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"I've done more for WOMEN than just about any President in HISTORY!" - Trump

Trump took to his toilet today, and Tweeted out this important message:

"I have done more for WOMEN than just about any President in HISTORY! As we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of women’s voting rights, we should build a BEAUTIFUL STATUE in Washington D.C. to honor the many brave women who made this possible for our GREAT COUNTRY..."

He has indeed, like:

Cheating on your new wife with a porn star after she gave birth to your third son.

Accused of sexual assault / rape by more than 20 women, including a 13 year old girl.

Grab' em by the pussy.

The list is endless for all the good he has done.


These are bad things you listed, right?

So then why do you give Clinton a pass? Not only has he cheated and been accused, he did so while in public office unlike Trump. Do you see the blatant double standard? Again, do you go out of your way to avoid the obvious, or do you just not know? Either way, it doesn't make you look good, does it?


Clinton is not the President today who's up for re-election in 80 days, and is tweeting about he's done more for women than any other President.

Can you separate a President who was in Office for two successful terms 20+ years ago, to the one who currently holds office ? Do you see the blatant bullshit you try to respond with ? Again, do you go out of you way to avoid what's happening in front of you, or do you just not know? Either way, it doesn't make you look good, does it ?

I just hope the Russian Bot Farm is paying you well to post the bullshit you keep pushing.


That's irrelevant. What is relevant is your lack of outrage for the exact same thing you bitch about with the only difference is one's a dem and the other a repub. Mind you everything you said, happened to Clinton DURING his time in public office either as Pres or as Gov.

If a dem was the Pres, you'd ignore these facts. However, I'll give you chance to condemn Clinton for his cheating and his sexual assaulting. Go ahead.

If you fail to do so, just know that you would be condoning his actions towards women just because he belongs to the party you like.


That’s irrelevant?

The Russian Farm hasn’t taught you the meaning of relevancy, has it?


I gave you the chance to condemn Clinton and you failed. You couldn't do it for the benefit of all women. To be a better person in society. To feel good about yourself. You sacrificed all of that just to protect your fragile ego and protect a person because he's a dem.

For the record, I don't condone Trump's cheating, but in the 2016 election, we already knew that's what he was. Unlike slick Willie banging Lewinsky in the oval office, did the American people vote for that? I'm sure you even condone Hillary threatening Bill's accusers with financial ruin among other things. And you condone this, just because he was a dem. That is blatant hypocrisy. How you are not shameful for being exposed to condoning the abuse of women is truly beyond me.


YOU gave me the 'chance' ?

Are you out of your mind?


You CHOSE out of your own volition to not condemn Clinton's wrongdoings to women. We know how you feel about Trump, so your double standard is proven 100%.

I did give you the opportunity to condemn Clinton's actions, but you CHOSE not to. Apparently, it isn't wrong to take advantage of women and use your position of power as long as you're a dem in your eyes. How you live with your shameless hypocrisy, is beyond me.


Clinton owned up to it and apologized to the world.
That ain’t easy to do.
Trump will never admit he’s wrong and ever appear apologetic.
This is a problem with many people


Did Clinton own up to it before or after he was caught perjuring himself? Did he own up to all the others back in Arkansas?

Again, has Trump done anything while he's been in office, yes or no?

It's a problem with many people? That's fine. They have their own opinions and they're welcome to them.


Point being Clinton fucked up and owned up to it. Trump says and does stupid shit every day and never ever comes clean.
This bothers a large percentage of the US population. it’s a turn off


Point being, Clinton apologized because he got caught, not because he’s sorry. That’s a huge difference. He didn’t fess up to women he abuse in Arkansas. All being while in public office.

Biden does and says stupid crap daily too. Why aren’t you on his case? Why isn’t the media? Double standard, innit?


Listen, Trump has been steeped in corruption since day one. He has to go!


It would appear the sandman has returned.


I think this a new Russian bot. Quite positive. Hope he's paid well.


His argument style and posts per day are too similar to be any other. First he was Quinto, then he quit and came back as Sandman, then he quit and now he's back again.

I have no problem with them changing their name once. When they keep doing it and leaving though it shows they are just here to troll.


I figured out who it is -

Remember Trevor from a few months ago ? Did a few laps in the pool and swam away. Now Trevor's back - no need to deal with him again.


I said Trevor bit he went by Travis a short while ago. My Mistake.

Took me a little searching but I found him from the past. Give him a few weeks and he'll be gone.


Do you see the blatant double standard?

If Libtards didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. 🙄


Yes, I've noticed.


He's sexually harassed more women than any other president in history, I'll give him that.


I agree, Bill Clinton was the worst. Wonder how many bj's he got in the Oral Office.


And to think repubs tried to impeach him for that perfectly legal bj.

However when Trump was out there calling Hillary crooked and a bad wife, Cowpoke McTrump was illegally paying hush money to a horse-faced porn star for their little mushroom dance in the stable when Baron was only a couple weeks old. And even though he is untouchable as president, he just had to pin it on his lawyer to fool his cult into thinking he never did it.

That's a big yikes.


Hush money during an election ? Nah.

A man's extramarital affair between two consenting adults ? Impeach !


I know right. Their whole party is more backwards than Kellyanne's marriage.
