MovieChat Forums > Politics > He's SO CROOKED That Even Defense Attorn...

He's SO CROOKED That Even Defense Attorneys don't want to defend him in impeachment

Pedophile Crooked Donny Trump can't even get defense attorneys to back him.

Two of Trump's impeachment defense attorneys leave team less than two weeks before trial

It's a beautiful thing. Sun sun shiney days are on the horizon as the American people will be free from this scumbag.


What about Giuliani or Ted Cruz or any other lawmaker that were ex-lawyers? You said two so there must be more still on the team.


lol Giuliani is toast too. He's the one who called for violence. They're all going down, the whole crooked Republican swamp and it is about time. They did 9/11, allowed Bin Laden to attack us, drove us into two illegal wars over fake WMDs, caused the recession, denied Americans help during Hurricanes Katrina and Maria and caused the Great Pandemic. It's time to drain the swamp, and drain each and every one of those Wallstreet Republican crooks from Washington, D.C. 'oorah!


Ted Cruz was among the seditionists and he'll be booted too.


Starr and Dershowitz did a good job during the first impeachment. The others were not impressive. He's probably better off with a new team.


New team just dropped out. He's too crooked and indefensible.


Being that you're from Texas how do you feel about Biden protecting your land from more Canadian pipelines?

This land is your land: Local property owners in eminent domain battle


OP just comes in here to slander and lie.

Fuck off.


About two weeks ago on Alex Jones's Info Wars he was claiming John "Torture Memos" Yoo from the Bush Administration was bucking for the job. We'll see who Trump does end up with in the end. John Yoo may be all he's got left at this point. Yes, I do drop in occasionally on his website to see what's going on in Crazy Town.
