MovieChat Forums > Politics > Let’s predict the public response to ele...

Let’s predict the public response to election...

If Trump wins:

the Democrat media/party and their lemmings will have endless 2016. Riot, commit violence, destroy property, tell lies. Like they always do when they lose.

Republicans will celebrate because of all the good things that could come from 4 more years of Trump. Like more jobs, more people having more opportunities. National security etc...

If Biden wins:

Republicans will go about their business quietly. Working, being productive members of society. Doing their best to create the life they want.

The Democrat media/party and their lemmings will have endless tantrums. Riot, commit violence, destroy property, tell lies. Basically like they always do. They only know one state. Misery and hate.

We all know what’s coming. Can’t wait for November, and the Trump tsunami.


Well let's hope that Biden wins then.
Judging by your logic, Republicans won't have to celebrate and could go on with their work and be productive members of society even earlier.
This would certainly help, because the Dems would riot, commit violence and so on either way.
So Biden winning would be a win win situation for everyone!


He is such a tool. If only he would read the nonsense he writes before submitting, he would realize what a dumbass he is.


Yeah, that scenario sounds about right to me.

Progressives definitely can’t make it through their miserable days if they aren’t constantly bitching about something, or just generally putting other people through misery.

I personally do think Trump is going to lose in November, as I’ve NEVER seen such a constant calculated collective media hit job in my life, but the Democrats (generally speaking, traditional democrats are decent, it’s the radical liberal extremists and progressives that are the nut jobs in my opinion) will find plenty of other reasons to riot and ruin everyone else’s day regardless of who wins. If they’re not making everyone as miserable as they are, they aren’t doing their job apparently.


Good post!


The OP has convinced everyone to vote for Biden to bring our nation back to a 'peaceful nation' before Trump took over. How dumb can he be ?


Exactly will happen.


Exactly when the right loses they handle it like mature adults, accept the outcome and learn from it

When the left loses they burn buildings and kill innocent people.


What happens when China says no to any repreations money. Or any free money at all.


Your just posting rational facts.

That's not fair.


Cute troll baiting. I hope this Covid shit ends soon so you guys can get back to work and stay off the internet, though something tells me you probably didn't work to begin with...


This thread may not age well... just sayin'. Leaving this here for future told ya so.

As for the Republicans if Biden wins, they'll just do what they did when Obama was in office since it's the old gang from before on both ends. Block block block and prolong until they can get a Republican president back in again. Maybe a few compromises here or there. One thing's for sure, gonna be more empty seats to fill again in limboville.

If Trump wins, more misery, scandals, violations, etc. Same stuff you're seeing right now. Actually it might be Kayne 2020.

I want Trump to promise he'll show his taxes if he wins re-election just so he can say he can't again and watch everyone suck it up while he laughs in secret.
