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Whoops! Trump supportin' Nazi-tattooed man arrested for impersonating a Federal Officer at BLM protest

A Trump supportin' Nazi-tattooed dude was arrested for impersonating a Federal officer at a BLM protest in Las Vegas.

The man, identified as Zachary Sanns, was carrying an AR-15 rifle, a Glock pistol with extended magazines, a Taser, and pepper spray. He had served in the Marine Corps and worked as a Department of Defense contractor. Sanns is married to a Metro Police officer.

“A formidably armed man with a Nazi tattoo who tried to march alongside police at a Black Lives Matter protest in Las Vegas is facing a charge of impersonating a federal officer,” the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported Friday.

“Zachary Sanns was spotted at a rally that moved along Fremont and 7th streets late last month, wearing plain clothes, a tactical vest, a ballistic helmet and night-vision goggles, according to a federal complaint filed this week. Sanns, who faces one count of false impersonation of an officer or employee of the United States, had driven to the protest in a black Chevy Tahoe with blue lights in the grill activated, the complaint stated.”

“The manner in which this subject was dressed is nearly identical to how a plainclothes local and federal law enforcement officer would be in this situation,” the criminal complaint read. The tattoo was noticed by a photographer who attended the event for the newspaper.

All together now: 'Very fine people in the Neo-Nazi movement'.


VERY FINE people, those neo-nazis.


They are not fine people. BLM are not fine people, either.


BLM wants social justice. Neo-nazis (who support Trump) want a second civil war.


Like Trump, his cult can't distinguish between neo-Nazis and a discriminated group fighting for basic civil rights.


No, they can't. What's disgraceful is that they stick up for the neo-Nazis, and stand on the wrong side of history.


Realistically, some of them are neo-Nazis.


I doubt you even truly believe all BLM members are not fine people. If you were to talk to several members of BLM, you'd realize they are attempting to reduce the amount of unarmed black people that are killed by cops, and are attempting to get it by peacefully protesting. You'd have to be an ignoramus of the highest order to discount those BLM members exist.

Now sure, plenty of neo-nazis are nonviolent. But even the peaceful ones still desire an outcome that reduces the numbers of all races that are not white. Obviously, to get there they would need a war of some kind. But even if you discount their desire for war, it's still an outcome based on hate.

You can't afford to be this ignorant. But you probably know that, which is why you only say this stuff on an anonymous message board.


Anyone who claims to be part of BLM needs to be criticized because they are willingly part of a despicable group. I would expect the same of anyone who claims to be part of the KKK. If they are 'fine' people then they would want no part of either group.


Anyone who claims to be part of BLM needs to be criticized because they are willingly part of a despicable group.
What specifically is it about BLM that is despicable?

The problem you are having is you are disregarding the core reason why BLM exists and focusing on the bad eggs. Bad eggs exist in all groups. But when it comes to Nazism and the KKK, it's the idea behind the group that revolves around hate which makes everyone apart of it obviously hateful.

Another problem is there is no membership into BLM. It's not a real organization. Any local anarchist that wants to ruin it for BLM can say they represent BLM and have all Trumptards thinking they are legitimately BLM. The same goes for anarchists pretending to be antifa.

You can't do that with the KKK. Anyone who is part of the KKK has gone through some type of ceremony and typically belongs to a chapter. The KKK is a real organization. To be a nazi, you pretty much need a swastika that you show publicly. BLM and antifa are whoever Trumptards don't like on any given day.

For example in 2012 if a black person killed a cop, it was a black person killing a cop. Today if a black person kills a cop, it's BLM that killed a cop. Just because it's the year 2020. It's stupid.

But Trumptards need a boogieman so they have something to rally against.




You are incorrect. I have seen nothing about BLM that leads me to believe any of them are not 'bad eggs'. That goes for in person and on tv.


I didn't ask what you didn't see. I asked a very simple and direct question. You dodged it because you are as cowardly as you are ignorant.


Trump called the NeoNazis in Charlottesville 'very fine people'. Do you agree with him? Are the neonazis very fine people ?
