Proof of time travel?
this ..
had to be based off of this ...
this ..
had to be based off of this ...
Ok, that made me laugh. That was funny.
shareThat's funny because I've been hearing people refer to her as something out of an SNL skit.
This comment made me wonder though:
11 hours ago (edited)
“Maybe I’ll take a quick drink to calm my nerves...”
28 drinks later...
As a society, we need to stop taking these kooks so seriously. They used to be placed in mental hospitals when they couldn't distinguish reality from fantasy and it was called psychosis. Trump, his death cultists and Q-Anon are psychotic and we need to treat them as such.
shareI mean, they are the same kooks that buy into an evangelical speaking in tongues. It's a common type of amygdala dysfunction affecting about 30% of the population.
shareTaken off the QAnon loony bin assembly line. Also, of that clip was referencing the future Ellen/Elliot Page there.
shareGuess I'm not the only one who saw the similarity..