MovieChat Forums > Politics > 3 days and still no press questions

3 days and still no press questions

3 days and still no press question allowed.
For the THIRD day in a row, press are shuffled out of a Biden-Harris event without the chance to ask questions.

It’s not controversial to expect and demand presidential candidates answer unscripted questions from the press and everyday Americans.


Biden is still hiding in his bunker.


They have him outside or someone that looks like him reading from a script.


On the other hand, 3 days and Trump has pressers where he won't answer questions.

"Next question" is his answer - coming from a President.

Let's take him back down to the bunker for 'inspection'.


Let me ask you a question. When did you stop banging your mother?

Understand now?


Democrat media has the stories written on what their answers were before they ever ask the questions.
