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Americans who want REAL American news just watch Australian news

Joe Biden is not currently the president-elect - 'it's an illusion'

Current voting tallies in five key states in the US shows Joe Biden has received nearly nine million more votes than Barack Obama who was a "historical anomaly and a rock star in politics," according to Media entrepreneur Kosha Gada.

President-elect Joe Biden was officially declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election on Saturday (local time) after The Associated Press called the state of Pennsylvania and its 20 Electoral College votes for the former vice-president.

However, Ms Gada told Sky News Joe Biden is "not currently the president-elect".

"That's actually an illusion," she said.

"The Constitution of the United States provides that the election is not certified until the state legislatures certify it".

President Donald Trump has been making claims of potential voter fraud and has accused his opponents of stealing the election.

Ms Gada said "reasonable claims" have been made by the Trump campaign both mathematically and statistically, as well as "on a legal basis".

"To believe this - and based on the current vote totals - it suggests that Biden got more than 8.9-9 million votes than Obama who was a historical anomaly and everyone kinda acknowledges was a rock star in politics," she said.

"So he out-performed Obama and only in these five states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada).

"That translates to really high, unprecedented turnouts in the US where voting is not mandatory so a 90-plues per cent turnout in these states.

"It's possible but not statistically likely."

Sky News Australia


If by "American news" you mean incompetent and unashamedly biased.

Still no evidence there too. Just disbelief. Bless them.

And "officially declared the winner" is false. There's no such thing as an officially declared winner. There's an inauguration in January for the candidate with the most electoral college votes. And we know who that will be.

Sky News is a laughing stock in Australia.


CNN is unashamedly biased and they think they are unbiased.

MSNBC is unashamedly biased and they think they are a mainstream news source.

ABC news is unashamedly biased hiring Stephenopolous as their News director.

CBS news is unashamedly biased at seeing the differences in interviewing Biden and Trump.

NBC news is unashamedly biased at seeing Biden's townhall with "undecided" voters.

The difference between Fox and Sky as opposed to the others, is they openly state they are right wing as the others do not. Only idiots like you can't see it or are too ignorant to acknowledge it.

Then again, what else is new?


So you agree with me that they are unashamedly bias then tell me I'm ignorant. More gibberish.


What news source is not biased, pray tell?


Ah. Everyone's bad. Nice philosophy.


Well give me a news org that isn't biased? I'll be waiting for your non-answer.


One issue is that anyone who disagrees with a news story believes it carries a bias. Readers on the right hate CNN, MSNBC, The Guardian, and so on. Those on the left hate Fox News, The Blaze, The Daily Mail, and so on. Everyone in the middle hates them all. Is there a way to call any news organization unbiased, when bias itself is subjective to the reader?

These are some of the least biased sources:

The Associated Press, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, BBC, C-Span, The Financial Times, The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, The Economist.


BBC is completely biased to the left. They aren't even close to the center.


Definitely not completely:

People over the age of 50 believe the BBC is dominated by liberals, while students think it is part of a right-wing establishment.

Is the BBC biased?
A study carried out by researchers at Cardiff University, who analysed BBC news coverage from 2007 and 2012, concluded that conservative opinions received more airtime than progressive ones. However, those findings contradict a 2013 report by the Centre for Policy Studies think tank which claimed that the corporation is biased towards the left.

On balance, the evidence supports the BBC’s claim of impartiality, albeit with occasional missteps. In its 2018 report on the BBC, broadcasting regulator Ofcom examined 69 complaints of alleged bias and concluded that none were in breach of the due impartiality requirements of the Broadcasting Code.

However, bias is often heavily subjective and thus difficult to measure. What is certain is that more and more British viewers are losing their faith in the BBC as the high watermark of impartial public service broadcasting.

Ofcom noted in its 2018 report on news consumption that only 61% of those surveyed agreed that the BBC News was impartial, lower than the ratings given to ITV News (68%) and Sky News (64%).


I don't know anything about the impartial public service broadcasting you are speaking of. Whatever it is, it's arbitrary at best. All of the fact checking sites like politifacts are left wing biased, so they aren't trustworthy.

Based off of my own eye test, BBC is clearly left wing.


Public service broadcasting (PSB) has a long and proud tradition in the UK, delivering impartial and trusted news, UK-originated programmes and distinctive content.
The public service broadcasters are those providing Channel 3 services, Channel 4, Channel 5, S4C and the BBC. While all BBC public service television channels are PSB channels, only the main channels of each of the other public service broadcasters have this status.


I'm sure that is all well and fine, but that doesn't prove unbiased behavior at all. CNN claims they are impartial, but clearly they aren't.


My point is there are no sources that is 100 percent unbiased at 100 percent of the time, as stated, bias is often heavily subjective and thus difficult to measure, however some are much less biased than others. The best method of finding some level of facts to confirm and verify is to use as many impartial or less biased sources as possible.


Basically, multiple sources. Look at Op. Fast & Furious. Zero coverage by MSM until it became too big not to cover with congressional hearings. Look at migrant caravans. Minimal coverage during Obama admin and no "inhumane" treatment coverage, but when Trump is President, they play up the "inhumane" treatment which was done exactly the same by the Obama admin.

Look at MSM reporter toss softball question after softball question to Biden. Total biasness and poor journalistic behavior. Does Reuters, BBC, etc. toss softball questions? If so, they are clearly biased. Again, the eye test is all it takes. They have.


Like I said, there are no completely unbiased sources since it is "subjective" and difficult to measure. "Everyone" is biased to some degree.


The difference is Fox News is openly conservative, where as all of the MSM are covertly left wing regardless of how shamelessly partisan they are.


I don't watch any of them.

What is "MSM"?


main stream media.


Just because Foxnews is openly conservative does not excuse them from spewing out crap. Okay they get a tiny point for being open about what party they support, it does not mean they get a pass for spewing out nonsense.


What do they report that isn’t true? I’m waiting for your non-answer.


Lol Sean Hannity that was easy. Pick through things he has said and take your pick. Funny how Trumo also said global warming is a hoax during his debate with Hilary. This is the guy you stand behind it's a joke.


I asked for something reported. Don’t give some horseshit generalization. Give me specifics, retard. Can you do that to prove you’re not an idiot? I’ll be waiting for your non-answer.


Are you 12 ? I'm not holding your hand. You are a big boy do it yourself. I openly admit cnn is full of biased bs, I don't need to even cite specifics with them it's rather obvious and all over the place.


You said Fox spews crap. Now tell me something they reported that isn’t true. Why was that so hard for you to comprehend??? If it’s obvious, then citing one specific instance should be simple. Fuckin’ ell. That’s basic logic, retard.


I am not going to hold your hand when it is so blaringly obvious a total clueless person could figure it out. It would be like me providing the science behind why smoking cigarettes is bad for you. If someone who is an adult is smoking nowadays what am I going to say to them that they have not already heard? Same case here. You excuse Foxnews from being biased simply because they are open about being right wing. It is a lame excuse. Oh so just because someone admits they are a scumbag that makes them so much better than the guy is secretly a scumbag? Kudos you get a tiny slice of a point, that was such a high bar to clear.


You can’t even prove your own horseshit claim. Pathetic. As Doc Holliday said, β€œI forgot you were still here. You may go now.”


We are done here. Keep being a shill for Fox, but do not get mad at people being shills for cnn.


Spare me your horseshit logic when you can’t even prove your own horseshit claim. Put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it’s not remind people you’re stupid. It’s to remind you.


Spare me your horseshit logic when you can’t even prove your own horseshit claim. Put your dunce cap back on. Remember, it’s not remind people you’re stupid. It’s to remind you.

Edit your post and learn correct grammar. Once you do that we can speak. Proofreading is your friend.


You’re insecure ego needs padding so you revert to being a grammar nazi. Pathetic.πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


Concession noted. Man that is the second time I have had to correct your caveman grammar.


Of course if you can’t win an argument, you can always act the grammar nazi. I find it pathetic you get solace from it but to each his own. πŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺπŸ€ͺ


"Fox News is also known to publish right-wing conspiracy theories, although after being sued they retracted the story. FNC has also been deemed the least accurate cable news source according to Politifact.

A factual search reveals several failed fact checks by news hosts.

Says John Bolton β€œfundamentally was a man of the left.” – PANTS OF FIRE
β€œThe president said he’s going to bring in 250,000 (Syrian and Iraqi) refugees into this country.” – PANTS ON FIRE
β€œFar more children died last year drowning in their bathtubs than were killed accidentally by guns.” – PANTS ON FIRE
β€œNASA scientists fudged the numbers to make 1998 the hottest year to overstate the extent of global warming.” – PANTS ON FIRE
Obamacare is β€œone big fat VA system.” – PANTS ON FIRE
Says Marie Yovanovitch was β€œdishonest” when she claimed under oath that she never personally responded to an email from a Democratic staffer. But β€œin fact, it turns out that she did respond.” – FALSE

Overall, we rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed factually and borderline Questionable based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories that later must be retracted after being widely shared. Further, Fox News would be rated a Questionable source based on numerous failed fact checks by hosts and pundit."


Politifacts is left wing. Everybody knows that except ignorant idiots.


You can't handle the truth nor read, Simpleton Sandy!


You mean I can’t handle the truth that politifacts is left wing? Why, 50 cent komrade?


After watching Sky News, I was so disappointed to learn that they have idiots there as well. Well really, I thought they were only in America.


Lol... SNA is right-wing oriented. It's like watching Tucker or Hannity.


"my right wing American news fox is being reasonable and not fully giving in to the crazy conspiracies! so I found other ones that just reinforces my conspiracies so tis true!"


60 minutes Australia is shockingly different than 60 minutes US. Saw a really good piece on the Fukushima nuclear disaster that never would’ve been shows in the US.


Sky News Australia is Fox News on crack. It's the same general direction (corporate money is king) and the same owner (Murdoch).


"So he out-performed Obama and only in these five states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada)."

Yeah, they went way overboard with their cheating in these states.
That's 63 electoral votes.


He must have campaigned harder in those states.

Insert goodfellas.laugh.gif



Sitting in the basement was hard.


Why should he go out and risk gaffe after crazy gaffe? He had the media working for him. They pushed crazy inaccurate polls. They didn't call him out on any scandals. They completely protected him. His best bet was to stay in the basement.

But it's not over yet.


Face the facts, Biden didn't have to go anywhere. I don't even like Biden. People just hated Trump.


People voted with their hate, yes? Biden voters will suffer. I didn't say it. Yoda did.

"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger...anger leads to hate...hate leads to suffering."


You can't be serious?


The Jedi philosophy is loosely based off of Buddhism. Hate causes suffering. In order to gain enlightenment, one must end their suffering. In order to rid an amount of your suffering, you must rid yourself of hate. Think about it. It makes perfect sense.

As Yoda said, "Do or do not. There is no try."


I know the movies and I love the OT. It does not apply here.

If anything, Trump is Palpatine.
How does that float your boat?


Go ahead and elaborate.




Because I don’t agree and I want to hear your reasons.


Shit in one hand ,wish for my answer in another.


You’re just another insufferable sufferer that can’t even explain your hatred without exposing your idiocy and irrationality. Enjoy!


Maybe, maybe not. I really could not give 2 shits to keep this going.

Bye Trump.


Not maybe. You’re just another hater. Look in the mirror and you’ll see what hate looks like. Enjoy!


Hate leads to spiritual death and spiritual death leads to physical death because God is awesome and no one should have to live with a hater. :)


And yet according to that other poster, half of America voted with hate in their hearts, rather than voting for the best candidate.


Such a drama queen.


You said it. Own up to your own words, coward.


Nobody likes Biden. This is not news.

I know many HATE Trump but there's even more who actually LOVE him. Love "trumps" Hate! πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡


Umm, Biden got more votes than Trump.

And who exactly from the Republican party is representing love?


Why the love? Hasn't done anything worthwhile in his term. Just a rich pompous NY asshole. Propping up cronies all day long.


"So he out-performed Obama and only in these five states (Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada)."

Verifiably false, not even close


Nobody had to cheat.


This bogus channel is even more dishonest and right-shilling than Fox News.


If this was posted on Twitter or Facebook it would be deleted. I guess Moviechat doesn't think it is big enough to get attention for allow all this right-wing disinformation ?


Spoken like a true fascist! Then again, what else is new?
