MovieChat Forums > Politics > So Another One Was Shot And Killed Becau...

So Another One Was Shot And Killed Because He Was A Bad Dude!

Atlanta police officer shot and killed man after struggle outside Wendy's

This character grabbed the officer’s taser and attempted to use it on him. The officer fired his weapon killing the guy. Now the idiotic mayor fired the officer and the police chief resigned. The mayor said “it wasn’t a justifiable shooting”! Hmm? 🤔 Did the moronic mayor believe the best way for an outcome suitable for her would be the following: Bad guy gets taser. Bad guy manages to use taser on officer. Bad guy now has access to officer’s weapon. Bad guy then proceeds to execute the two officers! Wow!

We are at the point more and more law enforcement will have a target on their backs! We lost another officer by ambush in Santa Cruz, CA.

I imagine you BLM and Antifa supporters are jumping with joy! This is what occurs when lawlessness is permitted to run amuck! It isn’t the damn pond scum being’s our law enforcement. There should be a nation wide walk-out! Let the rats kill themselves off! There will be collateral damage of innocents, but when you put these caca for brains in office...this is the outcome.

My advice to Seattle and elsewhere is to round up the citizens of CHAZ, put them on a transport and drop ship them into Taliban territory! But, don’t forget the rioters/looters/arsonists/murderers, etc. They are useless sub-humans to society. They won’t be missed and the country can be scrubbed clean!

Edit: Changed laser to taser. Thanks to another poster for correcting me. 💁🏼‍♀️


Laser or taser? A laser sight is non lethal. Maybe if you put it in someone’s eye, but I think that’s myth.


Sorry, you got me...taser! Thanks for the correction. I will edit.🙇🏼‍♀️


No worries. If perp went for taser, that is a justified killing.



I’m sleep deprived so I continue with the errors. I ought to quit while I’m ahead. If it’s justified why did the inane mayor terminate the cop and fall over herself apologizing? 🤷🏼‍♀️ The police chief also resigned. This country has gone stark raving mad! There is a target on every cop’s back! Seriously they need to do a nation wide walk out!


When the first woman gets raped because lack of policing, the country will go back to normal.


There has been an uptick to 911 calls. Explain to me what the Minneapolis knucklehead city council plan on doing to protect people. Do they honestly think once there there are no cops...crime would disappear? It goes against every bone in my body to write this, but I hope the idiots who voted for this are the first victims of violent crimes. They deserve what will befall them!


Real talk...I just bought all my sisters pepper spray and a stun gun for my mom from Budk website. My girl and I will be spending more time at the range. I don’t really depend on police to protect me but I like knowing the females of my clan are a little safer with them around.


I conceal carry, but in MS we have open carry. I need to go to our indoor range for practice. This is mine:

I have a *laser* 😉 installed. I also have a Taurus 380 and a Beretta Bobcat with tip-up barrel to easily load the first round. I don’t have the strength to rack the Taurus and the Beretta is too heavy (steel).


That mini revolver is so cute! Lol Is that that a 6 shooter? You are packing some serious heat with your other guns.

We can’t open carry here but concealed is allowed.


It’s a 5 shot. More info:

I changed out the grip to a pink one. It’s a gal thing. 😉


*First white woman


The peaceful protests by the Left are burning Atlanta right now.


I know I’m in the Twilight Zone for sure! 😱We’ve been time traveled back 156 years (1864) 🛸🛸when the damn Yankees burned Atlanta! Oh lord, not again! I’m talkin’ southern...I just cannot type it!
The Burning Of Atlanta! “Yes, Scarlett, again!” “Well, fiddly dee! Tomorrow is another day! Excuse me while I pull the drapes down. I need a new dress!”

Just priceless!

If these are peaceful protests what in the hell does war look like? You can blame this on another liberal mayor! It was a justified shooting. She should have known what was going to happen! Stupid, idiotic woman. We now have 2 major cities where 2 moronic women mayors have ceded to the anarchists! Rioting/looting/burning/destroying/assaulting. They need to be shot for the criminals they are!

I swear, I’m a woman, but I’m beginning to think the worst thing this country did was give women the right to vote! They don’t know caca from Shinola. With them feelings is all that matters...maybe a “love fest”...Oh, Lord save us from these people!


Stupid cop overreacted and shot him. Such a racist cop. I am glad he got fired. We really need police reform. The cop should've just let the perp shoot him with the tazer then try to catch up to him and embrace him while whispering in his ear, "You did no wrong. I am sorry. Me being white was my problem that I stopped you because I didn't check my privilege." Then he should take a knee in front of the suspect and then shine his shoes and be let go. That's the true policing ways of peace for this peaceful jogger/protester. Society has kept him down for too long by the very institutions, policing, and government that are currently run by the democrats in those states so he is entitled to some free Wendy's.


Terrific “tongue in cheek” reply! I didn’t know what to think while reading the first line. But, then I choked on my coffee! 😅 👏🏻👏🏻
