MovieChat Forums > Politics > Anyone here from the old IMDB days?

Anyone here from the old IMDB days?

I am. I just signed up today. I used to be shaggy63070-1. I couldn’t use the dash on this system so that’s why I replaced with a lower cased t. So if anyone here from the old IMDb days post you’re new name old one if you had to change it. I see the arguing on here hasn’t changed. Lol


Yes I used to be purple_lemon on IMDb.


Hey there we go. We got a couple. When did you last use IMDB. Just before the stopped or sometime before? I think I dropped a few months before because if work. Lol


I was still posting towards the end from memory but the place had descended into madness by then.


I have the same name as I had on IMDb. I had my account there for 12 years and then deleted it when they banned the message boards. I haven’t gone back since. I was and still am disgusted by them doing that, and EVERY site that bans communication and dissenting opinions. I’m very glad this site was created.

Yeah, there’s still plenty of arguing, but that’s part of the fun of it for me...the debating. People take that stuff too seriously. We’re just a bunch on strangers on the internet when it comes down to it. Haha.


Cool. Nice to have another IMDb person here. I wish I could have recreated my name exactly by the system doesn’t take dashes in our names. Lol


Anyone else?


I'm here from there. Same name.

And yes there is the same amount of belligerent/angry/trolling assholes here as there was there.


Welcome to the boards Shaggy.

I remember your username from IMDB. I kept my username.


That calms down my ocd a bit. Yeah I wish I could have recreated my name exactly. What was your old name at IMDb?




I've been gone for 3 years. I'm back. Lol


Welcome back!


Thanks. Lol. Hope I don't wait 3 years again. Navigating here is a little harder than the old imdb chat.


Yes, but I only use it to look up cast members in movies.


zensixties. I was on IMDB since 2000.


I miss those days, because they had so many board users that you couldn't keep up with all the threads when a big movie came out. Plus, you could get conversations going about relatively unknown movies a lot easier.
