MovieChat Forums > Politics > Article explains why Bidens win is suspi...

Article explains why Bidens win is suspicious

Basically the results when matched with historical behavior analysis and matching of similar demographics in 2020, shows that Bidens victory is inexplicable.

He had exactly the votes needed when he needed them as if by magic.

Trump increased his vote by millions over 2016 and increased his margins among black and Latino voters. On paper, that should mean a bigger win.


whats also interesting, most all of bidens votes came in the next day...I find it hard to believe that 99% of mail-in and absentee votes were for biden. biden also complained of voter fraud before the election but now claims there was no voter fraud...interesting?


I think Trump losing the popular vote means that many don't care.


" I find it hard to believe that 99% of mail-in and absentee votes were for biden"

Trump was telling everyone to not use mail-in ballots and Biden was telling everyone to use them. Therefore it is not surprising at all.


You've got Georgia Republicans now saying they won't vote in the run off because, as they've been told, it's rigged. So there's no point in voting.

So when the Republican vote is significantly down in the run off compared with November, Trumpites will claim that the anomaly proves that the run off is rigged.

Meanwhile Republican party officials in Georgia are desperately trying to convince voters that it's not rigged and that they must make their vote count in the run off.


It is wild isn't it. Watching the republicans destroy themselves is comical. The right wing information ecosphere is so deranged now. After decades of Rush limbaugh lies and Fox news propaganda it isn't surprising that right wingers believe all this deep state shit.

What no one is talking about is how Trump was throwing around all the claims about the election being rigged before the 2016 election as well.


if republicans voted in person and democrats voted by mail, and if trump slowed down the mail then how did all the democrat ballots make it to the polling station to be counted? dems said that trump was going to cheat to win and biden said he would lose by voter fraud, you cant claim cheating and then when you win say there was no cheating. even all the democrat cities boarded up their windows and doors because they were expecting mass carnage and looting. even hillary told biden not to concede because this election was rigged.

dems are now saying this is most honest election in 300 years, even when they claimed trump cheated to win in 2016.

oh the hypocrisy and irony!


Why can't the smartest Republicans on the planet prove fraud in a court of law? Trump put more right leaning Federal judges in the system than any other.

Is Democratic party just that much smarter?🤔

If they are ..well damn I'm going from a moderate to a full fledged liberal.


Untraceable mail in ballots? That's how you steal an election.


They have to be traceable to a actual living person to be valid.


Did you read the article? Envelopes separated from voting ballots.


How many mail in ballets in PA alone? 5million or something? Of course there is going to be irregularities.

But your talking MASSIVE amounts of irregularities to reverse the final tally. Republicans would have evidence and would have proved it in court.


" Why can't the smartest Republicans on the planet prove fraud in a court of law?"

The Trump camp has filed 40 lawsuits. They have lost 39 of those cases. The one win was asking the court to permit the observers to do something they were already allowed to do.

There is no voter fraud and everyone knows it. Even Trump does. This whole trump fund raising to fight this is to pay off his campaign debt and fund further endeavors.

It is comical watching people believe Trump's bullshit.


The morons beleiving hes doign a good job, whatever, its bullshit.
Its all bloody limited, you have to do all the social distancing mask bullshit, Thats the future.
Get ready for something big. Something big is going to happen.They are goign to create some bullshit and thaats when
the big V will be rolled out. We dont need to wear masks anymore! The only time you have to wear mask is when you go into the schools and shit and people have to wear masks inside teh stores.


"Article" lol.

Opinion piece by the director of the "Democracy Institute" - aka the tobacco lobby think tank.

From the guys who brought you "Every attempt to discourage smoking is futile so let's stop discouraging smokers"


You people still trying to push this? Security experts have confirmed there's been no significant voter fraud. Judges have thrown out lawsuits all over the country. Trump himself hasn't produced any evidence.



It's not surprising. What else can they do? Admit to themselves that Trump blew it? Now they know how the Clinton supporters felt in 2016.


Jesse summed it up the best imo.


Imagine believing Biden got more votes than Obama. Lmao!!!


It's very simple. Trump as usual got conservatives to vote for him, but his response to covid got too many centrists to vote against him.


If 90% of all Jorgensen voters in Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia had gone for Trump he might very well have been able to pull out at least one or two of those states, if not all of them. People are also forgetting the very common phenomenon of "undervote". People could vote down ballot for everything else, but decide nobody really deserved their vote for president and simply leave the top spot blank. Or they could do the opposite and vote for nothing except the President. People can simply be too disinterested in voting the President, or may ONLY want to vote for president. Another factor... A LOT of first time voters due to mail-in ballots and the massive turnout. All these factors could easily account for the Republicans fairly strong showing in down ballot races while still losing Presidency. But hey, who want to accept that when Conspiracy Porn is so much sexier?


Agreed. It feels like many of the people who talk lightly about fraud and "isn't it weird how Biden..." are just sucking on copium gas until the pain blows over.


Right, nobody wanted to accept climate change as reality either.
