MovieChat Forums > Politics > Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Paid Husband’s Pol...

Ilhan Omar’s Campaign Paid Husband’s Political Consulting Firm Nearly $2.8 Million This Election Cycle

Where is your outrage, dems? You always claim that Trump is making money while in office, why aren't you pissed off at a clear cut siphoning of campaign funding into her own pocket? When a dem does it, you say nothing. Sheer hypocrisy.


Her brothers or husbands? Wait never mind.


At this point, who knows.


It is a common thing as hiring family as consultants.


And Trump's family consultants don't receive a salary for their consulting, yet the idiots on the board keep on bashing them. So if they bash them, why not this anti-semite?


It is easier to just keep the left over money. Use it to rent a room at your house for a office,pay phone as campaign use,lease vehicle. It might take awhile if you have millions left over but you buy a bigger house and the room rental is larger also.


she should be charged and removed if true. Im against all corruption. my guess is its somehow legal in the USA. what a broken country shame.

Ivanka and Erik and others aren't getting paid? They dont need a direct salary, they are still working with his businesses and are his "senior advisors"

pretty clear how you buy influence with him "legally"
