Florida registered a record 15,300+ COVID 19 cases in one day, the same weekend Disney World decided to reopen it's gates and welcome visitors (in what was described as 'chaotic' by local reporters).
Yesterday, there were 61,719 brand new cases registered in the United States.
There were 1,489 new cumulative cases in UK (820), Germany (224), Japan (410) and South Korea (35). Those four countries COMBINED have the SAME population as the US. Yet we have just under 60,300 more cases.
It's just bizarre.
When the pandemic started people of knowledge expected the US to be best prepared of all countries.
Turns out that healthcare system wasn't perfect and that politicians do matter, because of their decisions how to deal with a crisis like this.
Reopening Disney World? Are they kidding?
I wouldn't go even if it felt pretty safe. I also don't understand all the people who act like this is their last chance to go on a vacation. Aren't there more important things to think about right now? Shouldn't we think of our own and our neighbors/friends health?
Have invisible zombies sucked out their brains or is there another virus out there effecting their IQ?
What's happening?
It's the truth. As the country opens up, cases go up, just like they are in other countries but they aren't testing asymptomatic people like we are doing, which makes a yuge difference. That's why it seems like we are having such a tremendous increase in cases compared to other countries. And those increases in hospitalizations are largely because of people who were kept out of them earlier are now able to go into them to get treatment. And when Democrats encouraged and supported large gatherings of people to peacefully (aka violently) protest, it had to increase the number of those infected by the China virus. You may have noticed Democrats don't blame them at all. Apparently, the China virus supports protesting. And looting. And rioting. And taking down statues. The deaths per capita in the US is much lower than the UK, France, Italy, Spain. But if you look at just New York, it is way worse than them all. Gee, I wonder if forcing patients who tested positive for the China virus into nursing homes, where the most vulnerable people were exposed to it, had anything to do with that? And what about China? Good luck getting an honest answer from them. They lie almost as often as Dems.