MovieChat Forums > Politics > Did Trump fail kindergarten?

Did Trump fail kindergarten?

It seems that is the logical explanation.


Probably. Trump has failed at everything else in his pathetic life.


I think all his supporters have failed kindergarten, too. I mean look at some of the logic (?) displayed on this forum...


Yup held back in kindergarten and dropped out after 3rd grade lol


So Hillary Clinton got destroyed by someone who dropped out after 3rd grade? LOL she's even more pathetic than I originally thought.


Hillary won the popular vote by 2.8 Million votes.


Trump supporter logic: Hillary won the popular vote by about 3 million votes cast by illegal aliens and dead people from California.


Yet the popular vote has never decided the president. Popular vote is irrelevant you’d might as well have said “but Hillary can hold her breath longer than Donald Trump”. Both are equally irrelevant in terms of the rules that were set before the election took place. By your logic she got destroyed by someone who didn’t finish third grade. That says a lot about her lack of intelligence.


No, it doesn't.
Just because someone finishes school or has a college degree doesn't have to mean that this person has to be way more intelligent than somebody who never finished school.
But at least the probability is higher.
And just because someone wins an election, it doesn't mean he/she is more intelligent than the other candidate.
Oftentimes the candidate who ends up having the majority of the voters on his/her side wins.

That's it. It's that simple. Got that?


And that would mean Hillary Clinton got destroyed by someone by the OPs assertion didn’t make it further than the third grade correct?


She got destroyed by the voters!


She wasn’t running against the voters. That’s like saying that if I’m running a race against someone and I lose that I really lost against the course or the time, it’s preposterous

I think it’s best that Hillary supporters just accept the fact that she was a bad candidate. Better luck in November , maybe Biden will work out better for you


She lost the election. That's for sure.
And there were voters who picked her because she was a female homo sapiens!
Now that's a scandal if you ask me!
And Biden isn't my candidate. I would have voted for Bernie if I was an US american.
I'm from Europe though 🌍


You would have voted for Bernie??? LOLOLOL OK man whatever you say.


The US citizens would have lived in a better country under Sanders. But of course most politicians aren't interested in that. It's all about the cash! That's the biggest problem in politics. The most vulnerable never count!


Lol right, under Sanders we would have descended even further into the economic catastrophe that Obummer started. Our economy was rebounding and prospering under Trump until Covid happened which was out of his control but still the damage to the economy wasn’t nearly as bad as it would have been under Clinton or Sanders. Also not sure how much you pay attention but liberal cities are literally burning and being taken over by domestic terrorists.


I'm following the news. It's really sad. Look, I'm not on either side and I even thought that Trump might be a good idea after he won because he wasn't a politician at least. The best thing I can say about him is he didn't start more wars and actually tried to be friends with as many as possible. Even if his tweets weren't the friendliest at times. But let's face it, he doesn't care about average Joe's family. All he is concerned about is the rich and wealthy. Sanders would have made a difference. Ask yourself why all US Americans living in Europe like it over here? European countries are all socialist. Can it be, that it is actually desirable to live in such a country and not to have to worry about healthcare and bills if you happen to lose your job? And how about 3 weeks vacation?


Totally not true, he has done more for low income families (many of them minorities) than Barack Obama ever did, his economic policies lowered African American unemployment and the number on food stamps and he increased their labor participation rates. Sanders would absolutely destroy that and would put them back on food stamps. We have a very biased media in the US, they will completely ignore people like Hillary Clinton leaving soldiers to die or Barack Obama lying about his healthcare plan and instead will call President Trump racist or something for having too many scoops of ice cream. President Trump very much does care about the average working family, the Democrats couldn't care less, all they care about is staying in power and the best way to do that is to get more people dependent on the government so they can't vote the Democrats out or else they lose their food stamps/government assistance. The Democrats demonize a very small percentage of voters so they can figuratively buy the votes of a very large group of people, it's despicable. They all like it there? I doubt you polled every single American and Europe has some great sites and is overall a fun place to visit. The basis of capitalism is that simply everyone pulls their weight and contributes which is perfectly logical, socialism demonizes the hard workers and rewards non productivity. Capitalism wants everyone to have the opportunity to work their way up to be able to live in a 3 story mansion, socialism doesn't want anyone to ever be able to live in a 3 story mansion, socialism wants everyone on food stamps.

EDIT: You might want to check your facts because there are plenty of countries in Europe that are not socialist.


Socialist from the US standpoint. The most Europeans wouldn't like real socialism! The whole society can't work their way up. Somebody has to occupy the bottom! Not everybody has the same opportunitiesin life. Some of it may be under your own control. Most of it isn't though. It's pure luck! But the rich want you to believe that fairytale. Whatever I say, I'll never convince you to overthink what you believe and that's ok. But what would Trump have to do to make you reconsider his'good intensions'?


You see that's your problem, socialism assumes that certain people are victims and cannot be any better than a certain standard which is really insulting and a very negative attitude. Capitalism provides opportunities for people to work their way up, yes some people are born into less fortunate families, life isn't fair but you can bring yourself up out of poverty, the key is though you have to be willing to work. Socialism only benefits those who are too lazy to do anything to help themselves and it provides the least amount of opportunities to the least amount of people. President Trump's policies until Covid increased wages, lowered poverty and unemployment especially in minorities demographics, they raised their standard of living and it was done through less regulation and lower taxes. The left wants to reverse that, the left wants to put everyone back on food stamps and in poverty and completely depended upon the government, they don't care about anyone, all they care about is control and division.

Capitalism is not a fairy tale, capitalism works as long as you are willing to pull your own weight. As I said some are born into poverty but capitalism provides opportunities to pull yourself out of poverty, people may not end up with the same results but they have the same opportunities.


You didn't answer my question! Pure capitalism relies on neverending growth. It never functions in the long run. Cancer works like that too. And the host dies at the end. We should really end this! It's going nowhere. Just answer my question about Trump and who is at the bottom when everyone is aiming for the stars? Illigal aliens, uneducated or those you'd refer to as the lazy folks?


Wrong, capitalism only relies on people willing to pull their weight and contribute to society. It can and does function, the US has one of the greatest economies in the world, we have one of the highest standards of living and it's because of our economic system.

As for illegals, first of all they shouldn't be in the country, they should have respected our border laws just like I'm expected to respect the border laws of every other country on planet work. I said quite clearly even if you're uneducated you still have the opportunity to pull yourself up, you start out in a low income job, work hard at it and then you get a better job, work hard at that and then you get a better job................

I said quite clearly President Trump got rid of tax increases and regulations that Obummer put in place and this allowed businesses to hire more people including low income people who were in poverty and he had repaired the economy until Covid happened but it seems it's turning out that the detriments to our economy weren't as bad as they could have been, the economy is rebounding. With President Trump everyone has been able to keep more of their hard earned money which means they are more likely to spend it which will help more people. Capitalism works, socialism just wants to keep everyone down and under government control. And furthermore the main problem with socialism is you will eventually run out of other people's money.


You didn't answer my two questions. Economic growth CAN NOT last forever. Look it up.


How do you know? Explain your position, right now all I'm hearing are baseless assertions.

And I did answer your question.


Limits of growth is a nice book. Problem is, there has to be a demand for the produced goods, growth in productivity, technological advancement, endless recources and endless money because someone has to buy the goods. It cannot work. And it never has in the past. One last question (and DON'T forget about the other two) : Do you believe global warming is real? I would really like to read your answers!


Yeah you've not demonstrated or convinced me that there is a limit on how far an economy can grow nor have you proposed any kind of solution to your alleged problem.

I explained to you clearly how capitalism and Trumps actions helped pull people out of poverty and his presidency has been for the most part flawless until Covid.

Yes global warming is happening, although the left clearly uses it as a pawn to pass their radical legislation. To them it's all about wealth redistribution. Whenever they say things like global warming is going to kill everyone within the next 10 years or so that's just hyperbole and fear mongering not based in any kind of scientific consensus.

Now I ask as question: What have you done to combat/reduce climate change? (Do you drive a hybrid? Did you insulate your house? Do you use fossil fuels? What have you done to correct economic injustices?, etc.). I need to know if you are actually serious about this or if you are just one of those people who waves their finger at others about how they are polluting the Earth when they themselves are polluting the Earth. I have to know if you actually are serious about this or if you just want to put on a false sanctimonious act and hear yourself talk.


You answered one out of three questions! Should I be like Hannibal Lecter and quid pro quo? What do I do? I don't have a car and I am 95% vegan. I haven't been on a plane for ten years. That's pretty much it. I never said I have all the answers! But what I know for sure is that I would never trust a politician wholeheartedly, no matter how good his or her words sound. I'm asking questions and try to learn something new whenever I can. No one has all the answers and this is not a competition. We are all in this together! 😀


So then you still use fossil fuels? It sounds like you're not particularly serious about this. I drive a hybrid (not often as well), I have solar panels and my house is very well insulated, I would be willing to bet my carbon footprint is lower than yours. However I’m not going to attack your lifestyle because I’m still not perfect , I just don’t want you to lecture me.


Yeah! because you kno.....He's Rich and idiot clown supporters love rich folks that live in gold houses and were already celebrities to begin with. Lol

How did he get that money??? Probably enherited it through mommy and daddy! Lol


He did inherit it. That's public knowledge.


The Pig-Man certainly acts like it, doesn't he? Daddy probably bought his grades, diplomas and degree. It would certainly explain a lot regarding this illiterate toad.


A man who failed kindergarten was able to beat Hillary Clinton?


Yes he failed kindergarten.

That's the sole reason he's a Billionaire.
