MovieChat Forums > Politics > Does anyone even doubt there's a race mi...

Does anyone even doubt there's a race mixing agenda anymore?

You can't watch a single TV show without there being at least two mixed race couples in the commercial break.

What's sad is plenty of people think this is a good thing.


Well like in the Hunger Games books.When China locks everyone into camps after awhile all the people produced from it will likely be one color. So you should get use to it now.


But but but, if everyone is mixed, there can be no racists anymore. It'll blow the lefts mind out when they can't use the excuse 'we can't be racists because we're POC' since no more full whites exist, racism doesn't exist.


The problem there is that by the time there are that few whites, there's no more civilization. Whether they want to admit it or not, it's a white man's world and they're just living in it.



You haven't been paying attention



>I don't understand the difference between race and species.

There's the human species, comprised of several races.

Try again, shill.



Seriously, go shill elsewhere.


You and your 217 posts are not impressive, so don't tell someone to shill elsewhere. You're just a crappy interloper with a backwards and belligerent attitude.
But I'm glad you weren't hurt two days ago, even if you did break some windows and rifle through drawers. Hopefully nothing worse, but you never can tell with the alt/extreme right.


Go shill elsewhere.


So you think people should "stick to their own kind", is that it?




Multiracial couples are the future, embrace it. The white homogeny is on the way out.


There is no future without whites. Whites are a net plus to the economy to the tune of about 200 billion while POC are a net negative of about 600 billion.

Try finding a single instance of standard of living of a country improving by becoming less white. I'll wait.


You are conveniently ignoring the genocides perpetuated by whites, think Hitler for example and how all the world wars were started by whites.


What's happening to whites right now is genocide. The difference is whites are the reason modern civilization exists in the first place. You also act as if the people whites genocided only didn't do the same out of the goodness of their hearts.


So what is it about whites that you think lead to them making better societies?


Intellect, forethought and impulse control. The environments which Eurasians evolved in required much more of all three than the tropical sub-Saharan environments.


That no longer matters in a modern society.


Imagine being so brainwashed you think intelligence and forethought no longer matter

Jesus, man...


Imagine being so racist that you think whites are inherently more intelligent than non whites.


Imagine being so cucked that you think they aren't.

Literally no one denies a gap exists. The only thing liberals argue is that the gap is environmental when environment doesn't explain it and even when all other factors are equalized, the gap does not disappear.


Cucked again, huh? Seems your default position. Can't argue, so pull out the cucked insult. roll eyes, smh.


Lol, says the cuck.


Be nice! He has a fragile ego and I'm pretty sure he is special needs. Certainly no one could willfully be this ignorant?


Find a single study in which the gap disappears


I’ve posted about this and how I find it odd. But markerters want to check boxes.


Marketers are guiding society by socially conditioning the acceptance of multiracial couples. It is a good thing.


>Marketers want to check boxes

Not exactly


It is the future, embrace it. It is a necessary consequence of globalization.


There is no future, specifically due to globalization.

Globalization replaces people who build space shuttles with 'people' who build mud huts


It's not even realistic. I've never met a mixed-race couple, not even a gay one. Most couples in the real world are of the same or similar in race to each other. Inter-racial couples are super-rare, even in today's progressive society. And yet, if we went on what tv commercials had to say, you'd think all romantic couples would be people of two different races. What I have to say about that is Bull-shit!


Research has shown that mixed race couples, especially Black x White don't last longer either and white women tend to be treated badly by black men. So it is a dangerous thing to promote for the sake of agenda and virtue signalling.

You don't see many Trans people or even Gay ones either but on TV they seem to be everywhere. They are trying to normalize the abnormal.


Worse than that, white women who marry black men are 12x more likely to be murdered by their spouse.


Yep. As the expression goes "Once you go black, you don't get to come back".


Plus, if you talk to anybody, and ask them to envision their ideal mate, and 9 times out of 10, they're gonna envision a person who is of the same ethnic group as them.

My mom says the best chance you have at finding a mate and having a successful, long-term relationship, is to find someone as much like you as possible, with a few exceptions. (There's always that "opposites attract" thing, or yeah, you might very well find your true love in another ethnic group, just saying...)


I often wonder about these people who have kids with a different race. I think it is natural that you want the kid to look something like yourself or your immediate family. That must be a real let down for the grandparents to see their grandchild and think "wow, it looks nothing like us at all".

I work with a Pakistani guy who is married to an Italian woman. He is Muslim and she gave up wine and pork for him?! Those are big things for Italians, I don't get the idea that someone has to change their ways to make the other happy. Like converting religions etc.

I think opposites attract is more about personalities that can compliment each other like Ying and Yang. I don't think a non white man wanting a white woman as a status symbol which is common to be the same thing.


I 100% believe there is one, their wet dream is that everyone becomes the same colour because you know, people of the same skin colour have never fought against each other! (sarcasm in case it was missed).

In terms of TV and Movies it is also a convenient way to fill quotas. Rather than have to have a white couple, a black couple, Asian couple etc they get to halve the cast just by race mixing. Black Man and White woman was very popular to begin with but I have noticed Asian x Black now too.
