MovieChat Forums > Politics > Texas hits 10,000 new cases of COVID in ...

Texas hits 10,000 new cases of COVID in one day

Texas announced they hit 10,000 new cases of COVID 19 on Tuesday (July 7), the only other two states to hit that number is NY back in April (which has now seen it's cases steadily decline over the past weeks), and Florida (which has seen it's cases surge in the past weeks, just like Texas). Texas medical officials have said the hospitals in the state are at full capacity.

Remember back in April when Trump said COVID would be over by July?



Just a couple on the border who don't ask for a persons address or if they can pay in american money.


Your best bet is take off and run like your heads on fire. Don't stay in Texas - they are predicting it's going to get much worse.


Yes 200,000 cases but Texas has 30 million people living in it.


That's still 200,000 cases too many.


And China is responsible for all of this.


They sure are! And it's a good thing Trump stopped this when it hit 15 Americans like he said he would back in the beginning, huh?

Imagine if he was inept in handling this crisis, and it spread to 3.08M today with 34,000 deaths - five months later ?

We really escaped a bullet with Trump's leadership.


As the death rate declines.


Right, nuthin to worry about


We can't hide forever. That seems to be all people want to do. At some point we have to start living our lives again as best we can. China committed what is a crime against humanity. They should be held responsible.


Contracting COVID and dying is not living life again.


Most people do not die. But if you take kids out of schools and shut down the economy, the whole country suffers. Are you from Russia?


I’m from wherever you want me to be. It’s your fantasyland, not mine. Make the most of it.


Wouldn't surprise me if you were. You seem to enjoy seeing America suffer.



Wrong again! Trump enjoys seeing Americans suffer. If he didn't, he would have taken COVID 19 seriously from day one, when he was warned. Instead he decided to dismiss it as a hoax, to ignore it for 70 days, to suggest injecting ourselves with disinfectant, etc. Then he said it would magically disappear in April, and by July it would be gone.

Because of his ineptitude in handling a crisis, America is suffering - just the way Russia wants us to.


It's a sad time in history. But still the best time compared to the past. Let's be friends and find the quickest way out of this nightmare.
No matter who you support the time has come to support each other and do whatever we can to stop the decease from spreading.
How about working together and keep the calmness still remaining!


Wasn't very long ago when some ding-dongs here were bragging how it was only Dem cities and states that were being hit hard while all those wonderful Red states were spared.
A shallow threadbare assertion in the first place, and now completely blown out of the water. Which is typical for all these hysterical wrong wingers. They say the most vicious and hateful things believing they are supported by some credible plurality, then time bears witness to how witless these assertions were.


I know. When NY was seeing records being broken each day, it was because it was a blue state. Now that Florida, Texas and Arizona are surging with record cases, not a peep from republicans.


REmember when he also DREW that LOOP on the HURRICANE WEATHER MAP with a BLACK SHARPIE PEN in an effort to COVER UP the other BIG FAT LIE he told about how the STORM was heading for ALABAMA when it WAS NOT???

The SCAM MAN is so DELUSIONAL he actually thinks other people are STUPID enough to BELIEVE whatever BS he invents as a way to try to prove he was RIGHT when he was WRONG.

Because to ADMIT he's been WRONG would also interfere with his GOD COMPLEX where he perceives himself as being some kind of a PERFECT GOD LIKE BEING who never makes mistakes or says anything wrong.

So the result is he sounds like a FKING FOOL every time he opens up his IDIOTIC MOUTH to spew forth still more NONSENSE.

And Sending KIDS back to school again (while the VIRUS is WORSE than it's ever been) is also another SHINY OBJECT that he's using as a way to try and DEFLECT ATTENTION AWAY from the BOOK that his NIECE WROTE about him.

Because as long as we discuss that matter, we're not DISCUSSING what the NIECE SAID about him.
