You don't understand the science involved with Covid-19, therefore I'll explain it to you.
The overwhelming majority of people who get severe symptoms or die from Covid-19 have comorbidities. The reason their symptoms are severe is because the virus attacks numerous organs throughout the body. It's much harder for these organs to defend against the ravages of a cornoavirus attack if they are already weakened or compromised. Covid-19 causes silent hypoxia as well as attacks blood vessels. Most of those patients with severe symptoms are 50+.
"The age-related changes in the geriatric population may be due to the changes in lung anatomy and muscle atrophy which results in changes in physiologic function, reduction of lung reserve, reduction of airway clearance, and reduction of the defense barrier function"
They don't die from underlying conditions like your propaganda source states, but they're dying due to coronavirus attacking compromised or weakened organs from being 50+ and/or having comorbidities.
Of course, you can be young with no comorbidities and still die.
I literally cringe everytime I see a young person who believes they are invulnerable and don't wear a mask, but they are slightly overweight which means high risk for severe symptoms. I don't think people understand how extra weight and diabetes harms the body.
Pretending Covid isn't serious and the deaths are low is a conspiracy theory similar to Holocaust denial. Don't downplay American deaths. That's very unAmerican and you should know better.