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Sen. Lindsay Graham Supports Biden; Condemns Trump

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) quotes:

"“You want to know how to make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell.”

"Joe Biden is as good a man as God ever created."

"Donald Trump is a “xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot.”

“Joe Biden has the empathy and proven experience to reach across the aisle and work with people.”"

A compilation of his quotes about both men will run on Fox News in the Charlotte and Greenville markets, reaching both South Carolina and the swing state of North Carolina. It will also air on Fox News in Washington, D.C. It was created by Republican Voters Against Trump.

Lindsey Graham Loves Joe Biden


This is great ! I love it !

They need to air this constantly all over the South. Can't wait for Lady Lindsay to try and sue them.


I've been sharing this advertisement everywhere ! Probably one of the best ads they have ever come out with.


The different republicans for Biden groups run powerful ads. These are among the best ads I've seen in years and they are consistently very good.


This after the Left has repeatedly attacked Graham? How convenient.


This is why you should stop referring to the center as the left. The actual left (the Bernie wing) dislikes Graham more than they dislike Trump because of Graham's warhawk neoconservatism. The center (the Hillary/Biden wing) hates Trump more than anything and will welcome Graham, Romney, Flake, Amash, any republican that wants to join because their foreign policy is pretty much the same.


I am not referring to the center as the Left.


You are though. You are referring to centrist dems as the left. Progressives are the real left wing. They dislike Graham more than they dislike Trump.

Being a centrist is how Trump was able to switch from democrat to republican so fluidly.


I am not. I am referring to the Dems. They have hated Graham since I can remember.


Then call them dems. Quit playing stupid by calling centrist dems the left.

Trump dislikes Graham because he's a neocon.
Progressives dislike Graham because he's a neocon.
Centrist dems disliked Graham because he's a republican who opposed Obama.
Centrist dems now like Graham because he's a republican who opposes Trump.

The centrist dems of the Biden wing only care about returning to the pre-Trump status quo.
The progressive dems of the Bernie wing care about changes that help the working class.

The neverTrumpers of the GOP also only care about returning to the pre-Trump status quo.
The MAGAs of the GOP only seem to care about walls, bibles, confederate monuments, nascar and mountain dew.


They all dislike him.


They all dislike Graham? Centrist dems and neverTrumpers dislike Graham? You really don't think things through before you post.


No, the Dems dislike him.

I never said anything about the Republicans.


This after Graham has consistently licked Trump's balls for the past three years. How inconvenient.


Yes, Republicans will disagree with one another. That is part of their strength and weakness. Democrats always blindly support one another. That is also a strength and weakness.


No republican has ever disagreed with Trump. They have all goose-stepped with him. Graham's head is so far up Trump's ass he can see his tonsils.

So there goes your theory.


Mitt Romney.


Mitt Romney goose steps most of the time. He's a disappointment.


Republicans and especially Trump don't consider Romney a republican - they call him a RINO. Try again.


Joe Biden. LOL

When the time comes vote for the running mate beside him. That's who will be president.


Do you mean like Dick Cheney?


Do you mean like Sara Palin?


This ad has been getting plenty of coverage all morning long today on cable news channels (except FOX, of course). Bets are now being taken on how soon Trump decapitates Graham on Twitter - it's definitely over for Graham.

This ad is going to be run continuously in Graham's home state on FOX News and FOX affiliates. Right up until election day - this is going to be great.



Now I see why people claim Miss Graham sold his soul to Donald. Miss Graham is an expert on knee pads, if nothing else.


Heads are going to roll...


Good. McDonald's orange, ugly, fat head will hopefully be among them come November 3.


Graham used to be very nice to both Hillary and Biden. I heard both of them discuss his drastic personality change in separate interviews.


He's like that weasel in any movie who double-crosses the protagonists. Thankfully, weasels always get their comeuppance.




See Raiders of the Lost Ark and Brendan Fraser version of The Mummy for good examples of this.
