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Trump says Obamacare will be replaced with a "FAR BETTER AND MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE"

Trump went on a Twitter rant again (after another disastrous week in his Presidency) claiming "many states and the US are asking the Supreme Court that Obamacare be terminated". He promises it will be replaced with "a FAR BETTER AND MUCH LESS EXPENSIVE ALTERNATIVE".

We all know it's a lie, but you think with his experience in lying to Americans hundreds of times each day, he'd be better at it.

So the non-rhetorical question is: REPLACE THE ACA WITH WHAT ?

Where's the better plan, the legislation to replace Obamacare ???

Republicans can't show it because they don't have one. No replacement healthcare plan at all. None.

No legislation from the Republicans before the House or the Senate. Nothing.

They've been at it for decades, and still no plan. Nothing.


And this has been the republican plan all along - let people get sick and die. It will cost Republicans nothing.

Trump has already told us this was the plan by killing 127,000 Americans in the past few months and shrugging it off - telling Americans he could have let millions die.

When they say "cheaper" they mean for the INSURANCE INDUSTRY, not you.

When they say better, they mean for Wall Street, not actual healthcare. They said so.

There is NO PLAN. None.

The only plan is: Don't get sick.


Obamacare was a mistake. It ruined healthcare for millions of people and then offered worse healthcare for tens of millions more, who had to pay much more for less coverage and less options. Yes, there were some good things but overall it kinda sucks that hard working Americans can't afford decent healthcare anymore.


Please show us the plan for the 'alternative' which is cheaper and far better according to Trump. He's having trouble finding it. Millions of Americans would love to see it.


Did you find that plan yet ? Make an honest man out of Trump. Show us the plan Republicans have been working on for decades...


No, I liked my plan before Obamacare. Since then it's been the worst. There are no good plans anymore.


There are no good plans anymore.

Au contraire! Trump said the plan for the 'alternative' is cheaper and far better!

We're all waiting for him to release it...or is Trump lying to America, again ?


No, it's ruined now. Thanks to Obamacare. I don't see how it can be fixed. Thanks for that, Obama.


So Trump IS lying to Americans when he says he has a plan to replace Obamacare with something which is cheaper and far better ! Wow - thanks for clearing that up for all of us. I always suspected Trump was a you have confirmed it for all of us. Thanks!


No, I think he really hopes that will be the case. I don't think it's possible, not after the damage Obamacare has done.


What a liar Trump is !

He didn't say he hoped it would be the case - he said it is the case.


I believe he is being sincere. Just like Obama said if we like our healthcare we can keep it or that we would $7500 per family per year. Do you mean Obama lied?


I can't wait to see yr Trumpcare plan!


Nope. I was able to keep my healthcare, as did many millions of Americans. For those who didn't they need to take it up with their doctors and find out why their doctors dropped them - it wasn't Obama dropping them.

Back to Trump - he said there's an alternative health plan in place which is far cheaper and better than Obamcare, which he is trying again to repeal. If he's being sincere - where is it ? If it doesn't exist, why doesn't he tell us the truth ?


You are lucky. I don't know a single person who is not paying way more in premiums with higher deductibles and copays with less options. Everyone is trying to get away from Obamacare. I do not see how we can provide healthcare for Americans at this point. Obama destroyed the good system and put in a new one that really only helps the very wealthy and the very poor. The rest of us were screwed.


I know many hard-working, self-employed individuals who could not afford health care for themselves until Obamacare came along.

I know many college grads who found jobs with no health benefits and had to get their own - and couldn't afford to do so until Obamacare came along.

I know many hard working Americans who had some type of illness which was labeled 'chronic' by the health insurance companies, and could not afford to get health insurance until Obamacare came along.

And let us not forget the millions of working Americans who help keep the doors open at WalMarts across the country as their employees, but need to have Obamacare because a multi-billion dollar company like WalMart offers them no health insurance.

Obamacare has done exceptionally well for millions of people across America.


At what cost to others? There are still millions who don’t have insurance. At one time healthy young adults could get a great low cost hospitalization plan which covered them if they needed to be admitted. I had one back in the 80’s which also covered in office surgery. Those went away after Ocare. Many young adults past 18 living away from their parents suddenly found themselves without insurance.

Thank goodness they did away with the individual mandate, so those type plans are available. When Ocare passed it wasn’t great for young adults. If working part time they could only afford the Silver Plan which hardly covered their needs. My granddaughter needed to have 2 MRIs a year due to having brain surgery. The plan didn’t cover them. She also needed an expensive drug...the plan didn’t cover.

I recall seeing a self-employed guy who paid his workers health insurance. When Ocare passed he had one of two choices due to the enormous premium increase, either lay people off or cease paying for their health insurance. He put it to a vote. His employees chose to keep their jobs.


You got caught in the trap. He has no idea what premiums were like before Obamacare. He's making it all up.


No one should believe ANYTHING YOU POST. You go the rump-route and simply lie about everything.
I didn't like the ACA under Obama. We need simplicity, a guarantee that poor people will receive some standard of health care worthy of the largest economy in the Western world.
But a lot of people were able to secure health insurance who previously couldn't, due the creation of the ACA, and simply lying that EVERYONE's policies were worse after is so threadbare as to be laughable. And it happens on every issue with you.
You're just a stooge, a paid liar.


Yes, a lot of people were able to get healthcare at the expense of other people. How is that a good thing?


You are confusing “healthcare” with health insurance. Everyone can get healthcare in this country. I don’t know what type insurance you have which wasn’t affected by Ocare...unless your insurance already covered the “Must Have” 10 points. Millions had good health “insurance” which covered what they needed. Some healthy single working adults would just choose a basic low cost plan. Those plans went out the window when Ocare came to be. All health insurance plans have to cover maternity, pediatric care, etc. Retired people don’t need that coverage, but it was forced on us.


I’ve posted many times how Ocare screwed us royally! We had good retirement insurance with Cigna: Health, Meds, Dental, & Vision. Add what we paid Medicare monthly the total was a little over $900.00 per mo. After Justice Roberts gave us the shaft, the following year our Cigna premium plus Medicare shot up to almost $2100.00!

Hell no we couldn’t afford to pay that amount so we dropped Cigna. I then scrambled to find a good, but reasonable Medicare Supplement plus a Drug plan, a Dental plan and a Vision plan. Now we were dealing with 4 plans plus Medicare. The drug plan covered a med I needed and the premium was around $45.00 with a small deductible.

That lasted about a year. When the new premium pack came...the cost jumped to $120.00 per mo plus a $360 deductible and a co-pay! Needless to say I no longer have a drug plan. I pay out of pocket for 7 maintenance drugs and also for as needed drugs. My husband used the VA with a co-pay and out of pocket for the drugs not in the VA’s formulary.

If you read all of the above, thank you. You should be aware of what Ocare did to millions of people.

Trump cannot fix/replace Ocare. It’s beyond insurance as we knew it is gone. The damage is too great. Many physicians are now not taking Medicare or services cut, or they’ve sold their practice to a conglomerate due to all the paperwork Ocare has caused.


Not many people can afford that kind of premium hike. Especially if they are on a fixed income. What a choice! Lose your healthcare or pay through the nose. It wasn't a perfect system before but it was so much better than what we have now.


rump couldn't and wouldn't bother to fix a bicycle flat tire. You think health care can't be fixed? Let's let the next generation of bold and progressive thinking Democrats lead us away from the "invisible hand of the free market" sell out the pubs always rely on.
The US has the worst health care of any first world nation, and we can change that as long as obstructionist pubs like McConnell and and rump's SCOTUS appointees get the heck out of the way.


Trump has dug his own grave we love to see it


It really is like watching a train wreck


Trump has got to be the dumbest and ditzinest idiot to ever walk the planet.

I met 4-year-olds with Down syndrome who have better leadership skills than this clown.

Nothing would trill me more than to see him being pushed off a bridge.


I can’t believe he still has supporters. I just can’t.


Cause they're just as stupid and gullible as he is. Waste of human skin.
