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Trump Flips Out After Biden Ad Rips Him For Golfing Amid Growing Death Toll

A new ad from former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign rips into President Donald Trump for golfing over the weekend as the coronavirus death toll in the nation approaches 100,000.

Trump fired back with a series of tweets defending his golf as “exercise,” and slamming former President Barack Obama for also playing golf.

When Americans go to the polls in November they will remember Trump's incompetence and mishandling of the coronavirus crisis which resulted in thousands of unnecessary deaths. This will be Trump's legacy and he will lose the presidential election.


Trump played golf in January and February instead of creating a plan to prevent the spread of the virus in the country which has killed so many Americans. Other western countries have gained control because their leaders actually do work. All Trump did was to call it a hoax and say it'll be gone by April.

Now, he tells older Americans they should go out and die between his golf swings.


Remember when the Toddler-in-Chief said, "I won't have time to play golf if I'm elected president." Just one of thousands of lies told by Trump.


It's already been in campaign ads.


I'm sure Trump will pass it off by saying he's playing golf because it's time to reopen.

However that defense won't work if they use images of Trump playing golf back in February.


I;m pretty sure Obama was at the course on every Memorial day weekend.


Leave Obama out of this! His administration contained ebola, while tramp let this shit spread like wildfire!!
