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New national NPR/ PBS poll puts Biden 11 points ahead

A new Marist poll by NPR/PBS (Aug 4-11) has Biden leading Trump by 11 points: 53-42. 11 points ahead, with less than three months to go.

This poll was before Biden announced Harris as his running mate.

No wonder Trump shared his plans on national tv on how he plans to cheat to win.



Fix it any way you want, but the numbers are there: the impeached incumbent is trailing by 11 points, with barely 80 days to go before elections. That’s the fact.

And that is why Trump said the quiet part out loud yesterday - he told Americans how he plans to cheat in this election by interfering with mail in ballots. And republicans say nothing!



Who said I was happy or unhappy about the results? Not sure what your point is.

Is this the start of your unraveling on the forum, and you start talking gibberish? And then yo go into oblivion within a few posts?



“Foretold is forewarned”



A whole hell of a lot of people the world over will be happy about it on January 20 when they're marching Donald's fat ass out of the White House. :)


So it's a done deal, right? No chance for a Trump reelection?


Or you'll see more of this.


You're right. Only this time it will be Trumpers doing that. :)


You Trumpers sling that word around like it's a new word you discovered yesterday.


Has Trump talked about these latest poll numbers ? Probably not...


It's encouraging but nothing's set in stone. Trump could steal the election yet again.


And he's letting everyone know he's doing his best to steal it with the help of the Post Office !


I dunno man... Still too early to tell imo.

In the ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll for example, Mrs Clinton was ahead of Donald Trump by 12 points on 23 October, but that lead had narrowed to one point a week later.

Enthusiasm for Mrs Clinton had slipped slightly in that poll, with the number of her supporters who said they were very enthusiastic about her down from 51% to 47%.

Polls do tend to tighten as election day approaches anyway, but it appears news of the inquiry did have some effect on Mrs Clinton's numbers.

Anything can change following the last couple of weeks before the election. As usual, don't trust polls, vote.


Of course vote matters the most! I’m glad you posted that.


August 15th and no MJ Hegar sign to be seen. But with Texas being a wanted state they will give her time to talk at the convention.LOL
