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Trump retweets game show host Chuck Woolery on his COVID tweets, of course

Trump took to Twitter to share the Tweets of 79 year old game show host Chuck Woolery, because if there is one person you want to go to for expert advice on COVID 19 it's Chuck Woolery.

Here's what Trump retweeted last night from Woolery:

"The most outrageous lies are the ones about Covid 19. Everyone is lying. The CDC, Media, Democrats, our Doctors, not all but most ,that we are told to trust. I think it's all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I'm sick of it."

So let's put this all into perspective, since the President of the US obviously takes Woolery's words serious enough to re-tweet and share with everyone.

The Centers for Disease Control are lying.

The scientists are lying.

The doctors are lying.

The virologists are lying.

The 3.37M confirmed infected Americans are lying.

The 137K+ dead Americans are lying.


But the hasbeen 79-year-old Love Connection/Scarbble/Wheel of Fortune guy? Yeah, HE knows what's going on. You should totally listen to him.

Donald Trump actually retweeted this, telling you not to trust the Centers for Disease Control, doctors, scientists, virologists, and instead listen to game show hosts.

Which would figure, given that the country is being run by one.


Anyone with a brain knows we have been and are still being lied to.

And Phony Fauci...I posted about him within weeks of when they started doing the Coronavirus briefings saying there's something off about him. I was correct. He's an expert at getting things wrong! He contradicted himself throughout this pandemic. I don't trust him for one second. Who's still listening to this clown? The CDC, WHO, etc. have given false information throughout this pandemic as well.
Numbers are being inflated to suit an agenda. The media is purposely putting fear into people.

Cutie pie, Chuck Woolery is right! His comments may not be coming from an "expert" view but Fauci, Birx, WHO, CDC, etc. are all a big lying JOKE!
I'm not saying it's not real or that people haven't gotten sick or died from it but they are not telling the truth on a large scale.


Anyone with a brain knows we have been and are still being lied to.

Yes, indeed - we've been lied to on a daily basis by Trump, Pence, Hannity, Pirro, Tucker, and the others from the alt-right fringe. We can throw Woolery in the heap, too. With more than 134K+ buried from this deadly virus, they will continue to say it's a hoax from the Dems to kill any chances Trump has of winning re-election.


I'm not a regular viewer of Hannity or Pirro. I'm not a big fan of Pence. Tucker I like. But ANY of them are leaps and bounds better than anyone on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc.

I'm just glad to finally hear Trump admit that Phony Fauci has gotten things wrong. But you know the saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." πŸ‘πŸ»

The rest of your usual daily narrative only deserves an eye roll.


I'm always thinking something is off about Trump.
Everytime he tries to speak in front of a camera, the result is garbage.
He should definitely stick to the written words on the paper. If read correctly he'd end up with a whole sentence.
It would be a win win for him, the suckers listening and watching and for God who wouldn't be reminded of his imperfect creation.
It must be hard to be God!


He may not be the most articulate speaker but at least you can understand him, unlike Biden or Pelosi. Neither can form a coherent sentence.


The sarcasm is strong in this one πŸ˜‚


I can admit he isn't the best speaker but are you trying to say that Biden and Pelosi are good speakers?
Should I provide links to some videos? There's plenty!
Be a little honest, would ya?


Fair enough.
I'd say Pelosi is the best of the bunch.
And she is over 80.


The only ideas Trump can convey effectively are jokes. And the only jokes he can tell are one-liners.

When Biden is off the cuff in a serious conversation, he slips up A LOT, but eventually he gets to his message. When Trump is off the cuff in a serious conversation, he rambles from topic to topic to topic to topic to topic to topic, usually ending up somewhere he did not originally intend to go. That's why intelligent people have such a difficult time listening to him. To continue along with him, you have to shut your brain off. He's only capable of staying on point when he spews his one-liners... which were yanked from the internet by Stephen Miller.


That's the difference between him and Biden.
No matter how long it takes Biden to get to his point, he eventually gets there.
Trump is deciding what to say AFTER the words leave his mouth.
This is harder. No wonder why it only sporadically makes sense and why it oftentimes seems like even Trump doesn't know how the sentence began!


Yup. Exactly.


What's up?


Not Trump's poll numbers, that's for certain. He's way behind Biden in most every poll.


Gameshow hosts and reality show hosts are my go-to sources of information on pandemics.


LOL! Apparently there are those who turn to them - they're on this forum.
