MovieChat Forums > Politics > If Only Trump Can Stop Crime...

If Only Trump Can Stop Crime...

... then he should do it now since he's president!

He doesn't have to be re-elected to do it. He already has the position and resources. All talk and no action.

Crime is up on his watch. He has been dividing Americans, inciting violence and creating an atmosphere of hate.

Biden will calm the country down when he's elected. Vote blue.


How does the president stop pillagers when dem governors and mayors block his aid in sending in the national guard?

How indoctrinated are you to fail to see what is happening? How are you so ignorant to not notice the fact that pillagers are pillaging dem run cities?

Ignorance is Strength. War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery.


Sad attempt at trolling. doogie and KeKe have been slipping lately. They dont have much left after 3+ years of being a troll.


It's the GOVERNOR who calls the national guard - not the president, Simpleton Sandy.

Go read a book!


So then why aren’t the govs sending in national guard troops into Portland, Seattle, Chicago and Wisconsin???? Why are you blaming Trump when these dem Govs have direct power to quell the violence and protect property and maintain order????

Indoctrinated with hate, aren’t you pal?


"Why are you blaming Trump"

Trump's 2016 campaign promise was to lower crime because only he could do it. I'm reminding everyone of this.


So why are the dems denying federal troops? It's clear that he is trying to help is he not?

If a cook tells the chef, the dish will be ready in 5 minutes and another chef turns off the burner while the chef leaves, isn't that other cook sabotaging the cook time?

So why do the dem govs and mayors deny assistance while the city continues to be pillaged?

Stop pushing horseshit as a delicacy on others. It's still horseshit and obvious.




I don't reply to Useless548 much anymore. He's lucky I gave him any link.


There was a time, not so long ago, when the stupid and uneducated aspired to be thought intelligent and cultured people doing their best to feign stupidity.


Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.




66 shot, 5 fatally, this weekend in Chicago

Mayor Lori Lightfoot: Defunding Police To Pay For More Social Services

Lightfoot defends heavy police presence around her home

Here is your liberal philosophy.


Don't you tire of constantly making excuses for Trump's incompetence?

Four years ago, he vowed to lower crime. Instead, crime is up dramatically, police are slaughtering unarmed citizens at will, and civil unrest is nationwide.

The buck stops with the president. The present one is inept.


You took a big ole drink of troll didn't you. Now you are making doogie look bad.


Can you imagine how stupid he is - actually how stupid his followers are - to show images of America being destroyed on his watch and saying he's the 'law and order' President ?


It's time for another Lincoln Project ad to point it out.


Dictators generally climb into power via conflict. Trump loves the fires. Hell, he stokes them. The more chaos, the better his chances. He knows that.

He LOVES these riots cropping up around the country. That's why he sent his paramilitary out. That's why he wants to police the voting booths. That's why he calls the left "the radical left". That's why he pisses people off. He WANTS conflict to break out so he can then dub himself as "the hero who stopped it".

This is what aspiring dictators have been doing for centuries.


Trump can't run on his own record. His response to covid caused the lives of 180,000 Americans and the economy is in freefall.

He can only deflect from his own failures by using Nixon's racist strategy in trying to scare white suburban women by saying scary black men are coming for them. He's assuming women are dumb and racist. It doesn't change the fact that he's president and this chaos is happening on his watch.

Biden is obviously a moderate which explains more Republicans coming out to support him. Trump is the extremist who supports and stokes the violence of domestic terrorists, KKK, neo-Nazis and now Q-Anon.


I've always felt it would take an almost-republican type opponent to beat Trump. It's no coincidence that they chose the most stale, cliche and "generic" choice of the bunch. Seriously, Biden is the model cliche president: old white guy with a stale, boring and playing it safe agenda. He's little more than a bridge to 2024 where we'll hopefully elect a competent individual for a change. We all know that. Biden represents something SAFER for us to ride it out to 2024. Their gambit was to try to capture the best of both worlds: draw in the dems while throwing independents and anti-Trump republicans a few bones.

Will that gambit pay off? I hope so. That's all I can say at this moment. I hope so...


"I've always felt it would take an almost-republican type opponent to beat Trump."

I respectfully disagree. Trump is evil, cruel, corrupt, sociopath, liar, selfish, anti-democratic, narcissist. We're the good guys.

Biden is well-known, respected, v.p. to a popular president, and experienced which means he can begin to fix Trump's mess starting on Day 1.

Please go to his website and read his plans for the environment, creating green jobs, combating covid, infrastructure, national healthcare, investing in science to make us competitive, etc. I'm excited about what can be accomplished if he has a democratic senate and congress who won't stand in his way.

It may be painful to read as a democrat, but former republican strategist Rick Wilson wrote an excellent book, "Running Against the Devil" about how presidential elections are won. He basically said both parties normally choose a moderate because expanding one's base is needed to win national elections. Trump's base hasn't grown and shrunk a bit. Meanwhile, Biden's base has grown and even includes some moderate Republicans. BTW, Trump's win was an anomaly which is written about in the book.

Wilson and other Republicans have formed Super PACs and are placing ads to help Biden win. And they fight dirty.


Unfortunately, fighting dirty is desperately needed here. Like I said in my other thread, the dems need to roll up their sleeves to beat Donald. He's the most evil, ruthless and dangerous president we've ever had. He's our country's closest analogue to Germany's Hitler.

I hope Biden does make a dent. I'm not keeping my hopes high but I at least know that he can't possibly screw this up worse than Agolf Twitler.

Donald us so sick, twisted, corrupt, dangerous and evil that massive amounts of republican officials are voting for a democrat. That says a whole hell of a lot. I see trumpers in person daily. It's perplexing to see them acting so nonchalant while scores of republicans abandon trump for a democrat. They're so far removed from reality that they can't even see how much trouble their guy is in.


What has me worried is the strong push for mail-in voting by democrats. Over 550,000 mail-in ballots were rejected nationally during the primary. This year, more democrats will use mail-in ballots than republicans so the chance for errors is greater for democrats which can help Trump in a close race in swing states.

Instead, they should push for early voting.

"Most absentee or mail-in ballots are rejected because required signatures are missing or don't match the one on record, or because the ballot arrives too late."

"Thousands of mail-in ballots routinely arrive without a postmark or one that isn't legible, and election officials have to decide whether to count those ballots and under what circumstances."

I plan to vote early and in person.

Trump knows that he goes to prison if he loses so he'll do anything and everything to stay in power. Democrats need to fight smart. I see some good democratic strategy and I'm hoping it's enough.

I heard that Giuliani and others are preparing a smear campaign against Biden in October.

This is like a real Game of Thrones.


See, this is what pisses me off on a cellular level: "Trump goes to prison IF he loses". Why IF? Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to make a president IMMUNE to prosecution? That goes against literally EVERYTHING this country is supposed to stand for and makes us more like a dictatorship. If Trump's title and position leaves him immune from facing justice for crimes HE committed then this isn't the America I thought I grew up in. Forgive my ignorance but, until this Trump shit all started, I had NO idea that a president in our country can't be charged for a crime while in office. My entire perception of America changed upon learning that. What a fucking joke. NO president should be immune on title alone.

Anyway, the "October surprise" is not a surprise. It would be more of a surprise if they DIDN'T smear Biden a month before election.

Trust me, I'm not putting my eggs in any basket no matter HOW bleak things could possibly look for Trump. I've been fearing from the beginning of all this horseshit--from Mueller to the impeachment up to now--could still land Trump a second term...and perhaps a lifelong presidency.

I honestly still think Donald has a huge shot of winning no matter what the polls look like now--now matter how screwed he looks. I have no faith in our government anymore. I look upon our country with utter disgust these days, to be honest. Some people want to do the right thing but the nuts are running the nuthouse and we "little people" are nothing more than peons just hoping against hope to somehow survive this madness.

I'm completely disenchanted with our government right now. Sometimes I wish I just kept my eyes closed to politics like I've been doing most of my life. Donald "woke me up" and I've been paying attention ever since...and it's depressing to see "The other side" I'd been ignoring all these years.

It's scary--the entire world sees us as a threat...and they're kind of justified in that feeling. No wonder some people have been-


-for years that we might be carpet-bombed one day.

What's sad is that there are some genuinely good people in this country--they're just mixed up in a sea of nonsense and evil.

I know this sounds selfish (and I don't care, to be honest) but I hope things hold out during my lifetime. I fear it could all come down while we're still alive. I'd always assumed we were a few generations away from it. I'm not so sure anymore. We could very well be a dictatorship in the next 20 years or less. Scary to contemplate. We're damn near it already.


"I respectfully disagree. Trump is evil, cruel, corrupt, sociopath, liar, selfish, anti-democratic, narcissist. We're the good guys.

Biden is well-known, respected, v.p. to a popular president, and experienced which means he can begin to fix Trump's mess starting on Day 1."

LOL!! Glad I wasn't drinking a cup of coffee when I read that, Kee! You do know that Kamala Harris promises that the riots, killings, looting, and anarchy will continue even beyond the election, don't you.


You don't have much room to talk when you support a man who is literally inciting much of this activity with his hired paramilitary goons.

You don't know what you're talking about. You're defending a guy who takes joy in seeing this shit escalated while condemning/accusing your rival political party of keeping it going if they're elected. So, are you for or against an elected official keeping the riots going? Which is it? I don't see you condemning Trump--I see you condemning a hypothetical candidate for a hypothetical, to-be-determined potential presidential term. When are you going to blame the current administration that is here and now for the things you're so ready to condemn a potential future administration of?

You're a goddamn hypocrite and the type of person who is a problem in our country.

In truth, you neither care about the riots nor human life in those states--you care only about making a political point and "sticking it to them libs".

People like you are part of the reason our country is flushing down the fucking toilet.


Triggered again, Fredo! Are you having one of your "I'm smaht! I can do dings! Not like everybahdy sez!" moment? 🤣🤣🤣

What paramilitary goons are you speaking of? Do you mean federal national guards? Our American troops are paramilitary goons? Is that what you are saying? Unbelievable disrespect!

As Popcorny said, botox Kamala said the riots will continue. So really, what's the point in voting for them? Do you like paying more taxes? Do you like higher consumer prices or something?

Where is your care, D-League? Why do you defend the pillagers? What about the small business owners? What about the people they employ? They're now out of a job. No sympathy for innocent law-abiding citizens, yet you have sympathy for freeloading lawbreaking pillagers. Such a backwards attitude the proves your blatant hypocrisy all too well.

It's soy boys like you and your empty and useless platitudes for blatant lawbreakers that is ruining these cities. Businesses will recoup what they can from their insurance and will leave. They won't rebuild what you pillagers have razed. The people they employ will have that many less options in finding a job and you'll turn every city into a Detroit. Bang up job, leftist!

That's an idea. Why don't you move to inner city Chicago? Be among your brothers and sisters. Go out and pillage with them! The mayor is sympathetic to your cause. Just don't go near her home.


Lol. Hey, Deet, keeping your eyes closed to politics wasn't such a good idea, obviously. Because now that you've finally got around to taking an interest, you've got no background knowledge to give you perspective. You've finally bothered to look around you, and all you see are your fellow-citizens in rebellion against the current government, and so you've just assumed that that government must be bad. Very simplistic thinking, and it's the "Blame-the-victim" mentality that's common with the masses who don't think very much.

"while condemning/accusing your rival political party of keeping it going if they're elected." Um, no, I didn't accuse anyone of anything, I showed you a video of that rival political party member promising to keep it going no matter what.

You've opened your eyes, now open your mind, Deet. You sound like a fairly intelligent guy/girl, so use that and think harder. As a start, you might want to start checking on the credentials of people whom you call "goddam hypocrites" and someone who likes, "sticking it to the Libs". HINT: I'm not American and I don't live in your country...


So, you think Trump is like Superman? You really think he is the only one who can stop crime? Your hero worship is a bit bizarre.
The police can stop crime, if the politicians were not hampering them.


I'm pointing out Trump's own 2016 campaign promise. He said that only he can fight crime so vote for him in 2016. OK, he's president now. He's doing nothing except making more speeches and empty promises.

Presently, crime is up on his watch. If you're suggesting that he can't fight crime, then you're admitting he's incompetent and a liar.

Right now, there is so much lawlessness in the U.S. under Trump's watch, that the police have become lawless, too. It's not helping that Trump and Fox hosts are inciting violence by domestic terrorists.


The president is not a police man, and is not expected to be fighting crime. Crime is a local government issue. It is clear to everyone watching the news that the democratic party is promoting the riots in seattle portland and other cities. You can say what you want, but no matter how much you repeat it, it is not trump promoting the riots.


"I'm pointing out Trump's own 2016 campaign promise."

It's common knowledge that Trump is inciting division and domestic terrorism. I blame him for the toxic atmosphere in this country which will only change after he's gone. Similar situation happened in my area many years ago. A divisive racist mayor stoked division and everything calmed down after he was voted out.


You are living in an alternate reality that violates all the facts. I’m not a big trump fan, but but is completely distorted to say he is responsible for the divisions. The news media has been promoting division and racism for years, and now they try and blame him.


Nevertheless, I remind Trump's followers of his many broken campaign promises.

You sound a bit clueless about what Trump is doing so I'll explain. Nixon used the "Southern strategy" to win in 1968. Basically, scare suburban whites by saying scary blacks are coming for them. Only Nixon can protect you.

With a failed economy and mismanaged pandemic, Trump can't run on his own record. Therefore, he's trying the "Southern strategy" which deflects from his poor performance as president and he believes racism appeals to his base.

But, white suburban women who he's trying to attract are not his base and from what I've read, it's not working.


'The president is not a police man, and is not expected to be fighting crime. '


Someone didn't tell Trump that in 2016.


If Only Trump Can Stop Crime...




Hmmm, I saw a vid of Kamala Harris saying that the riots will go on, even after the election. No surprises there.


If race-baiter Trump wins it, then domestic terrorism will continue to increase as it has been doing with Trump's encouragement.


Rubbish. He knows that people are sick and tired of the destruction, and he knows that it's hurting his chances of re-election. He knows that your lot are even saying that the riots will stop as soon as he's ousted. So, why on earth would he be encouraging it??

Logical thinking isn't a Lefty's strong suit, is it.


It's happening on Trump's watch. The buck stops with him. Another Trump broken campaign promise.


link please


At 5:35 onwards.

As an aside, I think that woman has a face that's very hard to look at. She looks like a person who has just played a very nasty trick on somebody, and is thoroughly enjoying the upsetting effect that it had. No wonder President Trump called her a "nasty woman". She is.



Stay classy, poppy! Stay classy!


How much would Cameltoe charge to haunt a house?

(Aw shucks, she'd probably do it just for giggles.)
