden, Harris or any democrat said something like that about any of the looters.

Bullshit. Several Democrats supported the rioting, and their tweets are all over the web, and Kamala Harris went as far, along with Hollywood celebrities like Seth Rogen, Steve Carrell, and Chrissy Teigen, to bail out rioters who had been arrested. Once again, all over the internet in their very own words. “BAIL them out!”


the nursing home thing has been buried already, the news is has a new "squirrel" now, Texas.


Boylan's claim has been denied by Cuomo. Boylan didn't give the press any information on the exact date of the flight where she claims Cuomo kissed her (October 2017) She also has no witnesses to corroborate her story. Cumo's aid states there was no flight where Lindsey was alone with the Governor, a single press aid and a NYS Trooper.

Boylan didn't answer the press for comments.

The claim seems a little thin without something besides her word.

One thing for sure.. she is a beautiful woman!


I have no problem if a Dem makes mistakes and betrays the public trust and gets called out for it.
So will you do the same for your effing alt-wrong dick shits like Josh Hawley?
Please say yes.


They are not MY effing alt wrong “dick” shits.

I don’t know much about Josh Hawley, but yes, I will call out ANYONE who commits crimes against innocent people. COMMITS crimes...not for saying something “mean” or “offensive”. I’m not in the business of policing words and banning speech like the rest of the world seems to be these days.


Very sensitive. Oh my. Basically lost the ability to type coherently. Can we send you some tissues at least?


Good one, and solid contribution to the discussion too. The age old “need a tissue” comment. Pat yourself on the back for that one. “Oh my”. 🙄


Did you take your time writing the comment to not get all stiiffled?


Obviously hit a soft spot. so you tend to react harshly to your delicate sensitivities being offended?


I don’t have a soft spot. You’re the liberal. Shouldn’t you be out there trying to ban something that offends you, trying to steal other people’s income, or just being a complete hypocrite in general? Or how about being just like the mainstream media, and ignoring when someone sexually assaults a woman because they are the same political party as you?


It's very hypocritical. He'll say he doesn't police words and only cares about crimes when a right-winger like Hawley cheers on protests that turned into a riot at the capitol.

But if any democrat says absolutely nothing, no support, no disdain, for the riots that happened last summer, sut6432 goes full cancel culture on them.


Maybe he likes it. Just look how erect he can get:


Ah Joe, LCD?


Not sure what's up with his nips.


The rumors were flying a year ago that he had piercings.
