The artist will face judgement and those who carry-on living like those depicted will face judgement! Please artist give us the same type painting with Mohammed! Oh, please do so! I guarantee the artist, the painting and where it would be placed would not be around very long! It was proven in France. The rag newspaper thing.
This is a case where the enemy of my my friend!!
Will it never end? Maybe Al-Qaeda will have a new target...while it’s empty of course. There is no way on God’s green earth would I ever stay there! If I walked into that hotel slightly inebriated from a party, I would think I was in hell after seeing a portrait RBG made from Tampons!🥴🤢🤮
How much do you want to wager Margaret Sanger is also on display? The champion for abortions. She was so into abortions to the point she wanted to eliminate the Black race! You can’t make this crap up! The art director has to have a few screws loose! I don’t think we’ll see women in burkas staying there anytime soon! The Muslim men who practice Sharia law will definitely enjoy seeing the Zena hotel. 😏
The perfect place for lesbians to flaunt their predilections.
I’m not vindictive, nor vengeful, nor angry and spiteful. The truth hurts when it’s laid before people, especially when going against God’s word. God is a jealous God and can get quite angry. Being a Believer in Christ doesn’t mean going around with a smile on your face accepting anything and everything humans are wont to do.
Can't imagine how hard it must be for you to see people mocking your religion.
I wonder what's harder:
1. Seeing the mocking.
2. Witnessing that more and more aren't buying the old fairytales of the Bible.
You need to read world history of the old world. The flood is well documented by other civilizations.
If you have an open mind, enjoy reading about world history, take the time to read and absorb the historical facts which coincide with what occurred in Biblical history. It’s fascinating!
Interesting reading. I will read more throughly when I arrive at my destination. Archeologists are finding more evidence to coincide with Biblical writings. It’s worth reading about. Sometimes quite a bit goes over my head. You appear to be an intelligent person. Try to locate ”The Bible As History”, the updated one. Some eye openers in the book.
Here’s a list about how the Bible has historical facts.
And who was Matthew exactly? A very credible source, or just another lying pub? I don't think any of the "apostles" rate anything. It's all Candyland / Tooth Fairy nonsense we wish were true, but we need to look at reality.
I was raised Catholic, Mom was conservative Dad was VERY conservative. 12 years Catholic schools, never missed Mass, including Holy Days, even when out of town.
I thought all this stuff was nonsense when I was five (nonsense isn't the right word, either at five or thirty, but clearly something recognizable as incongruous, contradictory, whatever.)
I skipped Mass every chance I could get away with and after high school I only went on Christmas, Easter and Mothers Day (and I suppose birthdays that fell on Sundays,) with my parents.
My position is still today, all religions are more harmful than helpful.
September 11, 2001, I'm thirty-something, married with one kid in hand and another on the way (and another on the way after that) and I really wanted to get a handle on Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. So I got some books. And my negative sentiment was unchanged, and actually reinforced.
But I think I can say this about Christianity: Because of Jesus (and IMO it is irrelevant if Jesus actually ever existed - even if it's only stories contrived by the Apostles) Because of Jesus (some) people no longer wastefully destroyed food, cows, chickens, goats, bunnies in sacrifices; and because of Jesus (some) people no longer believed that God had an identified physical address at some building.
My feelings toward religion are complicated ... as they should be. (And I thank you for your very reasonable post / reply.)
I grew up with a certain amount of religiosity that I took seriously, but also felt like utter fiction.
Great concept but doesn't work under scrutiny. There may be no atheists in foxholes, but there shouldn't be evangelicals in charge in times of crisis.
Best of luck to you and yours. Perhaps we will chat some more.
Accepted. I'm not a believer... but I will say the subject of possible historical floods and what may have inspired the Biblical account is an interesting one.
Pure desperation!
Atheism isn't a living thing. A rational thinking person would therefore never thank 'atheism'.
I'm sorry you can't escape your own cage build by yourself. Think outside of the box!
There are certainly so many things we aren't even aware of yet. And therefore we have no reason to believe in them yet. I'm sure you are okay with that last sentence. But the exception you are more than glad to make concerns your own religion. Deep down you know you are not acting rational. It's called cognitive dissonance!