The most black thing a black can do is use the N word
Anyway other race? Not allowed. Therefore the fact that blacks can use it in music or speech, is a statement of blackness.
Anyway other race? Not allowed. Therefore the fact that blacks can use it in music or speech, is a statement of blackness.
There are white people who use it correctly and are never told they can't use it. You say you're not allowed because you only know how to use it incorrectly. That's on you, buddy.
shareTell us the fucking rules then, WokeTard!
shareBlack culture uses the n word like white culture uses the word dude. It goes beyond race when used in normal conversation. White people who are already cultured to use the n word will use it with their white friends and don't give a shit about what race the recipient is.
That's not you. If it was, you wouldn't be whining that you can't use it.
Now that's a real Blue Ribbon load of bull shit.
I've seen white people use the n word around white people and around black people.
The bullshit is your inability to believe it happens.
Ultra white guilt explaining how to use the N-word. 🤪🤪🤪
Go watch Rush Hour. Even Jackie Chan can't use it as a term of endearment.
And yet it makes the point that any stranger, regardless of how amiable and sincere they are being, is completely irrelevant when using the word.
I mean, that was only obvious, wasn't it? How clueless or ignorant are you? I mean, fuckin' ell. What a pillock.
There are white people who use it correctly and are never told they can't use it. You say you're not allowed because you only know how to use it incorrectly. That's on you, buddy.
shareumm okay...
shareWhy is everyone so scared to say nigger or nigga/uh? If you're using it in the right context without racial intent, it should be fine. Some still say negro as well.
I remember a Lil' Wayne concert where this white girl was on stage rapping the lines of his song until it had the lyric nigga in it and everyone chastised her for saying it even though they themselves said it along with Lil' Wayne. Talk about hypocrites. If you're reaching a broad audience with your content, don't add things others will use. [Sorry it was Kendrick Lamar]
In the end, blacks are the only race to take a derogatory word to use amongst themselves further perpetuating a void of intelligence rather than just 'taking back' the word then being violent or angrily demeaning anyone else not of their race on using it (not all are like that but a good portion are). You don't see Asians going FU chink/gook or wuts up my (expletive) or whites with cracka/yankee.
As the saying goes, sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
"If you're using it in the right context without racial intent, it should be fine."
Exactly. If you want to say it just because you want to say it to black people, that's kinda messed up. But if that's the lingo you want to use with your friends, there's nothing stopping you. Though I disagree with saying the hard "er". There's too much racial interpretation there.
It's even more messed up imo with blacks saying it to each other. It's like they're demeaning themselves further than what it was already intended by other people that are non-black (namely white). Nigga carries the connotation of homie/bro/brutha/dude and is used mostly by the lower caste of society although some of them get into the higher caste due to their 'artistry'.
I used to use nigger as a type of swear word in general (non-race affiliated use) but I only said it in my own room and to myself in online competitive play (non-mic'd) but have since stopped using it for reasons unknown. It just gradually dropped off from the vocab list in the swear jar. Could be from the all the liberal stuff I watch :p. Note that I only use it here because the topic is talking about it.
Frankly I think they should just get rid of the word entirely or people just stop using it as some 'thang'. Less use of it and eventually it'll fall out of favor from the limelight and would only be used by actual racists but time and time again the Rap genre will revive it, maybe even some comedians. Like a perpetual invisible chain from a remnant past.
Most people and employers want to avoid lawsuits for discrimination so that explains why use of the word is not tolerated. A manager at a company where I worked was fired for saying that effing n-word after dealing with a difficult customer. A black employee witnessed her utter the word and complained to human resources. Michael Richards' career was derailed after he used the n-word multiple times in a comedy club rant. I would like the same punishments meted out to all races for use of the n-word.
The less the word is promoted in media via music or other forms of entertainment, the less people will use it as a swear word or other forms of non-racial intent (wudup). Sadly we'll never see it come to fruition as long as blacks themselves keep promoting it to the masses.
sharePost like these make me miss the boards on IMDB more and more...
shareA black? Left out one word. Person. A black person, if you don’t want to sound like you’re on the way home from a klan meeting, that is.
Nitwit. There’s another N word.
It's not offensive in Spanish to say "un negro".
shareIt's not offensive in Spanish to say "un negro".
I mean Intothenight...
ya he claims to be Spanish as an excuse, then writes in perfectly fine English. hes done it before in another post calling them "the blacks".
hes jut a garbage person
Not to you anyway, maldito idiota!