MovieChat Forums > Politics > This forum has been dead lately

This forum has been dead lately

Where did everyone go?




Good one, Kowalski. 🀣

Personally (for this board anyway) I think it's because politics in general has become boring. It's mostly about COVID19 related topics. 😝
If I never hear COVID19 again, it'll be too soon. πŸ‘πŸ»


I might as well smash my head against the wall versus reading the vile, vicious and vacuous comments made by pro-rumpers.
The country's collective IQ drops every time I witness one of their witless messages. As corrupt and inefficient politics in the US has always been, this is a new low for our times. So I only pick a few spots to chime in with the call for real freedom and not the flag-flying, red-state, brought to us by russian bots version.


^ this, yes


thank you for your absence


The cemetery.


This board and the General Discussion board have seen a substantial increase in the number of trolls posting their inane, irritating and offensive garbage over the past few months and it has driven quite a few of the previous posters away. It's the same thing that happened to the IMDb boards in it's last years of existence. Only it has been on a much smaller scale here of course.


I wonder if some large organization with many paid trolls or a lot of automated bots is out there trying to make sure that social networking is not the catalyst for a new kind of electronic democracy. If people are not able to be controlled any more and the information that they get managed, the whole criminal world order would be threatened. That might by why the need for such a distraction of a President, not to mention his disgusting political party.


It's funny you should say that. The IMDb boards were supposedly replaced by Reddit where they can control what gets seen by voting subjects up or down and Facebook which I don't know anything about because I have never signed up to it. So as far as I can see there is nowhere on the internet that provides a place for people to get together and have straight forward conversations apart from Moviechat here which is tiny compared to the old IMDb boards.


There used to be a website called Gather.Com where you could do exactly that. You could write your own articles or comment on anyone else's, and on top of that they would pay you from advertising revenues I guess. It was great, and then it was gone.


You're right. I posted that half of twitter's 200 million tweets about covid-19 were from bots. They create misinformation, division, confusion, chaos, promote conspiracy theories and dangerous treatments. Russia and other hostile countries are interfering in elections and trying to destroy liberal democracy. I know facebook, twitter and youtube are targeted. Personally, I believe this site is too, although I'm unsure if it's large enough to be on their radar.


all those giant tech companies regularly censor, de-monetize, & de-platform dissenting opinions...whether you agree with someone or not, they should have the ability to share their opinion in what are basically public forums these days


They remove hostile posts by foreign governments which is a part of national security.

Those companies and this one are privately owned. If you don't agree with their user agreements, then don't use them.


it's not that easy, they have a monopoly on online public opinion discourse,
if someone tries using an alternative, they have no reach & barely make an imprint,

they also remove posts/videos of people with very strong ideas that don't align with their agenda


So create your own platform.


