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Trump teargas and the Bible

A surreal moment in Washington last night when military force tear gassed a path so Trump and his posers could create a photo op in front of St Johns church.
I was waiting for our holy POTUS to start reading some scripture


he never even saw the people just the photo op what a ulta maroon


Grow up idiot.
Don't like it here? Leave.
Or even better - VOTE.
If you're actually a citizen.


Ok moron


Really. Perhaps you'd like to meet so we can work this out. I'm certain we can come to some sort of understanding.


Ok bluto


You'll understand when I'm dusting off my boots.


Let’s meet after middle school graduation in the church parking lot. Bring yr bible and I’ll eats me spinach


I'll take that as you running away.
You're a coward. Congratulations.




I dunno what you're crowing about. Run tell your thug buddies that you're a pussy lol!


Let’s meet after middle school graduation in the church parking lot. Bring yr bible and I’ll eats me spinach

This made me spit out my coffee from laughing so hard! The incel is trying hard to 'socialize' with real people, eh ?


I'll bet Trump thinks Episcopalians, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists,... Mormons... are all the same. And probably everyone else that advises him.

WHO TOLD HIM TO GO TO AN EPISCOPALIAN CHURCH? Farthest left church in the country for at least 30 years.

And I don't think that's a Bible in the photo. It looks like a hymnal or missal someone dashed inside to pick up. But none of these douchebags know anything.


St Johns is the “church of the Presidents”
Whatever that means...


First of all Trump had a right to visit The Church of the Presidents (every president has visited this church). 2nd point wherever *A* president goes the Secret Service clears the way. If it had been Obama, Bush, Clinton, et al the Secret Service would have performed their duties exactly the same. Apparently the so-called “peaceful” protesters wouldn’t clear otherwise there wouldn’t have been a need for the tear gas. The agents would have done the same thing if the protesters wouldn’t move out for an Obama visit.

You anti-Trumpers are unable to think out of your narrow box and use common sense. As much as you hate the fact Trump is POTUS, the Secret Service has to protect him. Believe it or not the agents override the president when it comes to security. Also, there are agents in the group who protected Obama...their job is to protect the POTUS no matter who it is.

Please quit picking at the scab you anti-Trumpers have created. Nit picking every little detail. It’s has got quite old!


He's a coward, first he says he's gonna bring vicious dogs out to the protestor's. Then he runs and hides in his little hiding spot like a 4year old hiding under his blanket from the monsters under his bed


The teargas story is a total lie!!!!


It is? Do you have a link so I can shove it down someone’s throat?


Just watch the video
Everything’s there


What video? But, I did read the following:

”Park Police acting Chief Gregory Monahan continued, “As many of the protestors became more combative, continued to throw projectiles, and attempted to grab officers’ weapons, officers then employed the use of smoke canisters and pepper balls. No tear gas was used by USPP officers or other assisting law enforcement partners to close the area at Lafayette Park. Subsequently, the fence was installed.”"

I’ll take the word of the Park Police.


Watch it and get back to us


Did you watch the teargas story or just read about the teargas story?


Most likely they just read about the teargas story on 'pjmedia' or 'The Federalist' or 'Daily Stormer' and believed everything. Why not? The conservative conspiracy rages only tell the truth! Don't believe what your lyin eyes are seeing in any video.


Try reading this:

As I wrote prior, I’ll take the word of the Park Police.


Both, yatzo.


Did you see Trump, gas and the Bible?
