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"Kill Your Grandma" Policy aka: Reopen Now Even As Death Rates Soar

Trump wants to kill your grandma. Trumpites have no problem throwing nana under the bus in order to please Trump.

Countries which have closed their economies have shown the death rates come down. They are now reopening.

New York and other states have also succesfully lowered the hospilization and death rates by closing their economies and will begin phased reopening.

Trump and some red states are too lazy to do the work needed in order to lower their own death rates. Instead, they want to open prematurely.

Trump wants to kill your grandma. The very definition of a death cult.


You would sacrifice grandma in a heartbeat if it means Trump will lose the election.


Cuomo and other Democratic governors have closed their economies in order to save grandma.

Trumpites hate their grandmas and told them to die:

"Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, who is of the opinion that old people, i.e. those most at risk, should volunteer to die to save the economy."

"Glenn Beck says older Americans should return to work: “Even if we all get sick, I would rather die than kill the country”

"In recent days, he’s (Trump) begun describing citizens as “warriors” in the battle against the pandemic and suggested some of those fighters might have to die if that will help boost the economy."

Trump's Death Cult.


Both of my grandma's have been dead for over 45 years. Do you suppose Trump killed them? Call the authorities!!!!!😱😱☠️💀👻


Such crap - just stay away from grandma. Protect the vulnerable and let everyone else get back to living.


The irony is without social distancing in effect, people will be dying.


People are dying even with social distancing. Again, protect the elderly and people with at risk conditions. The vast majority of everyone else will be OK if they catch the virus.


"The vast majority of everyone else will be OK if they catch the virus."

You don't know this because doctors don't know this.


Yes we do know. People are recovering and unless I'm mistaken the mortality rate right now is around 5.9% based only on reported cases. Who knows what the % would be if we really knew how many unreported cases there have been?

We need herd immunity because a vaccine may never be developed and effective therapeutics to prevent people from reaching a critical stage requiring hospitalization are still in development.


Doctors don't know if there is immunity nor how long it lasts. Also, a percentage of people (the young, too) are developing lingering, if not permanent health problems because the virus attacks several organs and the nervous system including the brain. While you stupidly try to get yourself infected, your idiot-in-chief protects himself by having everyone around him tested daily.

I repeat what I wrote about "herd immunity". You don't know if it's possible because the doctors don't know.


If herd immunity isn't possible, then a vaccine won't work either - basically the same thing.


You're guessing. I prefer facts based on science.

Meanwhile, Ivanka's assistant tested positive, too. Why are the Trump's allowed to test themselves and everyone around them daily? I want that same consideration for every American including myself. Test everyone!


You sound demagogic, that's like saying that Biden wants to rape your little daughter and... oh, wait! this last one could actually happen! 😄


Trump raped his wife, grabs 'em by the p****, hangs out with pedophile, supports pedophile candidates, and puts a rapist on the Supreme Court.

Trump is a degenerate too for entering a changing room when he knew underage girls were naked.


we have 3 phase to re-open but we have to reopen


Obviously, we're going to reopen. But, there's a smart way and a stupid way to do it.

Bend the curve, then open in phases. We need testing, tracking and money for the states.

Pretending all is well when it isn't won't cut it. Most people aren't going to shop if it means death, illness or they were laid-off.


im sorry But Fauci has been feeding Lies and bad intel


No worries! Trump said it was all a hoax, only one American died and he had it under control and it'll be gone by April.


March-June is enough to mitigate it dont listen Deep State Fauci who wants us to Quarantine till 2022


"March-June is enough to mitigate it"
Your opinion - not fact.

"... Deep State Fauci who wants us to Quarantine till 2022 "
Your opinion - not fact.


both are facts why do support him




Keelai wants doesnt want to want to ecnomy Keelai supports Martial Law and Dictatorships Keelai is CCP shill


No links = just your opinion.

"Keelai wants doesnt want to want to ecnomy Keelai supports Martial Law and Dictatorships Keelai is CCP shill"

What are you smoking?



Don't think in black and white. Open vs closed. No economy vs growing economy. The answer isn't so simple.

Virus deaths & contagion need to come down. That can be from a few weeks to 2-4 months. Epicenters NYC, Italy & Spain did come down. You can't overwhelm the hospital systems or people will die from heart attacks, strokes, accidents etc. along with coronavirus.

Next, countries/states open in phases - not all at once. Places which can operate safely open first. For example, a construction site is easier to open than a movie theater or school. People still need to behave prudently during the opening phase in order not to have a second wave.

This is important. The economy isn't going to bounce back 100% when places reopen for 3 reasons:
1. Corporations use recessions for lay-offs. Some furloughed workers will not be rehired.
2. Many people have no money. They're not going to rush out to spend what they don't have. Others will be cautious about spending in a economic downturn since they'll worry about being laid-off.
3. People will continue to be cautious in regard to exposure. Opening a movie theater doesn't mean people will go. Whole sectors will continue to suffer.

It could take years for the economy to recover even if everything opened all at once today.

Normal isn't going to happen anytime soon, if ever. Temperature checks before entering stores may become the new normal. Wearing masks and social distancing in public areas, too. People may always be afraid of the next epidemic/pandemic.

I believe weak leadership in DC will delay recovery, too. This is why you don't put people without government experience in charge of running a government and unfortunately, they refuse to consult with government people who are experienced.


You are FUBARed.


Do you have anything coherent to say or are you going to continue to be a troll?
