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California Democrat Wrongly Claimed $1 Million Second Home As Primary Residence For Years, Skirting Taxes

Another slimey dem from California. Another hypocrite.


Governor did the same thing. This is what happens in a communist system. 1 party rule. Massive corruption. No accountability.

Not hard To figure out why CA streets are covered in human shit, violence, and homeless people. Why it’s forests are burning out of control. The state has been run by Democrats uncontested for 25 years.


And yet California dems keep voting in these idiots. How stupid are the dems in Maxine Waters' district? She lives at the edge of her district bordering a non-black majority city. Why? Because the homes are nicer and safer. Isn't the point of being a member of congress is to represent your district and clean it up?

Joe Rogan left.
Elon Musk left.
Tom Steyer selling his home.
Ben Shapiro is leaving.

LA and their "Al Fresco" program to allow restaurants to open outside, was silently shut down due to exceeding budget limits. Disneyland is begging the city to allow them to reopen as well as all of the business that surround Disneyland.

It's unbelievable they are holding businesses and people's livelihoods hostage for political points.


Nothing bad about leaving. The issue is bringing those values to states you ran from to prop up the same issues there in the near future. If you're going to move to a red state, drop those behind else go back to blue euphoric paradise.


A mass exodus of communist Democrat party run cities and states? Shocking.

This is what happens anywhere communism is applied. Unless of course they’re like China, and the defunct Soviet Union, and the defunct East Germany, who all had walls built to keep people in.


Republicans could win elections in California if they ditched the Mississippi platform - prayer in schools, stoning homosexuals, etc. I was cautiously optimistic with Conan The Barbarian until he pardoned the murdering turd son of the Speaker of the Assembly...
