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Four years later, Republican senators admit, "yes, Trump conspired with the Russians"

It's a red-letter, if sad, day on the hypocrisy beat when after three years a Republican-majority Senate Intelligence Committee comes out with a 1,000-page report finding there was a whole lot of direct contact between the Trump 2016 campaign with Russian intelligence operators.

You know, the opposite of what Donald Trump has argued forcefully over and over again is a hoax.

Uh oh...


Of course he did!
Anyone with half a brain knew that


The Trumptards have completely misunderstood the angle of the Mueller Report. It was to investigate 'criminal behavior' between Trump and the Russians, and he never 'exonerated' Trump from colluding with the Russians. The Senate report proves there was collusion between the two camps for Trump to win the election.

Trumptards remain silent.
