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#TrumpIsNotWell is top trending topic on Twitter

Observers at today's West Point graduation where Trump made a complete buffoon of himself questioned the President's mental and physical health at the end of the ceremony.

Trump appeared very low-energy throughout the whole speech (in which he only bragged about himself) which first triggered some concern. Then he needed to use two hands to take sip of water - first struggling with his right hand to bring the glass to his lips, and then using his left hand to help his right hand. Later he walked very slowly and carefully down a ramp to exit the stage, with someone by his side who appears to be guiding him.

All of this was caught on video, and being repeated over and over on social media. Some viewers are guessing he had a stroke, suffering from Parkinsons, or suffering from dementia (which has been rumored for a long time).

Some of the concerns trending on Twitter:

"This is not the first time trump has needed two hands to drink water because he couldn’t get the glass to his mouth. This ataxia, along with problems with balance and gait, semantic and phonetic paraphasias, and noted deterioration in vocabulary. It’s dementia #TrumpIsNotWell"

"Hold took y'all this long to figure out #TrumpIsNotWell?! Not being able to pronounce basic words or drink water without two-hands wasn't a big enough clue? It actually took him walking like a drunk orangutan down a ramp to make people notice?!"

"Why don’t his handlers interfere and get him the assistance he requires? He’s clearly on the decline. Saw a video of him unable to control his sudden arm spasm aswell. This is the man that’s dividing the United States but can’t tilt his head back to drink water? #TrumpIsNotWell"

"#TrumpIsNotWell Don’t believe me? Listen to his speech patterns and compare with, say, 3 years ago. Still don’t believe me? Listen to his consonants. Still don’t believe me? Explain to me his thing with the water today? Still don’t believe me? Time to go to your own doctor."

"A POTUS who should be in jail
For wrecking the country to hell
Came out of his bunker,
But walked like a drunkard
It is clear Donald Trump is not well. #TrumpIsNotWell"


I would rather you say out of concern for his health. It seems all you are about is the politics. We have been down this road before, the Left constantly making hyperbolic claims that turned out to be false. Biden is the person who cannot seem to string two coherent sentences together. And there is ample video evidence to support that.


There is ample video evidence to support the fact that Trump is not well mentally - and it is believed by many medical experts he is suffering from dementia. Physically he's been off for quite a while, too - today is most obvious.

It's a disgrace the Trump supporters want to deflect to Joe Biden, and spread conspiracies about him, rather than face the facts about Trump and encourage him to seek medical help - or step down.


Oh doogie, you love teh twitters!


Not as much as Trump!


Biden has been around forever in Washington and has little to show for it. He's always been an idiot. Proof the Dems have nothing left.


Not according to Sen Lindsay Graham:


Not so hyperbolic. Trump admits he couldn't walk down the ramp in his tweet.

"The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!"

What is his excuse for not being able to take a simple sip of water with one hand instead of two?


I don't know. I don't care, either.


You don't care if the president with one finger poised on a nuclear button has dementia?

That bubble you're living in won't protect you from radioactive fallout anymore than it has protected you from Trump's pandemic or economic collapse.


Yes, that is how it works. He pushes a button. And then the world goes boom.


You belong in the bunker with Trump. Keep the world safe from both of you.


Better than having my business burned to the ground by Democrats.


Pack it all into the Bunker. Bring your ammo.


Sounds similar to Melania's response from 2018 - "I don't really care do u ?" That was in response to innocent children being locked up in cages.

I guess not caring about the health and well-being of other people runs rampant throughout the republican party - especially when it comes to children and the elderly.



It's well-known it's the wrong wing pubs who have corrupted civil discourse for the past couple of decades. Dems tried to play by the rules and had success, then pubs like Rude Newt Gingrich decided that under-handed tactics were needed if they wanted to win any more elections.
Thanks to this, now everybody hates everybody else and people lie with impunity. Unlike pubs, there are still Democratic politicians who are trying to steer us in a better direction, i.e., something closer to economic equality and (gasp!) social justice, and try to be polite about it.
The wrong wing just lies and distorts and plays to the poorly educated while knowing the rich will back them every way they can.


I only see one side burning places down.


Republicsns are burning down our republic, the rule of law and democracy.


That doesn't matter to Republicans. They don't give a rat's ass about law and democracy.


Are you this blind? The Dems are literally burning down this country, breaking laws at will, seeking to overturn the Constitution, using intimidation and violence at will to do it.


Fox had to apologize for faking photos of riots. I suggest you watch legitimate news since your propaganda shows have you seeing boogeymen where none exist.


CNN and MSNBC have done that many times. They would use video of a gun range in I think Kentucky saying it was from Syria.


You honestly don't know the difference between a legitimate news source and political commentary show?


Yes, I do. They were showing video of something that happened in Kentucky and claiming it was from Syria. Don Lemon routinely goes out of his way to opine. He is supposed to be news. What on CNN and MSNBC is news at this point? Can you name some objective journalists? No Rachel Maddow.


You obviously don't. Therefore, I would be happy to educate you. Fox, Breitbart, MSNBC, CNN, Rush Limbaugh, etc. are basically political commentary programs. Real news doesn't talk about Trump 95% of the time.

Continue to watch whatever you do, but at least add one objective news source in order to learn what is really happening without the bias. It also helps to create critical thinking skills.

What you want is a news source with high factual reporting. There are several news service agencies where newspapers and TV channels buy their news before adding their spin. Three top news service agencies are:


Associated Press

Agence France Presse

"News " commentary sources exist to make viewers angry, hateful and fearful. Objective news informs without the drama.

There's plenty of sources and I skip around a lot. There's nothing wrong with listening to news with a slight right or left viewpoint as long as factual reporting is high. Some of my favorites are foreign news reporting on American stories.

This is a great source to sample different objective news sources. They also include streaming news programs.


You are admitting you do not know the difference between news and opinion.


Welcome back, Sandstorm! We've been wondering where you were the past few months. Now you've given yourself away .


No idea what you are talking about.


Simpleton Sandy is that you? Welcome back.

Never mind my last post. Obviously, you're too simple to understand it.

Instead click here:


It sure sounds like him. He's calmed down a little (maybe his meds are working) but it sure seems like him. He was the king of twisting a post around and responding with: "You're admitting..." when no admission was made at all. It's him.


I believe you. Thanks for the alert.

Simpleton Sandy by any other username is still Simpleton Sandy.


Shut off FOX News and look again.


And? Plenty of white people stupid enough to be Democrats.


More white people stupid enough to be Trumpers.


Good. At least we believe in law and order and democracy and not mob rule.


Is that what you got from my statement?


Do you believe in law and order? Or mob rule?


Do you believe in democracy and the rule of law?


Yes, which is why I am against the Democrats. They routinely ignore laws and support mob rule.


If you believe in Democracy and the rule of law, then you have opposite beliefs of Trump and the Republican Party. You need to do your homework before you post such gibberish.


Do you support Trump blackmailing the Ukrainian president Zelensky to lie about Biden in order to help Trump win an election?

Do you believe the attorney general should help Trump's convicted friends be released from prison?

Do you believe a president is above the law therefore can commit crime at will?

Do you believe it's acceptable for the president to commit human rights violations against people based on religion, race or national origin?

Do you believe in the 1st amendment or do you consider it "mob rule"?


No. Because he didn't blackmail anyone.

I do believe we need to investigate the Russian collusion and why the FISA warrants were approved under such flimsy evidence.

Because there was no Russian collusion but the FBI and DOJ and the White House certainly wanted us to believe there was.


No. Because he didn't blackmail anyone

He got impeached for blackmailing Zelensky to lie and interfere with our election.


Yes, he was impeached but he was exonerated because there was zero evidence. Even the president of Ukraine admits there was no threat at all.


He was exonerated because republicans wouldn't give America a fair impeachment trial. They wouldn't call witnesses, wouldn't call Bolton. It was a sham hearing.

He is still impeached for blackmailing Zelensky to interfere with the 2020 election - first President to be impeached in his very first term. Celebrate!


Doggie, shouldn't you be hiding in the basement with Joe Biden?

He'd be glad to have your company. He'd sniff your hair and let you rub the hair on his legs.

In return, you could teach him how to string together several words into a coherent sentence. He'd like that!


Sorry - too busy helping Trump go down the ramp and hold his glass of water.

It was the longest, slipperiest ramp in history. Everyone is saying it. Trump heard from 30 - no 40 - thousand people already. They said, "Sir, you have the best bone spurs in history, and that was one of the longest, slipperiest ramps ever built in the history of the world." Wait - now I'm hearing 50 thousand people are saying this.

As for the glass of water, there was Vaseline all over the outside of the glass. 10,000 people have told him "That glass had the most Vaseline I've ever seen! No wonder you couldn't lift it with one hand. That was the slipperiest glass of water in the history of the world!"

After his courageous excursion to West Point, I took him back the White House where he grabbed Ivanka by her pussy and French-kissed her in front of Jared "American Psycho" Kushner, and back down to the Bunker we went for 'another inspection'.

In other news, Joe Biden is doing fine on his own - beating Trump across America, in double digits.


Doggie, shouldn't you be out protesting, looting, and burning? 💥


No, haven't gotten a call yet from Boogaloo Bois. Have you ? Do you have your pipebomb ready?

I'm still with Trump trying to get him into the Bunker. He can't stop grabbing Ivanka's pussy - and she can't stop laughing.


At first I thought this was a serious post so I wondered in and boom shocking, some TDS fool spreading shit again.


Carry on.


Ann Coulter did say Trump is an actual retard.


She did! I hope Ann Coulter makes many more TV appearances between now and November. Maybe she can talk some sense into whats left of the old Republicans (not the new Trumpublicans).



You must be the one who isn't well.
