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Black Rapper 50 Cent endorses President Trump, After Seeing Biden's Tax Plans

50 Cent Endorses Trump for 2020 Election, After Seeing Biden's Tax Plans

50 Cent isn't a fan of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden's tax plan, so he's siding with the Trump re-election campaign.

On Monday (Oct. 19), the rapper-entrepreneur posted a shot of a TV screen that showed the top tax rates in California, New Jersey, New York State and New York City for Americans earning more than $400,000 a year, according to the tax plan proposed by the Biden Administration. That screen showed:

Top Tax Rates under Biden Tax Plan
California 62.5%
New York City 62%
New Jersey 60%
New York State 58%

"WHAT THE F*CK! (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT, F*CK NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway," 50 wrote on social media. an interview with Billboard in July, he saluted the President's unapologetic demeanor and cited him as the reason he chooses to follow his blueprint.


Didn't he declare bankruptcy a year or two after his #1 hit?

It takes a special ineptitude with 💰 to do that.


A TV commercial from Eric Trump? Maybe a link to the article?

Top Tax Rates under Biden Tax Plan
California 62.5%
New York City 62%
New Jersey 60%
New York State 58%
I call Bullshit. Prove me wrong.


I used to post at another message board when Obama was President and "bait shop entrepreneurs" were complaining they were paying over half their income in taxes.

I think the last time I did it was for tax year 2015, and a single self-employed person with no dependents could make $200,000 and pay $76,000 in Federal I/T, California I/T, and Self-Employment Tax. That's without any deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, car taxes, etc.

You can live very well in Southern California on $10,000 a month take home pay. But 38% is not 50%.

(I also ran the numbers assuming every take home dollar was spent on something subject to sales tax, and it still was less less 50%)


I NEVER said that there was a "TV commercial from Eric Trump." Did you even read what was posted? My second post on page 1 shows a link to a tweet by the president's son, Donald Trump Jr. "Does Joe Biden think 50 cent is not black?"

My original post shows a link to Billboard magazine. (For the benefit of the Chinese Communist Party workers who post for Biden on here, that's a music site.) Apparently you didn't read that link either:

To be fair, Billboard's original post included a screen capture from cable TV channel CNBC, which was behind 50 Cent when he announced his endorsement of President Trump. Billboard removed the picture and replaced it with a link to an Instagram account that has the screen capture:

CNBC is a cable TV channel dedicated to business news. (Note the scrolls at the bottom of the screen capture that shows prices of various securities at the time of the broadcast.) The chart was created based on the Tax Foundation's report on Biden's proposed tax increases on businesses and people earning over $400,000. (So your second post about people earning $200,000 is irrelevant to this.) The full CNBC video that includes that screen capture is here (1 minutes, 55 seconds):

The Tax Foundation's report is here:


Keep on going. Every time I see or hear another hysterical wrong winger lying like a convicted criminal and throwing out bizarre baseless accusations like a demented street preacher, I know there are hundreds of smart, moderate Americans who turn away and mutter how deplorable these people are.


Thank you for providing a link with some information. Pardon me for asking...

The Tax Foundation's report is here:

There's a lot going on here. I'm not going to tackle this all in one post. Joe Biden will raise tax collections...

First, any way you look at it, SPENDING is TAXING. It doesn't matter if you take the money out of production today or 30 years from today. Unless you're one of those libs that think the state spends money more wisely than the private sector. And we've already BEEN taxed, when you see the National Debt going from 55% of GDP in 2000 to 106% of GDP in 2019 (after 123 months of economic expansion) So the people that lent us that SPENDING yesterday want their cash today.

Second, I firmly believe we should not tax behavior, i.e. some revenues are better than others, some expenditures are worse than others... Just get rid of the income tax.

Third, I do trust the Tax Foundation. They've been compiling tax data since 1900, detailing how government spending has been consuming our production at higher and higher rates, especially under the terrible horrible New Deal policies of godless Democrats and RINOs like Eisenhower and Nixon.

These tables clearly show that Tax Freedom Day in the year 1900 was January 22, and by 1979 it had grown all the way to April 22.

Unfortunately, for some mysterious reason, Tax Freedom Day came later than April 22 every year after 1979.... and in 2019 Tax Freedom Day was May 8, 16 days later or essentially more than 1 hour every day, you need to work more than 9 hours a day in 2019 when you had to work 8 hours a day in 1979... There are some who say that 40 years does not make a trend, that this is merely "cherry-picking" data... There are some who go so far as to say that the LIBERALS have had far more power in Washington from 1979 to 2019 than they had from 1939 to 1979... You be the judge...


Some quick observations from the TF analysis:

One, it would be helpful if they showed the top rates TODAY compared to Bidens proposed top rates. Is this misleading? I think so. Barring that, it is most helpful to look at the states with no income tax, Texas, Nevada, Florida, etc. You can see their numbers are all the same. Top Rate Biden 52.94%

First, I'm not going to say "the employee bears the burden of the employer portion of Social Security" is bullshit, but... it's bullshit. I'll hit this in another post. The employee DOES bear a piece of it, but probably some insignificant amount. So the real figure is what TF puts in the first column, 49.34%

Second, not all income is taxed the same, and TF doesn't account for this. There is no Social Security Tax on Rental Real Estate Income or Interest Income or Dividend Income or Capital Gains. I'm guessing people in these very high rates have pretty high percentage of their "income" from these types. So 49.34% minus 6.20% gets me to 43.14%.

Just with these points we see that TF overstating the top rate by a lot. A million dollars of income, they say you're paying $529,400 when you're only paying $431,540... 23% more than $431,540...


We're at Florida top marginal rate 43.14%...

I'll note that the top marginal income tax rate for Reagan's first tax cut, Kemp-Roth 1981, was 50%, and it was 42.5% for Clinton 1993 (Clinton eliminated limit on Medicare)... and 42.5% for Gingrich 1997 (if you want to look at it that way...) Just to keep things in perspective...

As I said above, not all income is taxed the same, and TF doesn't account for this. There is no Social Security Tax on Rental Real Estate Income or Interest Income or Dividend Income or Capital Gains. I'm guessing people in these very high rates have pretty high percentage of their "income" from these types.

So today certain (A LOT) Dividend Income is taxed at an effective maximum rate of 23.8%. I don't know how much to subtract from 43.14% to get to 23.8%... it's a lot lower than 43.14%...


Using the same analysis we used for Florida, we can look at California: Biden top rate 65.29%.

Again the Employer Portion of Social Security is bullshit so the real figure is the second column, 62.64% (I'll err on the high side and say the SALT cap isn't going away)

Again, there's no Social Security tax on Rents and Investment Income, so 62.64% minus 6.20% gets me to 56.44%

The top marginal income tax rate in California, 13.3%, kicks in at $1 million in income. If we're looking at this "$400,000" figure that keeps popping up, that rate is 11.3% (and good up to $590k)

That doesn't mean TF is WRONG about the top rate being 13.3%, but it's a little misleading IMO.


It's really a waste of time explaining this, arguing, we really need to eliminate the income tax and just have a flat tax...


I posted below that IRS tables for 2018 income tax returns filed showed 29.7% for returns between $2 million and $5 million (that's the highest rate I could find for high-income filers.)

So Tax Foundation says top rate for Florida is 52.94% and lowest rate is 49.34%, the difference being the employee-borne portion of Social Security, the difference is 3.60%.

I'll be generous and add the employee AND employer portion of Social Security (even though nobody's going to pay either)

So I take 29.7% plus 6.2% plus 3.6% gives me 39.5% SOAKING WET for no-state-tax states like Florida.

39.5% plus 13.3% California (over $1 million) gives me 52.8% SOAKING WET (which is lower than what Tax Foundation reported for top rate for Florida... and probably STILL lower than Reagan 1981....)


That's the true meaning of woke. He is now off the democratic plantation.


"During the year 2018, an estimated 76 million people had earnings covered by Social Security and paid payroll taxes on those earnings." (II. A. Highlights) ("Page 2" but actually about 10 pages down from top)

That 76 million doesn't include the underground cash economy and it doesn't include people who are genuinely retired and living off of prior earnings.

"Taxpayers filed 153.8 million individual income tax returns for Tax Year (TY) 2018...Total income reported on these returns totaled $11.8 trillion" (Page 21)

{I find that 153 million number kind of shocking. 76 million people paid into SS, not all of them will file a tax return, some will file Married Filing Joint, I'd expect maybe 50 million total returns filed.}

5.026 million tax returns were filed reporting Net Investment Income Tax. (same IRS link page 26)

{The Net Investment Income Tax is the Big One. It basically kicks in after $200,000 Gross Income from everything, and it's an additional 3.8% hit.}

The highest tax rate I could find for high income taxpayers was 29.7%, which is for returns filed with between $2 million and $5 million AGI (page 212 Table 3.1)

And it's less than 29.7% for returns with MORE THAN $5 million...


This didn’t age well at all. The rapper said he was only joking with his post, and he already cast his vote for Biden.


That's nonsense. Why the way the high rates are only for people making huge amounts of money, like in the millions. Republicans don't seem to understand math, science, economics or know what progressive taxation is.

It means that people who make under a certain amount pay no taxes, and people who are struggling to survive and raise their children pay a lower tax rate than multi-millionaires.

Who would go to 50cent for any kind of advice on anything?
