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What are the most overpaid/underpaid professions?

My friend is the senior staff accountant for a regional fast casual chain. He clears about $65k. He just found out one of his coworkers who is 5-6 years younger who works in social media marketing makes $120k.

All he does is basically post Facebook ads. My friend busts his ass crunching numbers all day and makes half of what this guy does, pretty ridiculous.

What are some other examples of this?

I’d say most professionals are fairly reasonably compensated; doctors, lawyers etc.

Many CEOs make way more than they probably should for the amount of work they do, but that horse has been beaten dead.

Teachers are probably the most underpaid for what they do.


CEO pay is crazy.

If you're bored one day just read up on some history of it.

One of my favorite CEO Stories is former HP CEO Léo Apotheker.
It's a whopper of fun.

As with any subject you must bounce around to get a well rounded picture.

