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There are two message boards for the same Documentary. The Power of Nightmares: Baby it is Cold Outside

This BBC documentary exposed the myth over Al Qaeda and exposes how the Deep State is truly the Right Wing aligned with the Military Industrial/Oil/Banking complex. It was censored in the United States for over 5 years since its inception in 2004 because the creators were so afraid of termination. It explains why we have the domestic terror organizations in the United States. It exposes everything and did so nearly 17 years ago. After watching it "conservatives" will see how Russian asset Trump IS and ALWAYS WAS (either unknowingly or knowingly) behind the Corona virus and why he made the leading most powerful democracy (ie. United States) into the most infected country country on Earth AND why he chose to sow division right up until his final moments as president and his departure on Air Force One. It's called the Great Reset.

The elites know that after their great recession they could turn the whole world upside down by turning over the US apple cart. As it is always said, "When America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold." So they decided to give the United States a wicked COVID19 virus, worse than any flu we've encountered. They know Conservatives (or in other words Republican leaders) drunk on power and wealth always act as their willing sycophants, or patsies, however you wish to see it.
When They (capital T intended) bombed the Madrid subway on March 11, 2004 the Spanish people did something totally and completely unexpected by the bombers. The Spanish voted to get out of the war. The Deep State talking heads from the United States for some reason had something to say about that. They said, "The Spanish learned the wrong lesson." That is incorrect. They made the right choice. They knew that if it were "Islamic terrorists" then their participation in the war made them vulnerable to terrorist attacks. They ALSO knew that if it were the Deep State intelligence Apparatus that actually did the bombing that voting to stay in the war would send a message to them that they can keep bombing people to get their way. The Spanish did the right thing.
And the American people woke up on November 3rd, 2020 and made a similarly correct choice when they voted out Donald Trump. It's time to wake up sleepy heads. The world will never look the same now. Thank God for Joe Biden who will free us from these nightmare makers.

Message Board 1

Message Board 2

A description of it can be found here:
The Power of Nightmares: Baby It's Cold Outside

You can watch this documentary here.
