MovieChat Forums > Politics > How many of you have left Fox News?

How many of you have left Fox News?

Now that the right have labelled Fox News as 'left' leaning after kissing Trump's butt for so long, how many of you have left Fox News and switched into further right-wing fringe news outlets like Newsmax and OANN? The new bubble/echo chamber/safe space where all your viewpoints are singular and agreed upon.


Having so much fun watching newsmax....
Not singular points...just a lot more common sense and patriotism.

The real reason why people cant stand Democrats is because their ideas are too radical. They have thrown common sense and patriotism out the door.


Name one radical and unpatriotic idea.


Raising minimum wage to $15 an hour so that there's nothing but big corporate business. Having the government pay for free college which isn't free at all because it will involve raising every working person's taxes to pay for it. Requiring everyone to have insurance or pay a fine to the government which was thankfully gotten rid of. Getting rid of air travel and cars and building a nationwide monorail.


If you say so.

What the f- makes those unpatriotic?

You do realise that big corporations are the ones who get the big govt bail outs and tax breaks don't you?



"Tax Cut !"
"Oh, great !"
"Not for you, for corporations."
"Oh, I guess that's good, too."
"We promise it will help you eventually."
"All lower taxes is good."
"We will have to cut services like libraries and education."
"That's alright, we don't need them."
"What about programs for the poor?"
"Nope, don't need those either. We just want lower taxes. It sounds so great !"


"Raising minimum wage to $15 an hour so that there's nothing but big corporate business. "

they did it her win my province. amazing how there "isn't nothing but big business"

"Having the government pay for free college which isn't free at all because it will involve raising every working person's taxes to pay for it."

amazing how everyone paying for free primary school isnt horrible and unpatriotic, but ensuring an educated workforce after that is...

"Getting rid of air travel and cars and building a nationwide monorail."

can I get what you re smoking!


You probably live in an urban area. Us rural people need a lower minimum wage to have a livelyhood. Also you are a fool because you think the billionaires and millionaires can all just pay for that free college. Also I was referring to the New Green Deal with the nation wide monorail which does have that in it and Kamala Harris and the majority of the democrat party supports that.


no I dont. try again.

"Also you are a fool because you think the billionaires and millionaires can all just pay for that free college. "

its called spending priorities. 20 billion in oil company subsidies, 24 billion in farm subsidies. trump did 24 billion for soy farmers. military spending keeps jumping insane amount. billions dodging taxes and amazon paying zero in federal taxes. and you call me stupid? please shut your mouth



I am through. I am a conservative and you are a liberal and we will never agree politically.


its simple economics. Spending more than take in. spending abunch on some things and not others. in other words spending priorities.

you are wrong. but you are trained to defend the rich and their tax cuts and hope for the crumbs. that's sad


Just drop it. It's pointless to talk to you.


I know I live in reality and base my opinion off facts. you base it off whatever the party tells you and your feelings


The heath care mandate fine is radical..never in history were people forced to buy insurance or pay a fine.

Defund the police is a racial idea

Drivers licenses for all illegal aliens is a racial idea

Nation wide lock downs are radical

Negotiating with BLM is radical

Green new deal is radical

About 35 antifa members lined up on election day, i don't think they were voting trump, so I consider them a radical Democrat group

In cali years ago the liberal dems worked to pass a law saying if you knowingly infect someone with aids, you can no longer be brought up on charges...that is not only.radical.but crazy.

In cali as well the dems passed a law saying if a girl is caught prostituting younger the 18 or something , the charge cannot go on their permanent record.
The liberals were saying it looked bad during job application time when they matured and got older.

You can go on and on..

Bottom line when Democrats make deals around the world. 95% of the time it's the u.s. footing most of the bill or taking the brunt of the deal.


If you say so.

But you forgot to explain how they are unpatriotic.


They believe in policies like removing symbolic statues.

They belive its offensive to have American flags flying in courts and schools

They leave out words of the pledge of allegiance

They hate American holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas

For awhile there was a saying going around ,Democrats care more about illegal aliens than the American citizen


If you say so.

Oh by the way.

"Who gives a shit about Christmas stuff?!" - Melania Trump


Christmas music, Christmas lights, the toys.
It's so America.

The donations, giving and volunteering.

Cant find a better group of people


Most of the junk that comes with Commercial Christmas is made in China.
They benefit from America's lust for cheap, disposable, gaudy junk.


You can say that about everything you purchase.


"If you say so," indeed.
Just more screed vomited up and thrown at the feet of Dems or whoever "they" are.
Planted or made up in the fevered brains of backward looking folks who don't mind if we have massive income inequality and institutional racism. That's the way god planned it, that's the way it's supposed to be, yeah, yeah.


You live in a fantasy land type of works...income equality...sorry to burst your young protected bubble.
people put in different amounts of effort into their work.. and is why we see some succeed more then others.

Putting in zero effort and complaining your broke makes zero sense.


"ou live in a fantasy land type of works...income equality...sorry to burst your young protected bubble.
people put in different amounts of effort into their work.. and is why we see some succeed more then others. "

how dumb are you?


Taking away freedoms, civil liberties is unpatriotic. That doesn't represent this country nor is it in the Constitution.

I mean, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

Indoctrinated much?


Actual policies. Not paranoid soundbites.


So mandated healthcare doesn’t take away freedoms?

Proposed free college doesn’t take away citizens civil liberties and their right to choose?



"So mandated healthcare doesn’t take away freedoms?"

yes In Canada I have no choice about doctor or hospital LOL. is is free to get no healthcare or garbage subpar healthcare and go into debt?

its like saying there is more freedom in Somolias healthcare than canada, France, the UKs or Denmark. cause the rich can get it and the poor cant.

so much freedom! the USA looking up to Somalia!

"Proposed free college doesn’t take away citizens civil liberties and their right to choose? "

how does affordable education take away a right to choose?

are you this retarded?


Should Tara Reade be believed or not?




Wait, so first Tiktok is banned before I ever get to see what it is, and now Fox News isn't around any more either? Why am I never allowed to join in these popular trends before they disappear?


slow claps. yet this is about right for republicans


To me SLoane peeked my interest a little bit and when I romanced Sloane it was a different experence.
