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Republicans: "We've found ZERO illegal votes."

The Republican challengers in Pennsylvania have stated that NO ILLEGAL VOTES were observed at the count. That's their position.

Their supposed complaint is that they are worried that they might have been prevented from seeing them in some way.

That's what the challenger said before Rudy stepped in at the Four Seasons Total landscaping press conference to shut him up and focus on the "massive fraud" message.

Many other Republican officials have also admitted that no evidence of illegal votes can be found. It's simply Trump's inner circle and other lickspittle supporters that are claiming that lack of evidence and Biden getting more votes is the "evidence" they need.



They have until the electoral college meets to prove something. They're hellbent on doing it and they're gonna do it. They will NOT stop even after the vote counts have been certified by the states, I think, but the day the Electoral College meets is the end of the line. If they are still holding their dicks in their hands fraud-wise by then they are the ones who had better be prepared for "the Storm", because that is exactly what they will have stirred up if they try to thwart both the Electoral College AND popular vote counts.


I don't think they are out to prove anything. They, Trump and his inner circle, just want to disrupt the transition as best they can.

Their lawsuits don't have anything to do with proving or revealing anything.


I agree. People need to just calm down and understand that. Call their bluff, because bluff is all they will have in the end.
Let them wet the bed and let everyone smell the ammonia piss smell they leave behind.


Source? Link?


Can you even read? Rudy's press conference outside the sex shop the other day.

Plus the law suit in PA does not cite any illegal votes.

It's no wonder that rational Republicans are worried about this. Their senate votes are on the hypothetically "illegal" ballots. Not worried that they will be overturned. Just that they will be tainted with the Trump shitstain.
