MovieChat Forums > Politics > George Floyd was in porn.

George Floyd was in porn.

No joke!


He was into drugs too but he didn't deserve to be killed.

It's horrific what happened to him but what has taken place in our country since then is even more horrific.

Because of what a few bad cops did the entire country is paying the price. If George wasn't trying to pass off a fake $20 bill he wouldn't have gotten arrested in the first place.


Maybe he didn't know it was fake. Also yeah, most porn stars are into drugs, particularly methamphetamines or other sex/party drugs.

Definitely didn't deserve to be killed. Being in porn means he was probably a pretty fun guy.



Maybe he didn't know. It happens. But there's probably a lot to this story we don't know and probably never will know because they've elevated this man. They've used him for their own purpose.


It’s come to the point they aren’t rioting over the murder of George Floyd. For several days it’s been for self gratification. It’s been for that new flat screen tv. It’s been for all they can steal/destroy...both black and white thugs! It’s been for an all out war on cops and “whitey”! It’s their culture.


It came to that point by Friday.
Floyd who?


But there's probably a lot to this story we don't know and probably never will know because they've elevated this man. They've used him for their own purpose.

The reason we will never know any more of this story is because he's dead. I'm sure that slipped your mind, as it doesn't fit the narrative for you.


4 people know.


The most important person to tell his story is dead. Again, it doesn't fit your conspiracy narrative.


No conspiracy. You really overuse that card, don't you?

He was drugged out for all we know and maybe wouldn't have remembered much. He was trying to use a $20 counterfeit bill which landed him in cuffs. Whether he knew it was counterfeit or not is unknown.
Even though the 4 cops did wrong, they still know what happened.


For 'all we know' the autopsy showed there was no drugs in his system. It wasn't proved he was trying to use a counterfeit bill. And using a counterfeit bill shouldn't lead to death. He was unarmed, and cooperative - the video doesn't lie.

Again, what your constantly spitting out is conspiracy theories from the alt-right media.


"For 'all we know' the autopsy showed there was no drugs in his system."
It also specified "other significant conditions," including fentanyl intoxication and recent methamphetamine use as well as existing heart disease.

"It wasn't proved he was trying to use a counterfeit bill."
Must be fake news then. If not that, there was another reason for his arrest.

"And using a counterfeit bill shouldn't lead to death."
Of course not. I've said this repeatedly.

"He was unarmed, and cooperative - the video doesn't lie."
As far as what we saw, that's correct. But do you also realize a guy that big and strong becomes even stronger when messed up on drugs? The one cop said they tried for 10 minutes to get him in the vehicle. 3 cops had to hold him down.
They still made a bad choice by keeping him down there that long and in that way. I'm not excusing that. It's disgusting. I told you this days ago.
Being "unarmed" doesn't mean you can't hurt someone though.

"Again, what your constantly spitting out is conspiracy theories from the alt-right media."
No, I have my own mind. You like to throw that around so points by opposing views seem invalid.


Where the evidence that proves he's on drugs?? Evidence please?


According to the autopsy report.
Fetanyl and meth.


There isn't. The family had a private autopsy done and there was no proof he was on any drugs at the time of death. It's a conspiracy theory by the alt-right, since they don't care about how he died.


So was Melania T-rump. But she doesn't look like she's having a lot of fun over the past five years - far from it.

Especially in 2018, when a hurricane named Stormy Daniels hit her marriage, and then another hurricane named Karen McDougal. Yep, she looked miserable back then and still does.

Maybe if she looks back on her lesbian porn days she may cheer up? Who knows...


Heh, I was gonna make a similar comment, asking if he did a scene with Melania. Whenever porn is mentioned on here, it's either Mel or Stormy.



He robbed a few women down here in Texas.


T-rump robbed men and women across the country.


He was never arrested for it though.


Neither was T-rump (yet) but he did have to make restitution for one of his crimes (T-rump University) which he robbed thousands of innocents.
