MovieChat Forums > Politics > WTF??? Trump wants hospitals to send a...

WTF??? Trump wants hospitals to send all CDC data directly to him, and not the CDC

Trump just ordered all hospitals and nursing homes to bypass the Center of Disease Control, and send all COVID data directly to his administration. Data includes case counts, deaths, and open ICU beds! This key data has been ordered to be sent directly to his administration, and no longer to the CDC.

This is a very brazen political move to try to keep Americans in the dark about the raging COVID 19 epidemic which is surging across America as it spreads like wildfire, just to try and boost his failing polling numbers before election. This move must be resisted - let's hope hospitals are smart enough to ignore his order, and continue to report to the CDC.


Can he even do this? This is the kind of stuff Putin and Kim do.


This is EXACTLY the stuff that Putin and Kim do.

Can't wait for the Trumptoads on this forum try and defend this (I say they ignore it).


Of course they will.


he wants to break out the sharpie


They're going to kill a lot of people unnecessarily if they do this!!




What good will this do when STATES will still RELEASE COVID data in regards to EVERY COUNTY in each state??

Unless he tries to STOP that INFO from being posted each day, it's still going to be EASY enough to COUNT each CASE and the number of DEATHS, etc.

Is this another LAME ATTEMPT to CONTROL something that he has no CONTROL over (like the case is with his trying to FORCE STATES to send KIDS back to school)???



Apparently, he wants all data collected sent to him directly - not to state officials, not to the CDC, not anywhere. Send him the info, and he promises it will be released to the public (wink, wink). Watch how fast the case numbers go down, as well as the deaths - just in time for election day!


But each COUNTY also publishes NEWS ARTICLES each day that also REPORT how many new cases it has, and how many deaths it has, etc.

So how the hell is he going to STOP the LOCAL NEWS PAPERS and the LOCAL TV STATIONS from being able to REPORT the LOCAL NEWS???

And surely each GOVERNOR of each STATE would also have people reporting to them what's going on???

Because how else can he/she GOVERN the STATE unless they know what's happening in regards to the VIRUS???

It just doesn't MAKE any sense that the SCAM MAN can CONTROL ALL of the INFORMATION in regards to the COVID VIRUS.

What's he going to do??? SUE each and every LOCAL PAPER and NEWS STATION if they don't FIRST REPORT what they know TO HIM???

The whole IDEA is just completely ABSURD !!!

Because we do also still have something called the FREEDOM of the PRESS don't we???



Because we do also still have something called the FREEDOM of the PRESS don't we???

We do today, but who knows what tomorrow will bring with this dictator.


When I checked the LOCAL STATS which contains DATA for the COUNTY, STATE, and COUNTRY, I also found this statement posted there:

Statistics provided by the CDC and WHO, which are updated regularly at noon Monday through Fridays. Numbers close out at 4pm the day before reporting.

So how the HELL is the SCAM MAN going to STOP the PRESS from getting STATS from the WHO???

If he STOPS the CDC from giving them the INFO they seek, then SIMPLY get it from the WHO.

