The poorest person I know paid more taxes than Trump
....just sayin
shareTrumpers don't care. These Trumpers could have the companies they work for go bankrupt, discover that Trump was behind it and STILL wind up praising him.
They'd call it "smart business" and find some way to retroactively place the blame on Obama.
Sadly, this isn't even a stretch.
Donald could fart in their faces and they'd happily inhale his orange fart gas while simultaneously begging for more. He could punch them in the faces and they'd brag to their friends: "I got punched by Trump! Whoop!!!".
I call bullshit.
Poor people don't pay taxes.
Let’s see Donald clear this all up and show the world it’s only “fake news”
TimMC is correct. The poor do not pay federal income taxes. But, when all their benefits are totaled, welfare, food stamps, rental assistance, SSI, etc. with 2 kids they receive about $45,000 per year.
sharefatzo isn't too smart. He can't even string together 3 sentences in a row. Most probably a 50 cent komrade.
shareTax avoidance isn't a crime dumb dumb.
Everyone does it. That's why we (have to) hire accountants.
The donald reminds me of Leona Helmsley. "We don't pay taxes; only the little people pay taxes,"