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House repubs block Dem/Trump $2k stimulus expected. It's just too much "pork" for repubs to get behind.


that was yesterday, they will vote again on monday, also only 900b goes to America, the rest of the 2.3 trillion goes to the rest of the world, dems seem to be ok with this...


It's an omnibus. The stuff going to the rest of the world is the separate spending bill that Trump already approved, but is being combined with the covid stimulus bill.


” WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on Thursday she will summon lawmakers back to work on Monday to vote on a bill that increases COVID-19 stimulus payments to $2,000.

“On Monday, I will bring the House back to session where we will hold a recorded vote on our stand-alone bill to increase economic impact payments to $2,000,”
Pelosi said in a statement, adding that she urged Republican President Donald Trump to sign legislation that funds the U.S. government and offers COVID relief funding to American businesses and families.

Witch Nancy is taking credit for the $2000.00? Give me a break. Why then did she sign off on a measly $600? Trump is the one who wanted $2,000 for people.

”Trump asks for COVID-19 stimulus checks to be increased to $2,000 per person
He calls the $600 checks "ridiculously low."

”US President Donald Trump criticized on Tuesday the COVID-19 stimulus bill passed by Congress the day before, saying it won't provide enough money in a second stimulus check for Americans affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Trump asked Congress to take the bill back and increase the size of the second stimulus check to $2,000 per person.

"I am asking Congress to amend this bill and increase the ridiculously low $600 to $2,000. Or $4,000 for a couple," Trump said, adding that the $900 billion stimulus bill took "forever" to pass. He made the comments Tuesday evening in a video posted to his own Twitter account.

The following shows how shallow Biden is and not fit to be president. But, hey this is y’all’s guy.

'Abdication of responsibility': Biden blasts Trump for $2,000 stimulus check demands.

”For a third time, President Trump has called for a $2,000 second stimulus check instead of the $600 maximum, complicating an already fraught process to bring America COVID-19 relief. President-elect Joe Biden has called Trump out.


You're going in circles.

Me: The House GOP blocked the democrats' $2k bill the dems wrote and Trump pushed for.

You: But Nancy said yes to a $600 bill. Why would she do that if she supports $2k?

Me: If the House GOP blocks the $2k bill, what more can Nancy Pelosi do? People need what they can get right now.

You: But Nancy could've passed $1200 before the election.

Me: Before the election, Mitch said he did not trust Pelosi and believed any legislation put forth by her was an attempt to delay ACB's confirmation.

You: And now Witch Nancy is taking credit for Trump's push for $2k! She supported $600 and so does Biden.

Me: You know there is nothing Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden can do to surpass the GOP's hardline $600 maximum. But you'll criticize them for going along with it at a time when people need money to stay in their homes and feed themselves.


the GOP is only blocking because of all the added pork, not because of the payment amount. nancy was ok with 600 and now she approves 2000? the dems don't care about the amount going to Americans, they just want the bill to pass so they can get money for their state and payoff foreign countries. only 1/3 of the stimulus only goes to America, the rest goes to the rest of the world...if America stopped funding foreign governments, I bet we would debt free and have healthcare for all in one year.


Thank you! Thank you! You succinctly wrote the facts. I have a tendency to be too verbose.


thanks! your post is great too as it includes all the facts and quotes.


Lol, Trump lost.


The pork is in the separate government funding bill that opens the government until September 2021.

Nancy was ok with 600 because it's either 600 or zero according to Mitch.


I may be “going in circles” as you wrote, but there’s a major point I was trying to make, but was unable to bring it to mind. Then it hit me! Here’s the explanation to your statements below. The Democrats control Congress! The GOP can’t block a Pelosi bill if ALL the Dems voted for it! So, you can blame the House GOP all you ain’t gonna fly if the Dems were in unison! Y’all are again playing the blame game. It’s was the same when Obama ruled by fiat. You blamed the GOP, completely ignoring the Dems had all 3 branches of government the first 2 years of the Obama administration!

”The House GOP blocked the democrats' $2k bill the dems wrote and Trump pushed for.”

”If the House GOP blocks the $2k bill, what more can Nancy Pelosi do? People need what they can get right now.”


"Then it hit me!"

One little google search would've told you the GOP can reject a unanimous consent request, which is what they did. But that's just not the kspkap way now is it?

But then it hit me! Reality doesn't matter to kspkap. It's more fun for kspkap to imagine democrats voting against it to deny people money. It's more fun to imagine dems filled it with imaginary pork. Now that's the kspkap way.


You may call me ignorant. That is your choice. But, I’m smart enough to be aware relief for the American people could have done on ONE page! You don’t wring your hands attempting to decide what can be done to hurt Trump more! The relief bill should have been the ONLY item to discuss. They doled out billions to other countries and Trump may have played a part in doing so which would be wrong.

All I know is people are hurting and your precious Nancy waited until after the election. Do I have to remind you she admitted to that fact. She showed her bitch colors when she ripped apart the State of the Union address last January like a spoiled brat would do. She should be ashamed to even think of only $600.00. $600.00 is nothing when you’ve been out of work or lost your business. Lord Fauci and the damn Democrat mayors and governors are the reason the country is tanking due to them shutting down everything. Use the billions spent to fully compensate what people have lost. If the government forced them out of work and their income was 30K, 50K, 100K give that amount to them. Give us a tax waiver. I cashed in a $5000.00 life insurance policy to pay bills and the IRS made me pay $1,000 in tax for that policy!

But, not one of you have blasted that SOB Cuomo for being responsible for thousands of deaths when he ordered Covid-19 patients into nursing homes. A hospital ship was docked to take the hospital’s everyday patients. It wasn’t equipped for Covid-19 patients, but he ordered the virus patients to be admitted on there also!


"All I know is people are hurting and your precious Nancy waited until after the election."

How quickly you forget we had this conversation. I even had you admitting McConnell rejected Nancy's legislation. You said Mitch blocked didn't like it because of pork you made up in your head. Now you're back to saying Nancy waited until after the election.

In remarks at a closed-door Senate GOP lunch, McConnell told his colleagues that Pelosi (D-Calif.) is not negotiating in good faith with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and that any deal they reach could disrupt the Senate’s plans to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court next week. Republicans have voiced concerns that a stimulus deal could splinter the party and exacerbate divisions at a time when they are trying to rally behind the Supreme Court nominee.

In October, dems had a chance to delay ACB by overloading the senate with legislation. Mitch assumed any stimulus legislation was for that reason.


” Now you're back to saying Nancy waited until after the election.

It came out of her own mouth!

”Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) couldn't help herself while speaking in the House chamber on Monday as she claimed religious believers in Congress have told her that due to their faith, they don't believe in the science to stop COVID-19.”

”This comes after Pelosi admitted to blocking a critically-needed COVID-19 relief bill for months until after the 2020 presidential election, especially since Joe Biden was declared the winner.”

Truth be told...there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. It’s tit for tat!

“The House tried to pass the $2,000 payments during a pro forma session on Christmas Eve day, a brief meeting of the chamber where typically only a few members attend. Democrats aimed to approve the measure by unanimous consent, which means any one lawmaker can block it.”

”Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., offered the proposal from the House floor, but was blocked because the measure was not approved by House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

Subsequently, Rep. Rob Wittman, R-Va., attempted to get lawmakers to reconsider aspects of the spending bill related to foreign aid. That move was blocked by Democrats.


If only we had a president who spent the last month pushing the GOP to support $2k checks.

Instead we got a crybaby whining about Dominion, krakens, Hugo Chavez and Venezuela.

Instead we got an idiot who thought veto meant he could sign the bill but use a red pen to mark out everything he doesn't want in it.

Instead we got an idiot who didn't know that everything he red-lined was approved by his executive branch.

Thank god America corrected that mistake in November.


“Mr Trump also baulked at the annual aid money for other countries in the federal budget, arguing that those funds should instead go to struggling Americans.”

Trump is playing right into the Dems game book! He signed the Relief Bill which includes the paltry $600 for struggling people. Afterwards he redlined what he wanted and didn’t want then sent it back to Pelosi. She jumped on it and will change the $600 to the $2,000. She looks good, the Dems look good for agreeing to the $2,000! Trouble is Pelosi knows it will die in the Republican controlled Senate. The paltry $600 is akin to throwing bread crumbs at the masses. But, hell the Dems got what they wanted...billions going to other countries.


The only way we're getting a $2k stimulus is if dems win Georgia and control the Senate.

If McConnell remains majority leader, we will not get it no matter what "pork" they remove. To McConnell and Mnuchin, the $2k IS the pork.


I have a feeling Mitch is getting heat from Trump even though Trump is a lame duck. I hope the Republicans remain control of the Senate. We need the checks and balances. Don’t concern yourself about Mitch. If he doesn’t pay heed to Trump, others in the party will beholding his feet to the fire. He just may find himself hanging on by his fingernails.

As a rule I’m against government hand-outs, but if something isn’t done and done quickly we could be heading into a 1929 type depression. Whether you choose to believe it or not, the Dems loaded this relief bill with billions going to their pet projects. A Pakistan gender study is relief for thousands who are suffering in this country? Kennedy Center For The Arts is relief for thousands who are wondering how they are going to survive?

$2000 isn’t enough to ward off the tanking of this country. We all thought the first dole out was just enough to tide people over, but next month will be a year. March was when everything turned upside down. The Dems along with many Republicans need to forget about foreign aid and everything else which isn’t necessary to keep the country working. I’ve always been a deficit hawk, but at this time the deficit has to be put on the back burner.

Some will say this is Socialism, but not so! It is the survival of people and of this country. A few months back someone, can’t recall who, stated if the country continues to be shut down, businesses closed and never to return, we will come to the point where the country won’t recover. Do you foresee bread lines? I do.

Finally, we need to cease blaming this one or that one. They are all playing games of “Gotcha!”. Mitch and others may be as enept as Pelosi. As I said there isn’t a dime’s worth of difference between them. They need to stop this game of back and forth football with people’s lives. People aren’t just hurting...they are desparate which could lead to sights far worse than what we’ve witnessed this year.


Mitch is the republican party. Trump has always known it. The one and only reason Trump brought up $2k was because Mitch pissed him off by accepting that Biden won the election.

Trump could've been pushing for $2k for well over a month. Trump could've also exposed Mnuchin as the guy behind the $600 limit. Trump was too busy carpet-bombing the intellectual landscape with conspiratorial nonsense. Mitch like so many others are tired of that BS harming the GOP. So any left-wing idea that Trump supports won't mean squat to Mitch. Mitch knows what got him where he is, which is doing the opposite of whatever dems call for.

But don't you worry, kspkap. When Mitch declines $2k, you'll find a way to give him a pass and blame dems.


Apparently you didn’t read my post prior to this:

” But don't you worry, kspkap. When Mitch declines $2k, you'll find a way to give him a pass and blame dems.

And, I don’t give him a pass! It wasn’t the $2K he refused to sign, it was all the other junk! But, you just can’t seem to grasp most of the fault lies at the Dems feet. Why couldn’t Pelosi and the gang present a stand alone bill for relief followed by a bill which keeps the country running? Why can’t you see the Dems are/were responsible for not sending a bill to the Senate which Mitch would advance.

If Pelosi had just sent a stand alone bill with the much needed “$2000.00, Mitch wouldn’t have a leg to stand on!


"Why couldn’t Pelosi and the gang present a stand alone bill for relief"

They did before you replied. Bernie is trying his damnedest to get Mitch on board with it by scaring Mitch into thinking its rejection will cause Loeffler and Perdue to lose, which it very well could.

This is the work dems are doing to get $2k to the people who need it. All we get from republicans is no. We'll hear Trump call for $2k, and we'll hear people like you complain about Pelosi supporting $600, but we'll never hear Trump or you point the finger at Mnuchin who came up with the $600 in the first place.


Again you assume too much, but in so doing you let me know Mnuchin‘s part in the $600 figure. Therefore I’m pointing my finger at him. Now is not the time to think about the deficit. People are hurting. When Trump blasted the $600 amount, I would say he was pointing the finger not only at Pelosi & Mitch.

You still don’t understand what I’m attempting to get across. Before Trump signed the bill, before debating the bill, Pelosi should have insisted on a stand alone bill...tabled the omnibus until the relief bill was signed. You completely deflect and dismiss all the pork the Dems added to the bill. If she had sent the stand alone it would have been signed and people would be getting the funds.

You completely dismiss her statement referring to her wanting to wait until after the election!

If you care to see the “pork” some of it is as follows:

”Exhibit A: "Of the funds appropriated under title III of the Act that are made available for assistance for Pakistan, not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs and not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for gender programs." Yep. $10 million. For gender programs. In Pakistan.

Exhibit B: Funds for "Resource Study of Springfield (Illinois) Race Riot." That riot occurred in (checks notes) 1908.

Exhibit C: "Statement Of Policy Regarding The Succession Or Reincarnation Of The Dalai Lama." We'll just leave that one there.

Exhibit D: There's actually a commission tasked with educating “consumers about the dangers associated with using or storing portable fuel containers for flammable liquids near an open flame."

Exhibit E: Another $40 million will be allocated "for the necessary expenses for the operation, maintenance and security" of The Kennedy Center, which received $25 million in another COVID-19 relief bill earlier this year. Also in a related story, the Kennedy Center has been closed.

Exhibits F, G, H, I, J: $86 million for assistance to Cambodia


$130 million to Nepal, $135 million to Burma, $453 million to Ukraine, $700 million to Sudan.

Exhibit K: The bill creates a Women's History Museum and an American Latino Museum as part of the Smithsonian. Overall, the Smithsonian gets (checks notes again) $1 billion.

You get the idea. It's the oldest trick in Washington: Take a bill that symbolically is overwhelmingly supported by the American people on its title alone (COVID-19 relief for those struggling due to the pandemic). Then attach every pet project possible, in this case by combining it with an omnibus spending bill, and away we go.

Then there's the gall of Pelosi, who politicized this process in stalling negotiations since the summer with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin until after the election to ensure her party’s presidential nominee got past the finish line.”


That spending bill was already approved by Trump's executive branch. The problem is Trump was too stupid to realize all that spending was in a bill he's going to sign anyway. It doesn't matter because his supporters will never put that together.

But after Trump complained about the spending in the "stimulus" bill, the dems brought everyone back in and made a separate $2k bill JUST AS TRUMP ASKED THEM TO DO.

Pelosi passed this standalone bill. Mitch combined it with two poison pills to try and make it fail.

Also, Pelosi passed the HEROES Act last summer which Mitch claimed was dead before it was even voted on in the senate.

It's clear you have Pelosi Derangement Syndrome.


You are correct! I cannot tolerate the drama queen witch. Her contemptuous action in ripping apart a president’s State of the Union address was beyond the pale. She needs to be bitch slapped. It was childish and all for show. Can you for one second get out of your hate Trump, love Nancy mode in order to understand a Republican doing this would be shamed into the ground! If Boehner or Ryan had done this to Obama I would have felt embarrassed for either one. I would have cringed! A scarlett letter would have been virtually painted on either one’s back!

BTW, those two poison pills you referred to are important and need to be addressed, but not lumped in with the relief package. Pass the bill Mitch and live to fight another day Section 230 and Election Integrity. But, after listening to Mitch on the floor just now maybe the 2K should be targeted to those who are desperate. If no loss of job, business, or income maybe we need to think twice about a universal pay out.


The House passed the standalone bill with no pork AS ASKED BY TRUMP, but to you Pelosi is a drama queen witch who needs to be bitch-slapped.

Mitch refused to let it go to a vote, and because of it YOU found a way to backpedal away from $2k checks that you spent weeks slamming Pelosi for not supporting! LMAO.

Now you know why Pelosi didn't push for $2k checks by herself. If Trump didn't push for $2k, and the dems did, the entire GOP would call them commie marxist socialists. But because Trump did it first, the House had the ability to avoid that stigma.

But even though Trump did call for $2k with no strings, and dems followed his lead, because Mitch canned it you found a way to agree with the GOP no matter what they did and find a way to slam democrats.

That's exactly the kspkap way I was describing above.


Remember when Trump wanted a measly 5 billion for border security and Nancy said no? The dems have approved 5.5 trillion in one year!

oh the hypocrisy! lol


Why yes, I do remember. I recall a global pandemic ransacking the economy and basically making 2020 the worst year of everyone's lives.

But immigration is just as much of a problem to you as the global pandemic, right?


You can thank your new Chinese Overlords for the pandemic, it was convenient of them to release it during an election year. You have less than 30 days to complain about Trump. Better get it all out now.


Disasters help presidents win re-election. The war on terror helped Bush, and Hurricane Sandy helped Obama.

The pandemic didn't help Trump because he downplayed it. The damn fool ended up campaigning against himself, lmao.


Great Post!


Hurricane Sandy? haha, I have to lolz at that.


Kspkap said Hurricane Sandy won Obama re-election.


Having closed borders during a global pandemic is the right call unless you want more mutated strains of this virus coming in


If the country needs to be wise with it's budget, I don't think building a Wall is very smart.
If the country needs stimulus, and we have the resources to do it, we should.
F the f-ing wall. At least try to help the average American and not hide behind anti-immigration stances that cannot be supported by current practices.
WE CARE about other people, that's a good thing, a fundamental principle this country was founded on.
Pubs these days want to side step this like it's an inconvenient truth.


Pork that does not go to their rich owners.
What surprises me is that Trump wants the $2k, or maybe he is just saying that to continue to screw with America.


Of course they did because they're assholes.
And it's not just the House GOP, there were six Republicans in the Senate that even voted against the $600 stimulus checks: Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.), Rand Paul (Ky.) Rick Scott (Fla.), Ron Johnson (Wisc.), Mike Lee (Utah) and Ted Cruz (Texas).
Face it, Republicans just hate poor people and the thought of poor people getting any sort of financial relief (during an economic recession caused by a global pandemic mind you) just infuriates their social Darwinist ideology.


Democrats in the House just submitted a new stimulus bill for $2,000. Got that?


Perhaps there's a chance dems can use it to win Georgia and pass it in the Senate, but I'm not holding my breath.


Dems are leading right now in Georgia, and ironically enough some Republicans are telling their peers to boycott the election. I sure hope Georgia wakes up, but mostly that they stop blocking Black voters.


that would be messed up if we got 600,000 instead of 600. that would screw up inflation pretty bad.


Yup. It may feel pretty good for a few weeks, but then your rent increases to $1 million and the fun is over.
