4 1/2 Months left... Not looking good for Trump
Just an overall on what's been happening hasn't been good for Trump.
-Bolton book on corruption
-Can't fire trannies
-Can't end DACA
-Sign waiver he won't take responsibility if you attend his rally and possibly get infected/die from it
-COVID handling
-Protest handling
-Not saying anything about the cop getting a possible death penalty from the Rayshard shooting
-Turning republicans against him
-Military leaders distrust of him
-Won't change confederate names
-Poll trust drop
-Unemployment handling
-Twitter mod
-Facebook ads pull
The list is only growing although he did have a tiny sliver of wins be it with CHAZ/CHOP, doing a few rallies, the stocks for the well off, or just the law & order adage. Overall it's not looking good from the looks of it. This is just what is noticeable for the time being unless he pulls it together come November or if things get better but 2020 is still in the early stages of Hell atm. There will be more turmoil and chaos coming soon, just you wait.