MovieChat Forums > Politics > moviefanatic505, post here

moviefanatic505, post here

If you pm me, I'm just going to post it here.


Just PM me.

No need welcome to the ignore list.

Well that didn't take long! So long sucker!🤣🤣🤣


"pay attention to me! pay attention to me! please my life is so lonely pay attention to me!"

I translated this for you




He’s a pathetic troll he sends me some very strange PMs as well, I would suggest putting him on ignore but his buffoonery is too entertaining. Just recently his logic was this:
- white people are typically more wealthy than black people (even though there are rich black peoples and poor white people)
- the wealthy can afford better lawyers (even though there is no law saying a poor black person cant hire them and if you can’t afford an attorney the tax payers pay for you to have one. Apparently he thinks he can be a beggar and a chooser, very selfish and entitled mentality)
- therefore the criminal justice system oppresses black people. (even though this is all based on the assumption that all public defenders suck, it also requires him to quantify how good a lawyer is and I would love to see his logic behind this)

He’s so pathetic, every time I own him he says he's putting me on ignore yet he comes back with the same nonsense like a day later.


Thanks for the insight.

He is a total dunce. He said he was never for pillaging, ever. Then he stated it depended on if I was against police brutality or not. He always contradicted himself and was too ignorant to admit it.

If he PMs you, feel free to post it here. Once I started this thread, he shut his mouth tighter than a virgin.


Oh I have pages and pages of nonsense that he has sent me, I don't think he has a lot of friends which is why he looks for attention on here, it's quite sad. Another tactic he likes to do is just change the topic, when he doesn't say he's going to put me on ignore he all of a sudden starts talking about the "war on drugs". Here's an example:

Me: I don't really like the new Star Wars movie
moviefanatic: It's better than the prequels
Me: I don't think it is because of these reasons:..............................................
moviefanatic: What can I expect from someone who thinks the war on drugs has been a success, the war on drugs has been a total joke



That’s him. Total straw manning arguments all day.

I don’t think he’ll pm you if you post his idiocy for the forum to see.


He loves the strawman that and deflecting. He is one sad individual. Can you PM me the stuff he's been sending you? It'll be interesting to see how this compares to the nonsense he sends me.




Interesting i have become a celebrity lol. I have no doubt both of these people believe in the war on drugs.

Here is america's solution to drugs.

Hey these drugs can ruin your life, therefore let's charge you with a felony ruining your life to protect you from ruining your life.


Good for you to consider yourself a celebrity. You could've been all along rather than lurking in the PMs like a sewer rat. Welcome to the daylight where your idiocy will be seen by all. 🤣🤣🤣


The threads here are a joke. I prefer talking directly to the source but have no issue debating people publicly. Have you gotten better at grammar since we talked last? I hope for your sake you did. I would hate for people to see you as unintelligent.


Then why are you here? Didn't you ignore me? Still contradicting yourself I see. Apparently, once you emerged from the sewer, it seems like a lot of others recognized the filthy rat that you are. Interesting.

Focus on the wins as seldom as they come. I understand correcting a typo is considered a win for you, so I am so glad I can contribute in giving confidence to your insecure ego. 🤣🤣🤣


Thought I'd peek my head in here to see what the cool kids are talking about. I was so filled with joy that cool kids are talking about me, I mean after all I am that cool otherwise I wouldn't be being talked about. I did have you on ignore but your flattery caused me to crack I hope you can forgive me.


"i've become a celebrity"

LOOOOOOLL. irrelevant loser with loneliness issues has insane delusions. TO think some peoples lives are this pathetic


There you are cute boy. Ready to keep getting owned on film history?


"pay attention to me!! this is all I have in life!!!"



What's that cute boy? Can't understand you.


remember when you were so fucking stupid you claimed" she's a good networker" that's why she gets roles... LOL

like she's on fb or myspace networking messaging people


There there cute boy.


Yes you are retarded I know. imagine simping for Jennifer Lawrence like you do hahahah reimagine history because your fragile psyche cant take it. you out be on so many meds

"she's good at networking"



It will be ok cute boy I promise.


aww the dog needs attention. I know it'll be okay! I have a life! you simp for someone who wouldn't stand you in real life hahah. your life is pointless


I know cute boy you need attention. Don't worry I am here for you.


that's why you created a post begging for attention. LOL I dont need you. I have friends. you simp for strangers. this is all you have in your sad life.


There there cute boy. Really I'm here for you if you need to talk. Don't jump things will be ok. This world needs you.


it needs me. not you. keep simping doggy.

"pay attention to me!"
