I gladly accept President Trump's brutal truths...
...over 0bama's eloquent lies any day.
shareI think you got it backwards, it's
Trump's brutal lies
and Obama's eloquent truths.
There is not doubt, Trump has over 20,000 documented lies.
The CoronaVirus is a Democratic hoax.
The guy speaks "Dumbass", that is why you feel drawn to him.
Trump has no lie greater than "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" or the laughable "the Benghazi attacks were a spontaneous reaction to a video" (rolling my eyes).
No one said the Corona Virus wasn't real (just extremely exaggerated death stats), but rather COVID-19 was intentionally released by China & the Deep State (which includes Dem VIPs) to ruin Trump's economy & those who voted for him because he dared to fix the unbalanced trade deals with China amongst his other bold oppositions to the Deep State agenda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UPovlX201M&fbclid=IwAR2LJCqwt3zOjs0iXKmVdK5L1Y7XyyOmFVlGA3CLPV2bY7hEwF9s6ynNBRA&bpctr=1595987449
It's so glaringly obvious even The Simpsons predicted such a strategy in this 2010 episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPrh-1Tu-gE&fbclid=IwAR2mWh45oxp02zzpV7L4ENXdNjFB3dcZR20-G7E9OLjYcrVK7-1N6u4OkiY
I don't think the word "truths" means what you think it does.
shareReality -- the way it really is -- as opposed to the brainwashing fake news of the Dems & their auxiliary media, e.g. "the Benghazi attacks were a spontaneous reaction to a video" (Why Sure!).
sharePeople who say the words fake news can't be taken seriously.
sharePeople who regard the "news" of the lamestream media as anything much more than Leftwing propaganda can't be taken seriously.
shareDo you people actually believe what your saying - that everything that criticizes him is fake, wrong, propaganda, etc. - or do you just say it publicly because you don't want to admit it to "da libruls"?
shareDo you people actually believe what you're saying - that everyone that has criticized 0bama/Biden/Hillary/etc. is fake, wrong, propaganda, etc. - or do you just say it publicly because you don't want to admit it to "da Righties"?
shareWhat are some 'brutal' truths he's espoused?
shareSee my response to Brux above.
Basically anything he says that opposes the Dems & their subsidiary media's Leftwing brainwashing, e.g. that the former trade agreements with China were hunky dory and that the Burning/Looting/Murdering rioters are "peaceful protesters" (lol).
You do realize Trumps has Tweeted close to 20,000 lies and misleading statements since his inauguration?
You're OK with that?
For one thing, I don't believe much of anything Leftwing slanderers say, but -- for arguments sake, let's say he did lie on occasion for one reason or another -- nothing he said is greater than "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" or the laughable "the Benghazi attacks were a spontaneous reaction to a video" or there was no IRS scandal that targeted Conservatives (lol) or that there was nothing wrong with Hillary hammering and bleaching hard drives and deleting over 33,000 government emails, etc. etc.
You can't make this crapola up!
“For arguments sake , let’s say he did lie on occasion”
Again, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" or "the Benghazi attacks were a spontaneous reaction to a video."
Or 0bama's doozy: there's "not a smidgen" of corruption in the IRS abuse targeting Conservatives.
But I don't think Trump has been brutally honest...and I'm disregarding his many prevarications and exaggerations like we'll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it. That was obviously cloud talk.
But was he brutally honest on why China has the advantage in trade? No. He want's to make Americans think it's all China's fault or some previous trade deal. But the truth is...the brutal truth is that the US did it to themselves. The US business happily and voluntarily sought out the Chinese to do business with them. They sought to move jobs out of the US because they could make more money having stuff made overseas. And the reason they did that is because the US consumer happily and voluntarily bought stuff made in China and other countries thus pretty much forcing companies to send jobs abroad just to be competitive. So between the US consumer and US business, the US worker was screwed. But Trump won't tell the US voter it's their fault. He makes believe his tariffs are paid BY the Chinese and that he's reigning in the Chinese dominance in trade...but the shelves are still stocked with Made in Chinese stuff. He needs to be brutally honest and tell the US consumer to start having some patriotic feelings and buy only USA made. Why won't he?
Is he brutally honest with why we have a problem with undocumented immigrants? True, sanctuary cities are part of the problem, and the wall will help, but how about all those growers and employers who hire undocumented immigrants? Has he aimed at them? THEY hire these workers and the consumer gets cheap produce because of this cheap labour. Heck, best can tell, he has actually hired undocumented worker in his businesses. But he's afraid to be brutally honest about that because it wouldn't be popular. It's easier to point at Mexico and say they're the problem.
And furthermore, has he been brutally honest about the US deficit and debt? How long can we keep spending like there's no tomorrow all the while cutting taxes like we've got a surplus. Even before the pandemic, the deficit under Trump was higher than the last few years under Obama. Where is his brutal honesty telling Congress to cut spending and telling Americans they have to tighten their belts so we can start whittling down this obscene debt instead of increasing it like there's no tomorrow?
IOW, while I agree other presidents including Obama haven't been brutally honest...neither has Trump. That's just fantasy. He's as big a bamboozler as any other president.
Indeed, so much for Hope and Change.