MovieChat Forums > Politics > BREAKING NEWS: THE SCAM MAN is back at t...


Apparently the SELFISH PRICK just wanted to PUT his SECRET SERVICE STAFF at RISK so he could RIDE BY and say HELLO to his HORN HONKING SUPPORTERS???





Why should anyone be SURPRISED that this NARCISSISTIC JERK would CHOSE to put still more people in DANGER of catching the VIRUS???

It's all ABOUT HIM ...

as long as HE'S HAPPY ...

and can have his EGO STROKED ...

by waving to his SUPPORTERS who are HONKING their HORNS at him ...

then no matter how many others need to DIE so that he can TAKE HIS JOY RIDE around the block is of absolutely no CONSEQUENCE whatsoever for him.



So, the patients and staff at Walter Reed got a break from all that racket for a little while, at least.



Please, please crawl back under your bridge you damn Troll! What a waste of humanity you are. πŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™€οΈπŸ™‡πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


Lol wtf is going on.


Clown show




....of clown shows


Keep repeating that over and over again. I realize you Trump ass-sniffers exist within your own little special dimension where down is up and left is right, but here in the real world the normal people see insanity here.


Are you serious ?


Just shocking as all fuck that this would even be allowed. Everyone transforms into a soulless yes-man and/or spineless piece of shit in this presence of this utter JOKE of a human being.

The doctors lie for him. All the authorities allow him to just wander around, spreading his infection.

And all the while his dumbass supports cheer it all on.

I sincerely hope this Trump fever-dream ends this January 20. I'm over it. I'm sick and tired of living in this Trump Twilight Zone we've been subjected to for the past four years.

Complete and utter insanity.


The GOOD NEWS is how the STATS for the OVER 65 VOTERS (who are usually also the MOST ones to VOTE during ELECTIONS) have increased from 4% to something like 27% in regards to those who are just as FED UP as you are and refuse to vote for him next month.

And it also MAKES SENSE that they'd feel that way due to the way they're also in the HIGH RISK CATEGORY of ending up DEAD if they'd catch this VIRUS.

PLUS this is also the same GROUP who have been HELD HOSTAGE in their HOMES and can't visit their kids or their grandkids anymore, due to the way others in other AGE GROUPS are being SELFISH by refusing to WEAR a MASK or keep a SAFE ENOUGH DISTANCE away from others because they still think the VIRUS is a HOAX thanks to the SCAM MAN who kept repeating that MANTRA at his STUPID RALLIES.

So hopefully the ATTITUDES of these SENIORS will also help to SHOVE the SCAM MAN OUT of OFFICE 29 more days from now, so that we can finally get back to having things in the NORMAL RANGE again, and to where BIDEN can also enact a much more COHERENT NATIONAL PROGRAM that will enable us to enforce the same kind of RULES for dealing with the VIRUS as they used in SOUTH KOREA (where they've also only has about 200 DEATHS as opposed to having over 200,000 deaths like we've had here).



Thanks for the stats but I have to be honest here: I won't be letting my guard down until Donald is officially off the White House property on January 20, 2021. Even then, I may not relax since his psychotic supporters will be sparking up violent and god knows what between November - January.

At this point, 70% of the country could vote against him and I'd still err on the side of caution since this psychopath intends to steal the election one way or another.


After the results of the last election where HILLARY got 3 MILLION more votes than the SCAM MAN did one can definitely understand the way that you're feeling.

Just HANG IN there because hopefully we've also only got about 3.5 more months left to go until we KNOW for sure that he's FINALLY going to be HISTORY as far as his sitting there in the OVAL OFFICE goes!!!

And AFTER that his ADORING GROUPIES will probably also FADE AWAY just as QUICKLY as those who once ADORED and WORSHIPED SARAH PALIN did after she was NOMINATED to be the NEXT VP and then the DEMOCRATS also won that ELECTION.
