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Colin Powell vs. Donald Trump

Retired four-star general Colin Powell was on CNN today, and during an interview the esteemed Republican endorsed Biden for President. He said Trump lies all the time, and has 'drifted away' from the Constitution.

Powell, who led the U.S. military during the 1991 Gulf War in Iraq under President George H.W. Bush and later headed the State Department under President George W. Bush, also said Trump is a 'danger to American democracy'. He didn't vote for Trump in 2016, and said he'd be voting for Biden this year.

In return, Trump Tweeted that Powell is 'highly over-rated' and called him a 'stiff'. I'm sure he would have told that to Powell right to his face, rather on Twitter - if he could today.

However, these days Trump is hiding in a bunker, under a fortress, behind a wall, surrounded by a newly constructed fence, and guarded by an army...because some US citizens weren't nice to him this past week.


Trump fans will write Powell off as a Deep State crisis actor or some shit.


Yes, they will turn on him in a split second. Of course, if he was endorsing and praising Trump, then they'd be praising him as well. You know how that goes.

And Trump would have never called him 'overrated' and 'stiff', had he been endorsed him. He would have welcomed the endorsement, and had nothing but kind words for him.

Yet Powell adds his name to an ever-growing list of 'true Republicans' who have said they're not supporting Trump AGAIN this year. What a shame.


Esteemed my foot! He’s the main reason we went into Iraq! He swallowed what was told to him by our allies hook, line and sinker!


We should have never ever invaded Iraq, but as far as wars go - at least Bush 43 and Powell went to war with a foreign country, and didn't declare war on America like Trump has done.


Seriously? 😱 Trump has declared war on America? When? I watch the news daily and I missed that information. I suppose we need to continue to “shelter in place” unless we are part of the rioters/looters/arsonists/murderers, and the domestic terror groups BLM and Antifa.


You're indeed missing 'the information' (aka 'real news') - stop watching FOX and OANN.

If you want to shelter in place, I heard Trump is hiring more 'bunker inspectors' so you should be fine. That's where he's hiding out these days.


Hi doggielemming welcome back. What’s this tour 4th sock account?


You are so much smarter than me when it comes to socks & trolls! I was wondering from where this newbie hatched! The vernacular seemed familiar, but the joke is on gullible me! 🙇🏼‍♀️


I was just thinking the same thing, new account, similar posting style and dislikes Trump.


Two peas in the same pod! Try as one might the persona comes through.


I would bet he has had 10 or more over the past 3 years, maybe more.





Remember when republicans had respect for the military and four-star generals ?


Yeah, always and currently! It was the other guy who proceeded him who had a dislike for the military and law enforcement. Ho hum...


You've certainly shown no respect for Colin Powell in this thread, nor have the other Trumpers. Ronnie Reagan is rolling in his grave these days - not the GOP he brought back to life.


That's not strange. Colin Powell is half black, and his loyalty lies with his race.


Didn't they all turn against him in 2008 when he endorsed Obama over McCain?


I think they did, yes. They should follow his lead, instead.


Is it pronounced colon or colin?


As insults go, that is pretty light for Trump.


He has stated he only calls himself a Republican to annoy them, and most lost respect for him years ago. It's the left-wing media who put him on a pedestal.


Powell stated this ?

Wow - I'd love to read that interview and his exact quotes where he sated this ! Please link to the interview - or to the quote itself. This should be very interesting!

